21 research outputs found

    From incremental dentistry to the health at school program – the participation of the dental surgeon in the health promotion of schools in the municipality of Fortaleza – Ceará: Da odontologia incremental ao programa saúde na escola – a participação do cirurgião-dentista na promoção à saúde dos escolares no município de Fortaleza – Ceará

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    The School Health Program (PSE) appears as a way of working on the importance of self-care, disseminating information related to health, through a strategy of integration and permanent articulation between education and health policies and actions, with the participation of the community intersectionally involving the family health and basic education teams. The objective of this research was to analyze and verify the participation of dentists in the PSE in Fortaleza-CE. This is a quantitative, descriptive, observational, and cross-sectional study. The target population was dentists from the Family Health Strategy of the Primary Health Care Units in Fortaleza. Data collection was carried out from March to April 2021 through a structured questionnaire sent via the internet to research participants. Data were tabulated in Microsoft Excel and exported to the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software, version 20.0 for Windows, in which the analyzes were performed adopting a 95% confidence level. As a result, it was found that of the professionals who were interviewed 80.4% (n=45) were female, 98.2% (n=55) knew about the health program at school, and 57.1% (n=32) carry out the activity of surveying the number of students identified with oral health needs. The planning was carried out by 87.1% (n=49) of the participants. It is concluded that professionals have adequate knowledge about the PSE and that the vast majority carry out activities in the program, especially dentists, nurses, oral health assistants, and community health agents. Thus, strengthening the PSE becomes an excellent strategy for working with children and adolescents, seeking to implement healthy habits

    Explainability agreement between dermatologists and five visual explanations techniques in deep neural networks for melanoma AI classification

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    IntroductionThe use of deep convolutional neural networks for analyzing skin lesion images has shown promising results. The identification of skin cancer by faster and less expensive means can lead to an early diagnosis, saving lives and avoiding treatment costs. However, to implement this technology in a clinical context, it is important for specialists to understand why a certain model makes a prediction; it must be explainable. Explainability techniques can be used to highlight the patterns of interest for a prediction.MethodsOur goal was to test five different techniques: Grad-CAM, Grad-CAM++, Score-CAM, Eigen-CAM, and LIME, to analyze the agreement rate between features highlighted by the visual explanation maps to 3 important clinical criteria for melanoma classification: asymmetry, border irregularity, and color heterogeneity (ABC rule) in 100 melanoma images. Two dermatologists scored the visual maps and the clinical images using a semi-quantitative scale, and the results were compared. They also ranked their preferable techniques.ResultsWe found that the techniques had different agreement rates and acceptance. In the overall analysis, Grad-CAM showed the best total+partial agreement rate (93.6%), followed by LIME (89.8%), Grad-CAM++ (88.0%), Eigen-CAM (86.4%), and Score-CAM (84.6%). Dermatologists ranked their favorite options: Grad-CAM and Grad-CAM++, followed by Score-CAM, LIME, and Eigen-CAM.DiscussionSaliency maps are one of the few methods that can be used for visual explanations. The evaluation of explainability with humans is ideal to assess the understanding and applicability of these methods. Our results demonstrated that there is a significant agreement between clinical features used by dermatologists to diagnose melanomas and visual explanation techniques, especially Grad-Cam

    Desenvolvimento sustentável no Brasil/ Sustainable development in Brazil

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    O presente trabalho corresponde a uma pesquisa de caráter descritivo-exploratório, voltado para o desenvolvimento sustentável em seus aspectos conceituais e históricos.O principal objetivo foi refletir sobre o desenvolvimento sustentável por meio da revisão literária de caráter e método de abordagem qualitativo. Assim tendo em vista que ultimamente, as questões relativas ao meio ambiente vêm se fixando no âmbito dos grandes temas contemporâneos, a principal justificativa para sua realização foi contribuir para a construção de materiais teóricos e práticos sobre o tema. Por meio da pesquisa foi possível concluir que é nítida a preocupação e difusão do desenvolvimento sustentável para a perpetuação das espécies. É preciso que a sociedade trabalhe a sustentabilidade de maneira prática e objetiva

    Desafios emergentes: O impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 na incidência e internações por Diabetes Mellitus

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    A pandemia de COVID-19 trouxe consigo desafios sem precedentes para a saúde global, afetando não apenas os sistemas de saúde, mas também indivíduos com condições médicas crônicas, como o diabetes mellitus. A interseção entre o diabetes e a pandemia de COVID-19 tem gerado preocupações significativas, exigindo uma análise cuidadosa dos impactos dessa interação na saúde pública e no manejo clínico do diabetes. Dessa forma, O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a influência da pandemia de COVID-19 nas internações causadas por Diabetes mellitus no Brasil, no período de 2019 a 2023. Este é um estudo de séries temporais, que usou dados do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares (SIH) do DATASUS. Essa fonte abrangente oferece uma visão detalhada das internações causadas por Diabetes mellitus no Brasil. Através desse estudo, demostramos uma redução de 5,6% nas internações causadas por diabetes mellitus durante a pandemia, com o sudeste sendo responsável pela maioria das internações e custos hospitalares. Além disso, identificamos que homens, pardos, com idade entre 60 a 69 anos, foram os principais afetados. As informações sobre internações hospitalares causadas pelo diabetes mellitus são cruciais para informar políticas de saúde, melhorar a qualidade dos cuidados e reduzir o ônus pessoal e econômico associado a essa doença crônica. A implementação de estratégias eficazes de prevenção e manejo do diabetes é essencial para reduzir as taxas de hospitalização e melhorar os resultados de saúde para os pacientes afetados

    Migrant Civil Society: Ten Propositions for Discussion

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    migrant, civil society, global, mexico, asia, Comparative Politics, Other International and Area Studies

    La sociedad civil migrante: Diez tesis para el debate

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    Latin American Studies, Social and Behavioral Sciences