489 research outputs found

    Characterization and BMP Tests of Liquid Substrates for High-rate Anaerobic Digestion

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    This work was focused on the physicochemical characterization and biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests of some liquid organic substrates, to verify if they were suitable for undergoing a process of high-velocity anaerobic digestion. The selected substrates were: first and second cheese whey, organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) leachate, condensate water and slaughterhouse liquid waste. Firstly, a physicochemical characterization was performed, using traditional and macromolecular parameters; then, batch anaerobic tests were carried out, and some continuous tests were planned. The results revealed that all the analyzed substrates have a potential to be anaerobically treated. Valuable information about treatment rate for a high-velocity anaerobic digestion process was obtained. Start-up of a lab-scale UASB reactor, treating diluted cheese whey, was successfully achieved with good COD removal efficiency. These preliminary results are expected to be further investigated in a successive phase, where continuous tests will be conducted on condensate water and OFMSW leachate. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Potential of Ceria-Based Catalysts for the Oxidation of Landfill Leachate by Heterogeneous Fenton Process

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    In this study, ceria and ceria-zirconia solid solutions were tested as catalyst for the treatment of landfill leachate with a Fenton-like process. The catalysts considered in this work were pure ceria and ceria-zirconia solid solutions as well as iron-doped samples. All the catalysts were extensively characterized and applied in batch Fenton-like reactions by a close batch system, the COD (chemical oxygen demand) and TOC (total organic carbon) parameters were carried out before and after the treatments in order to assay oxidative abatement. Results show a measurable improvement of the TOC and COD abatement using ceria-based catalysts in Fenton-like process and the best result was achieved for iron-doped ceria-zirconia solid solution. Our outcomes point out that heterogeneous Fenton technique could be effectively used for the treatment of landfill leachate and it is worth to be the object of further investigations

    Automated calibration of the EPA-SWMM model for a small suburban catchment using PEST: a case study

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    Rainfall-runoff models must be calibrated and validated before they can be used for urban stormwater management. Manual calibration is very difficult and time-consuming due to the large number of model parameters that must be estimated concurrently. Automatic calibration offers as a promising alternative, ideally supporting a user-independent and time-efficient approach to model parameters estimation. In this article, we test the use of a state-of-the-art standard package (PEST, Parameter ESTimation, http://www.pesthomepage.org/) for the automatic calibration of a rainfall-runoff EPA-SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) model developed for a small suburban catchment. Results reported in the paper demonstrate that the performance of automatically calibrated models still depends on a number of user-dependent choices (the level of catchment discretization, the selection of significant parameters, the optimization techniques adopted). Through a systematic analysis of the results, we try to identify the guidelines for the effective use of automatic calibration procedures based on modeling assumptions and target of the analysis

    An Approach to the Simulation of a Batch-respirometer

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    Dynamic models in activated sludge processes have demonstrated to be a reliable and useful instrument in design and management of wastewater treatment plants. The biochemical nature of the processes involved the models which need a specific calibration to local conditions. A common method to determine kinetic and stoichiometric parameters of the biomass or wastewater/sludge fractionations is respirometry. Theoretically, nearly all biomass parameters and fractions can be estimated by respirometry, but a lot of difficulties rise when some parameters, such as saturation and hydrolysis rate constants, have to be drawn from experimental data. The aim of our work is the setting up of a simple method to calibrate Activated Sludge Model No. 1 applying traditional batch respirometric tests together with dynamic simulations of the respirometer itself

    Treatment of Landfill Leachate by H2O2 Promoted Wet Air Oxidation: COD-AOX Reduction, Biodegradability Enhancement and Comparison with a Fenton-type Oxidation

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    Treatment experiments of a landfill leachate were performed by wet air oxidation (WAO) with the addition of H2O2 (as free radical promoter), and a Fenton-type (at pH ≈ 7) process, in order to compare COD (chemical oxygen demand) and AOX (adsorbable organic halogen) reduction as well as biodegradability enhancement measured by OUR respirometric parameter. The WAO reactions were performed in a batch reactor at various temperatures in the range of T = 430-500 K employing a concentration of c = 0.88 mol L–1 of H2O2. The same H2O2 concentration was used in the Fenton-type-pH ≈ 7 experimental session considering H2O2/Fe(II) mole ratios of 5, 10 and 15. Similar results were obtained in COD abatement but appreciably different performance in AOX removal and biodegradability enhancement was observed. A comparison between the treatment trials brought to the evidence that Fenton-Type-pH ≈ 7 process has poor performance in biodegradability enhancement, diversely the H2O2 promoted WAO get to better performances even at mild temperature. This process could be considered as advantageous solution in landfill leachate pre-treatment when the main objectives are COD and AOX degradation together with the biodegradability enhancement for final treatment in common biological aerobic wastewater treatment plants

    Psychobiological evidence of the stress resilience fostering properties of a cosmetic routine

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    Everyday life psychosocial stressors contribute to poor health and disease vulnerabilty. Means alternative to pharmacotherapy that are able to foster stress resilience are more and more under the magnifying glass of biomedical research. The aim of this study was to test stress resilience fostering properties of the self-administration of a cosmetic product enriched with essential oils. On day 0, fourty women, 25-50 years old, self-administered both the enriched cosmetic product (ECP) and a placebo one (PCP). Then, women were randomized for daily self-administration (from day 1 to 28) of either ECP

    Levels of Human Erythrocyte Membrane-Bound and Cytosolic Glycohydrolases Are Associated with Oxidative Stress in Erectile Dysfunction Patients

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    Oxidative stress (OS) and production of NO, by endothelium nitric oxide synthetase (eNOS), are involved in the pathophysiology of erectile dysfunction (ED). Moreover, OS induces modifications of the physicochemical properties of erythrocyte (RBC) plasma membranes and of the enzyme content of the same membranes. Due to their role in signalling early membrane alterations in OS-related pathologies, several plasma membrane and cytosolic glycohydrolases of human RBC have been proposed as new markers of cellular OS. In RBC, NOS can be activated and deactivated by phosphorylation/glycosylation. In this regulatory mechanism O-\u3b2-N-AcetylGlucosaminidase is a key enzyme. Cellular levels of O-GlcNAcylated proteins are related to OS; consequently dysfunctional eNOS O-GlcNAcylation seems to have a crucial role in ED. To elucidate the possible association between RBC glycohydrolases and OS, plasma hydroperoxides and antioxidant total defenses (Lag-time), cytosolic O-\u3b2-N-AcetylGlucosaminidase, cytosolic and membrane Hexosaminidase, membrane \u3b2-D-Glucuronidase, and \u3b1-D-Glucosidase have been studied in 39 ED patients and 30 controls. In ED subjects hydroperoxides and plasma membrane glycohydrolases activities are significantly increased whereas Lag-time values and cytosolic glycohydrolases activities are significantly decreased. These data confirm the strong OS status in ED patients, the role of the studied glycohydrolases as early OS biomarker and suggest their possible use as specific marker of ED patients, particularly in those undergoing nutritional/pharmacological antioxidant therapy

    TĂ©cnicas microscĂłpicas aplicadas na identificação e localização de bactĂ©rias fixadoras de nitrogĂȘnio e biomacromolĂ©culas em tecidos vegetais.

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    Preparo de amostras de tecidos vegetais para microscopia. Fixadores. Resinas. Corantes/Contrastantes. Ultramicrotomia. AplicaçÔes com o microscĂłpio de luz. Microscopia de campo escuro, contraste de fase e interferĂȘncia. Outras tĂ©cnicas de microscĂłpia Ăłtica e video-microscopia. AplicaçÔes ao microscopio eletrĂŽnico. A imunologia e a microscopia.bitstream/CNPAB-2010/27241/1/doc050.pd
