766 research outputs found

    Derepression of a Neuronal Inhibitor due to miRNA Dysregulation in a Schizophrenia-Related Microdeletion

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    Summary22q11.2 microdeletions result in specific cognitive deficits and schizophrenia. Analysis of Df(16)A+/− mice, which model this microdeletion, revealed abnormalities in the formation of neuronal dendrites and spines, as well as altered brain microRNAs. Here, we show a drastic reduction of miR-185, which resides within the 22q11.2 locus, to levels more than expected by a hemizygous deletion, and we demonstrate that this reduction alters dendritic and spine development. miR-185 represses, through an evolutionarily conserved target site, a previously unknown inhibitor of these processes that resides in the Golgi apparatus and shows higher prenatal brain expression. Sustained derepression of this inhibitor after birth represents the most robust transcriptional disturbance in the brains of Df(16)A+/− mice and results in structural alterations in the hippocampus. Reduction of miR-185 also has milder age- and region-specific effects on the expression of some Golgi-related genes. Our findings illuminate the contribution of microRNAs in psychiatric disorders and cognitive dysfunction

    Investigation of femtosecond laser induced ripple formation on copper for varying incident angle

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    The hydrodynamic mechanisms associated with the formation of femtosecond laser induced ripples on copper for two angles of incidence are reported. Laser pulse length used for this work is 35 fs. A revised two-temperature model is presented that comprises transient changes of optical characteristics during the irradiation with femtosecond pulses to model relaxation processes and thermal response in bulk copper. The theoretical model takes into account the fluid flow dynamics that result in ripple periods shorter than the wavelength of the surface plasmon polaritons. Theoretical and experimental results are reported for incident angles of 0°and 45° relative to the surface normal. There is agreement between the experimentally measured and the theoretically predicted ripple periodicity for 50 pulses at 0° incidence. By contrast, for 100 pulses at 0° incidence, and 50 and 100 pulses at 45° incidence, the experimentally measured ripples have a larger period than the one predicted by the model while the trends in period with increased incident angle, and increased fluence are in agreement between the experimental and the theoretical results

    Unraveling the formation dynamics of metallic femtosecond laser induced periodic surface structures

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    Femtosecond laser surface processing (FLSP) is an emerging fabrication technique to efficiently control the surface morphology of many types of materials including metals. However, the theoretical understanding of the FLSP formation dynamics is not a trivial task, since it involves the interaction of various physical processes (electromagnetic, thermal, fluid dynamics) and remains relatively unexplored. In this work, we tackle this problem and present rigorous theoretical results relevant to low-fluence FLSP that accurately match the outcomes of an experimental campaign focused on the formation dynamics of laser induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) on stainless steel. More specifically, the topology and maximum depth of LIPSS trenches are theoretically and experimentally investigated as a function of the number of laser pulses. Moreover, precise LIPSS morphology measurements are performed using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The proposed comprehensive simulation study is based on two-temperature model (TTM) non-equilibrium thermal simulations coupled with fluid dynamic computations to capture the melting metal phase occurring during FLSP. Our rigorous simulation results are found to be in excellent agreement with the AFM measurements. The presented theoretical framework to model FLSP under low-fluence femtosecond laser pulses will be beneficial to various emerging applications of LIPSS on metallic surfaces, such as cooling high-powered laser diodes and controlling the thermal emission or absorption of metals

    Growth mechanisms of multiscale, mound-like surface structures on titanium by femtosecond laser processing

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    Femtosecond laser surface processing (FLSP) can be used to functionalize many surfaces, imparting specialized properties such as increased broadband optical absorption or superhydrophobicity/- hydrophilicity. In this study, the subsurface microstructure of a series of mound-like FLSP structures formed on commercially pure titanium using five combinations of laser fluence and cumulative pulse counts was studied. Using a dual beam Scanning Electron Microscope with a Focused Ion Beam, the subsurface microstructure for each FLSP structure type was revealed by cross-sectioning. The microstructure of the mounds formed using the lowest fluence value consists of the original Ti grains. This is evidence that preferential laser ablation is the primary formation mechanism. However, the underlying microstructure of mounds produced using higher fluence values was composed of a distinct smaller-grained a-Ti region adjacent to the original larger Ti grains remaining deeper beneath the surface. This layer was attributed to resolidification of molten Ti from the hydrodynamic Marangoni effect driven fluid flow of molten Ti, which is the result of the femtosecond pulse interaction with the material

    Growth mechanisms of multiscale, mound-like surface structures on titanium by femtosecond laser processing

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    Femtosecond laser surface processing (FLSP) can be used to functionalize many surfaces, imparting specialized properties such as increased broadband optical absorption or superhydrophobicity/- hydrophilicity. In this study, the subsurface microstructure of a series of mound-like FLSP structures formed on commercially pure titanium using five combinations of laser fluence and cumulative pulse counts was studied. Using a dual beam Scanning Electron Microscope with a Focused Ion Beam, the subsurface microstructure for each FLSP structure type was revealed by cross-sectioning. The microstructure of the mounds formed using the lowest fluence value consists of the original Ti grains. This is evidence that preferential laser ablation is the primary formation mechanism. However, the underlying microstructure of mounds produced using higher fluence values was composed of a distinct smaller-grained a-Ti region adjacent to the original larger Ti grains remaining deeper beneath the surface. This layer was attributed to resolidification of molten Ti from the hydrodynamic Marangoni effect driven fluid flow of molten Ti, which is the result of the femtosecond pulse interaction with the material

    Micro/nanostructures formation by femtosecond laser surface processing on amorphous and polycrystalline Ni60Nb40

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    Femtosecond laser surface processing is a technology that can be used to functionalize many surfaces, imparting specialized properties such as increased broadband optical absorption or superhydrophilicity/superhydrophobicity. In this study, two unique classes of surface structures, below surface growth (BSG) and above surface growth (ASG) mounds, were formed by femtosecond laser surface processing on amorphous and polycrystalline Ni60Nb40 with two different grain sizes. Cross sectional imaging of these mounds revealed thermal evidence of the unique formation processes for each class of surface structure. BSG mounds formed on all three substrates using the same laser parameters had similar surface morphology. The microstructures in the mounds were unaltered compared with the substrate before laser processing, suggesting their formation was dominated by preferential valley ablation. ASG mounds had similar morphology when formed on the polycrystalline Ni60Nb40 substrates with 100 nm and 2 [H9262]m grain size. However, the ASG mounds had significantly wider diameter and higher peak-to-valley heights when the substrate was amorphous Ni60Nb40. Hydrodynamic melting was primarily responsible for ASG mound formation. On amorphous Ni60Nb40 substrates, the ASG mounds are most likely larger due to lower thermal diffusivity. There was clear difference in growth mechanism of femtosecond laser processed BSG and ASG mounds, and grain size does not appear to be a factor

    Thrombophilia and abdominal vessel thrombosis in a Greek University hospital: A five year experience

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    Thrombophilia, either congenital or acquired, has foremost consequences in the abdominal vessels. We review here the cases of patients admitted with abdominal vessel thrombosis over a five-year period. Our data focused on gender and age at diagnosis, site of thrombosis, previous thromboembolic events, underlying conditions, and family history. Investigations included measurement of protein C, protein S, activated PC resistance, and antithrombin, and screening for factor V Leiden, prothrombin G20210A, the C677T variant of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene, and V617F JAK2 mutation, r lupus anticoagulant, antiphospholipid antibodies and paroxysmal nocturnal hemospherinouria, and also serum folate, vitamin 12, and total homocysteine concentrations. Twenty-nine patients were admitted and 18 of their family members also underwent the same thrombophilia investigations. Eighteen patients (62.1%) presented with portal vein thrombosis (PVT), five patients (17.2%) with mesenteric vein thrombosis (MVT), four patients (13.8%) with splenic vein thrombosis (SVT), and two (6.9%) patients with hepatic vein thrombosis (HVT). There was a high incidence of congenital thrombophilia (37.9%), acquired thrombophilic conditions (27.6%), or both (20.7%). Sixteen of 18 patients with PVT, four of five patients with MVT, all four patients with SVT, and one of two patients with HVT had one or more thrombophilic risk factors. In 13.8% of the patients no underlying condition was identified. We concluded that thrombophilia may have major implications in the pathogenesis of abdominal vessel thrombosis in adult life, and a thorough thrombophilia investigation should be performed in all these patients
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