9 research outputs found

    A New Floor for the Silenced?: Congolese Hip-Hop in Belgium

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.13185/ST2013.01105Contrary to most other former metropoles, Belgian postcolonial memory does not provoke much turmoil. It is dominated by white narratives, which highlight Congolese gratitude and nostalgia. This article questions this discourse by analyzing hip-hop songs of Congolese artists in Belgium. Many songs deal with the urban context, but the colonial past has recently also become a major topic. Hip-hop songs give voice to hybridity and frustration, criticizing both Belgians and Congolese. Simultaneously, they reveal a great deal of ignorance among Congolese immigrants about their country’s history, for which both Congolese parents and Belgian society are blamed. All in all, hip-hop artists denounce the neglect of the Congolese voice in postcolonial memory

    The Quest for Transnational Authority, the Anti-Apartheid Movements of the European Community

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    The Quest for Transnational Authority. The Anti-Apartheid Movements of the European Community The anti-apartheid movement has been widely recognized as an important global actor in the second half of the twentieth century. This article makes a contribution to recent efforts to understand anti-apartheid as a transnational social movement. Its primary focus lies with the anti-apartheid organizations in the countries of the European Community (ec) and their attempts to influence the decision making of their national governments. The ec process of foreign policy cooperation, it is argued, offered a serious constraint to lobbying activities geared at the national level. Antiapartheid organizations therefore felt compelled to coordinate their activities at a transnational level. This culminated in the creation of the Liaison Group of National Anti-Apartheid Movements in the Countries of the European Community.La quête de l’autorité transnationale. Les mouvements anti-apartheid dans la Communauté européenne Le mouvement anti-apartheid est largement reconnu comme un acteur mondial important dans la seconde moitié du xxe siècle. Cet article étudie ce mouvement en tant que mouvement social transnational. L’accent est mis sur les organisations anti-apartheid dans les pays de la Communauté européenne et leurs tentatives pour influencer les décisions de leurs gouvernements nationaux. D’après l’auteur, le processus de coopération européenne concernant la politique étrangère entravait le lobbying à l’échelon national. Par conséquent, les organisations anti-apartheid se sentaient obligées de coordonner leurs activités au niveau transnational. Cela a abouti à la création du Groupe de liaison des mouvements nationaux anti-apartheid dans les pays de la Communauté européenne.De zoektocht naar transnationaal gezag. De anti-apartheidsbewegingen in de Europese Gemeenschap De anti-apartheidsbeweging is wijd erkend als een belangrijke mondiale actor uit de tweede helft van de twintigste eeuw. Dit artikel levert een bijdrage tot recente inspanningen om anti-apartheid te begrijpen als een transnationale sociale beweging. De aandacht gaat vooral naar de anti-apartheidsorganisaties in de landen van de Europese Gemeenschap (eg) en hun pogingen om het besluitvormingsproces van nationale overheden te beïnvloeden. Het eg-proces van samenwerking rond buitenlands beleid, zo wordt betoogd, vormde een ernstige beperking op lobbyactiviteiten die gericht waren op het nationale niveau. Anti-apartheidsorganisaties voelden zich dan ook genoodzaakt om hun activiteiten op een transnationaal niveau te coördineren. Dit bereikte een hoogtepunt met de oprichting van de Liaison Group of National Anti-Apartheid Movements in the Countries of the European Community.Goedertier Wouter. The Quest for Transnational Authority, the Anti-Apartheid Movements of the European Community. In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, tome 89, fasc. 3-4, 2011. pp. 1249-1276

    Prosthetic joint infection due to Mycobacterium bovis 5-years after BCG-instillations

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    The Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) has been used as intravesical immunotherapy for superficial urothelial bladder carcinoma in preventing its recurrence. Prosthetic joint infections due to those instillations are very rare and few practitioners know this side effect.We report the case of a 77-year old male with a medical history of right hip replacement and superficial urothelial bladder carcinoma treated with BCG-instillations. He presented with a painful hip joint and extreme difficulty at walking. Because of high suspicion of prosthetic joint infection, a 2-stage arthroplasty was performed. Microbiological culture revealed Mycobacterium bovis so he was kept on antituberculous therapy for twelve months. Remarkable is the delay between the instillations and the acquisition of the prosthetic joint infection. A medical history of BCG instillations should warrant the practitioner for a possible joint infection. There are no current guidelines concerning the therapy

    A new floor for the silenced? Congolese hip-hop in Belgium

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    status: publishe