53 research outputs found

    Interaction of Low - Energy Induced Gravity with Quantized Matter and Phase Transition Induced by Curvature

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    At high energy scale the only quantum effect of any asymptotic free and asymptotically conformal invariant GUT is the trace anomaly of the energy-momentum tensor. Anomaly generates the new degree of freedom, that is propagating conformal factor. At lower energies conformal factor starts to interact with scalar field because of the violation of conformal invariance. We estimate the effect of such an interaction and find the running of the nonminimal coupling from conformal value 16\frac{1}{6} to 00. Then we discuss the possibility of the first order phase transition induced by curvature in a region close to the stable fixed point and calculate the induced values of Newtonian and cosmological constants.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex, KEK-TH-397-KEK Preprint 94-3

    One loop renormalization of the four-dimensional theory for quantum dilaton gravity.

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    We study the one loop renormalization in the most general metric-dilaton theory with the second derivative terms only. The general theory can be divided into two classes, models of one are equivalent to conformally coupled with gravity scalar field and also to general relativity with cosmological term. The models of second class have one extra degree of freedom which corresponds to dilaton. We calculate the one loop divergences for the models of second class and find that the arbitrary functions of dilaton in the starting action can be fine-tuned in such a manner that all the higher derivative counterterms disappear on shell. The only structures in both classical action and counterterms, which survive on shell, are the potential (cosmological) ones. They can be removed by renormalization of the dilaton field which acquire the nontrivial anomalous dimension, that leads to the effective running of the cosmological constant. For some of the renormalizable solutions of the theory the observable low energy value of the cosmological constant is small as compared with the Newtonian constant. We also discuss another application of our result.Comment: 21 pages, latex, no figures

    Increasing the germination percentage of a declining native orchid (Himantoglossum adriaticum) by pollen transfer and outbreeding between populations

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    The declining native orchid Himantoglossum adriaticum H. Baumann is a European endemic of priority interest (92/43/ EEC, Annex II). Northern Italian populations of H. adriaticum are small and isolated, with depressed seed set. Given the important implications for plant population conservation, we tested the hypothesis that artificial pollen transfer (hand-pollination) and outbreeding between populations increases fruit set and seed germination percentage. The background fruit set and in vitro germination rates were determined for ten reference populations. An artificial cross-pollination experiment included (a) pollen transfer from one large population to two small and isolated populations; (b) pollen transfer between two small but not isolated populations; (c) within-population pollen transfer (control). All seeds were sown on a modified Malmgren's medium and cultured in a controlled environment. Germination percentage was compared using a Kruskal-Wallis anova. The background fruit set (mean = 18%) and germination (<5%) rates were consistently low across populations. Fruit set after hand-pollination was consistently 100%. Pollen transfer from the largest population to smaller populations resulted in an increase in total germination ranging from 0.9% to 2.9%. The largest increase in germination occurred between small-sized and less isolated populations (from 1.7% to 5.1%). The results of pollen transfer between the small populations are particularly encouraging, as the mean increase in germination was almost four times that of the control. Outbreeding can be considered a valuable tool to increase genetic flow and germination in natural populations, limit the accumulation of detrimental effects on fitness driven by repeated breeding with closely-related individuals, thereby increasing the possibility of conservation of rare or endangered species

    Proximity effect in ultrathin Pb/Ag multilayers within the Cooper limit

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    We report on transport and tunneling measurements performed on ultra-thin Pb/Ag (strong coupled superconductor/normal metal) multilayers evaporated by quench condensation. The critical temperature and energy gap of the heterostructures oscillate with addition of each layer, demonstrating the validity of the Cooper limit model in the case of multilayers. We observe excellent agreement with a simple theory for samples with layer thickness larger than 30\AA . Samples with single layers thinner than 30\AA deviate from the Cooper limit theory. We suggest that this is due to the "inverse proximity effect" where the normal metal electrons improve screening in the superconducting ultrathin layer and thus enhance the critical temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Improved Effective Potential in Curved Spacetime and Quantum Matter - Higher Derivative Gravity Theory

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    \noindent{\large\bf Abstract.} We develop a general formalism to study the renormalization group (RG) improved effective potential for renormalizable gauge theories ---including matter-R2R^2-gravity--- in curved spacetime. The result is given up to quadratic terms in curvature, and one-loop effective potentials may be easiliy obtained from it. As an example, we consider scalar QED, where dimensional transmutation in curved space and the phase structure of the potential (in particular, curvature-induced phase trnasitions), are discussed. For scalar QED with higher-derivative quantum gravity (QG), we examine the influence of QG on dimensional transmutation and calculate QG corrections to the scalar-to-vector mass ratio. The phase structure of the RG-improved effective potential is also studied in this case, and the values of the induced Newton and cosmological coupling constants at the critical point are estimated. Stability of the running scalar coupling in the Yukawa theory with conformally invariant higher-derivative QG, and in the Standard Model with the same addition, is numerically analyzed. We show that, in these models, QG tends to make the scalar sector less unstable.Comment: 23 pages, Oct 17 199

    Anomalous Hopping Exponents of Ultrathin Films of Metals

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    The temperature dependence of the resistance R(T) of ultrathin quench-condensed films of Ag, Bi, Pb and Pd has been investigated. In the most resistive films, R(T)=Roexp(To/T)^x, where x=0.75. Surprisingly, the exponent x was found to be constant for a wide range of Ro and To in all four materials, possibly implying a consistent underlying conduction mechanism. The results are discussed in terms of several different models of hopping conduction.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    A switchable controlled-NOT gate in a spin-chain NMR quantum computer

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    A method of switching a controlled-NOT gate in a solid-stae NMR quantum computer is presented. Qubits of I=1/2 nuclear spins are placed periodically along a quantum spin chain (1-D antiferromagnet) having a singlet ground state with a finite spin gap to the lowest excited state caused by some quantum effect. Irradiation of a microwave tuned to the spin gap energy excites a packet of triplet magnons at a specific part of the chain where control and target qubits are involved. The packet switches on the Suhl-Nakamura interaction between the qubits, which serves as a controlled NOT gate. The qubit initialization is achieved by a qubit initializer consisting of semiconducting sheets attached to the spin chain, where spin polarizations created by the optical pumping method in the semiconductors are transferred to the spin chain. The scheme allows us to separate the initialization process from the computation, so that one can optimize the computation part without being restricted by the initialization scheme, which provides us with a wide selection of materials for a quantum computer.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Astrophysical structures from primordial quantum black holes

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    The characteristic sizes of astrophysical structures, up to the whole observed Universe, can be recovered, in principle, assuming that gravity is the overall interaction assembling systems starting from microscopic scales, whose order of magnitude is ruled by the Planck length and the related Compton wavelength. This result agrees with the absence of screening mechanisms for the gravitational interaction and could be connected to the presence of Yukawa corrections in the Newtonian potential which introduce typical interaction lengths. This result directly comes out from quantization of primordial black holes and then characteristic interaction lengths directly emerge from quantum field theory.Comment: 11 page

    Non-compact Groups, Coherent States, Relativistic Wave Equations and the Harmonic Oscillator II: Physical and Geometrical Considerations

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    The physical meaning of the particularly simple non-degenerate supermetric, introduced in the previous part by the authors, is elucidated and the possible connection with processes of topological origin in high energy physics is analyzed and discussed. New possible mechanism of the localization of the fields in a particular sector of the supermanifold is proposed and the similarity and differences with a 5-dimensional warped model are shown. The relation with gauge theories of supergravity based in the OSP(1/4)OSP(1/4) group is explicitly given and the possible original action is presented. We also show that in this non-degenerate super-model the physic states, in contrast with the basic states, are observables and can be interpreted as tomographic projections or generalized representations of operators belonging to the metaplectic group Mp(2)Mp(2). The advantage of geometrical formulations based on non-degenerate super-manifolds over degenerate ones is pointed out and the description and the analysis of some interesting aspects of the simplest Riemannian superspaces are presented from the point of view of the possible vacuum solutions.Comment: Stile of the text improved in Journa