60 research outputs found

    Downregulation of Fzd6 and Cthrc1 and upregulation of olfactory receptors and protocadherins by dietary beta-carotene in lungs of Bcmo1-/- mice.

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    An ongoing controversy exists on beneficial versus harmful effects of high beta-carotene (BC) intake, especially for the lung. To elucidate potential mechanisms, we studied effects of BC on lung gene expression. We used a beta-carotene 15,15'-monooxygenase 1 (Bcmo1) knockout mouse (Bcmo1-/-) model, unable to convert BC to retinoids, and wild-type mice (Bcmo1+/+) mice to dissect the effects of intact BC from effects of BC metabolites. As expected, BC supplementation resulted in a higher BC accumulation in lungs of Bcmo1-/- mice than in lungs of Bcmo1+/+ mice. Whole mouse genome transcriptome analysis on lung tissue revealed that more genes were regulated in Bcmo1-/- mice than Bcmo1+/+ mice upon BC supplementation. Frizzled homolog 6 (Fzd6) and collagen triple helix repeat containing 1 (Cthrc1) were significantly downregulated (fold changes -2.99 and -2.60, respectively, false discovery rate <0.05) by BC in Bcmo1-/-. Moreover, many olfactory receptors and many members of the protocadherin family were upregulated. Since both olfactory receptors and protocadherins have an important function in sensory nerves and Fzd6 and Cthrc1 are important in stem cell development, we hypothesize that BC might have an effect on the highly innervated pulmonary neuroendocrine cell (PNEC) cluster. PNECs are highly associated with sensory nerves and are important cells in the control of stem cells. A role for BC in the innervated PNEC cluster might be of particular importance in smoke-induced carcinogenesis since PNEC-derived lung cancer is highly associated with tobacco smoke

    Downregulation of Fzd6 and Cthrc1 and upregulation of olfactory receptors and protocadherins by dietary beta-carotene in lungs of Bcmo1-/- mice.

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    An ongoing controversy exists on beneficial versus harmful effects of high beta-carotene (BC) intake, especially for the lung. To elucidate potential mechanisms, we studied effects of BC on lung gene expression. We used a beta-carotene 15,15'-monooxygenase 1 (Bcmo1) knockout mouse (Bcmo1-/-) model, unable to convert BC to retinoids, and wild-type mice (Bcmo1+/+) mice to dissect the effects of intact BC from effects of BC metabolites. As expected, BC supplementation resulted in a higher BC accumulation in lungs of Bcmo1-/- mice than in lungs of Bcmo1+/+ mice. Whole mouse genome transcriptome analysis on lung tissue revealed that more genes were regulated in Bcmo1-/- mice than Bcmo1+/+ mice upon BC supplementation. Frizzled homolog 6 (Fzd6) and collagen triple helix repeat containing 1 (Cthrc1) were significantly downregulated (fold changes -2.99 and -2.60, respectively, false discovery rate <0.05) by BC in Bcmo1-/-. Moreover, many olfactory receptors and many members of the protocadherin family were upregulated. Since both olfactory receptors and protocadherins have an important function in sensory nerves and Fzd6 and Cthrc1 are important in stem cell development, we hypothesize that BC might have an effect on the highly innervated pulmonary neuroendocrine cell (PNEC) cluster. PNECs are highly associated with sensory nerves and are important cells in the control of stem cells. A role for BC in the innervated PNEC cluster might be of particular importance in smoke-induced carcinogenesis since PNEC-derived lung cancer is highly associated with tobacco smoke

    DNA from Nails for Genetic Analyses in Large-Scale Epidemiologic Studies

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    BACKGROUND: Nails contain genomic DNA that can be used for genetic analyses, which is attractive for large epidemiologic studies that have collected or are planning to collect nail clippings. Study participants will more readily participate in a study when asked to provide nail samples than when asked to provide a blood sample. In addition, nails are easy and cheap to obtain and store compared with other tissues. METHODS: We describe our findings on toenail DNA in terms of yield, quality, genotyping a limited set of SNPs with the Sequenom MassARRAY iPLEX platform and high-density genotyping with the Illumina HumanCytoSNP_FFPE-12 DNA array (>262,000 markers). We discuss our findings together with other studies on nail DNA and we compare nails and other frequently used tissue samples as DNA sources. RESULTS: Although nail DNA is considerably degraded, genotyping a limited set of SNPs with the Sequenom MassARRAY iPLEX platform (average sample call rate, 97.1%) and high-density genotyping with the Illumina HumanCytoSNP_FFPE chip (average sample call rate, 93.8%) were successful. CONCLUSIONS: Nails are a suitable source of DNA for genotyping in large-scale epidemiologic studies, provided that methods are used that are suitable or optimized for degraded DNA. For genotyping through (next generation) sequencing where DNA degradation is less of an issue, nails may be an even more attractive DNA source, because it surpasses other sources in terms of ease and costs of obtaining and storing the samples. IMPACT: It is worthwhile to consider nails as a source of DNA for genotyping in large-scale epidemiologic studies. See all the articles in this CEBP Focus section, "Biomarkers, Biospecimens, and New Technologies in Molecular Epidemiology." Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev; 23(12); 2703-12. (c)2014 AACR

    Prevalence of at-risk genotypes for genotoxic effects decreases with age in a randomly selected population in Flanders: a cross sectional study

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    Background: We hypothesized that in Flanders (Belgium), the prevalence of at-risk genotypes for genotoxic effects decreases with age due to morbidity and mortality resulting from chronic diseases. Rather than polymorphisms in single genes, the interaction of multiple genetic polymorphisms in low penetrance genes involved in genotoxic effects might be of relevance. Methods: Genotyping was performed on 399 randomly selected adults (aged 50-65) and on 442 randomly selected adolescents. Based on their involvement in processes relevant to genotoxicity, 28 low penetrance polymorphisms affecting the phenotype in 19 genes were selected (xenobiotic metabolism, oxidative stress defense and DNA repair, respectively 13, 6 and 9 polymorphisms). Polymorphisms which, based on available literature, could not clearly be categorized a priori as leading to an 'increased risk' or a 'protective effect' were excluded. Results: The mean number of risk alleles for all investigated polymorphisms was found to be lower in the 'elderly' (17.0 +/- 2.9) than the 'adolescent' (17.6 +/- 3.1) subpopulation (P = 0.002). These results were not affected by gender nor smoking. The prevalence of a high (> 17 = median) number of risk alleles was less frequent in the 'elderly' (40.6%) than the 'adolescent' (51.4%) subpopulation (P = 0.002). In particular for phase II enzymes, the mean number of risk alleles was lower in the 'elderly' (4.3 +/- 1.6) than the 'adolescent' age group (4.8 +/- 1.9) P 4 = median) number of risk alleles was less frequent in the 'elderly' (41.3%) than the adolescent subpopulation (56.3%, P 8 = median) number of risk alleles for DNA repair enzyme-coding genes was lower in the 'elderly' (37,3%) than the 'adolescent' subpopulation (45.6%, P = 0.017). Conclusions: These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that, in Flanders, the prevalence of at-risk alleles in genes involved in genotoxic effects decreases with age, suggesting that persons carrying a higher number of at risk alleles (especially in phase II xenobiotic-metabolizing or DNA repair genes) are at a higher risk of morbidity and mortality from chronic diseases. Our findings also suggest that, regarding risk of disease associated with low penetrance polymorphisms, multiple polymorphisms should be taken into account, rather than single ones

    Biological markers for exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

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    Coal tar therapy. Is it carcinogenic?

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    Coal tar therapy. Is it carcinogenic? van Schooten FJ, Godschalk R. Department of Health Risk Analysis and Toxicology, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands. [email protected] Epidemiological studies indicate that occupational exposure to coal tar may lead to an increased risk of lung, scrotum and skin cancer. Furthermore, studies with laboratory rodents show carcinogenicity of coal tar after dermal application. This effect may be attributable to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), which are ubiquitous coal tar constituents. Absorbed PAH can be metabolised to reactive derivatives that bind to DNA. These PAH-DNA binding products are thought to be involved in PAH-induced carcinogenesis. However, no clearly increased skin cancer incidences have been reported in psoriasis patients who have been exposed to therapeutically high doses of coal tar. To determine whether patients treated with coal tar actually have an altered risk of cutaneous malignancies, we suggest that further controlled studies and experiments are necessary. Future research should also focus on the possibility of increased risks of developing internal malignancie

    A critical evaluation of DNA adducts as biological markers for human exposure to polycyclic aromatic compounds

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    A critical evaluation of DNA adducts as biological markers for human exposure to polycyclic aromatic compounds. Godschalk RW, Van Schooten FJ, Bartsch H. Department of Health Risk Analysis and Toxicology, University of Maastricht, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands. [email protected] The causative role of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in human carcinogenesis is undisputed. Measurements of PAH-DNA adduct levels in easily accessible white blood cells therefore represent useful early endpoints in exposure intervention or chemoprevention studies. The successful applicability of DNA adducts as early endpoints depends on several criteria: i. adduct levels in easily accessible surrogate tissues should reflect adduct levels in target-tissues, ii. toxicokinetics and the temporal relevance should be properly defined. iii. sources of interand intra-individual variability must be known and controllable, and finally iv. adduct analyses must have advantages as compared to other markers of PAHexposure. In general, higher DNA adduct levels or a higher proportion of subjects with detectable DNA adduct levels were found in exposed individuals as compared with nonexposed subjects, but saturation may occur at high exposures. Furthermore, DNA adduct levels varied according to changes in exposure, for example smoking cessation resulted in lower DNA adduct levels and adduct levels paralleled seasonal variations of air-pollution. Intraindividual variation during continuous exposure was low over a short period of time (weeks), but varied significantly when longer time periods (months) were investigated. Inter-individual variation is currently only partly explained by genetic polymorphisms in genes involved in PAH-metabolism and deserves further investigation. DNA adduct measurements may have three advantages over traditional exposure assessment: i. they can smooth the extreme variability in exposure which is typical for environmental toxicants and may integrate exposure over a longer period of time. Therefore, DNA adduct assessment may reduce the monitoring effort. ii. biological monitoring of DNA adducts accounts for all exposure routes. iii. DNA adducts may account for inter-individual differences in uptake, elimination, distribution, metabolism and repair amongst exposed individuals. In conclusion, there is now a sufficiently large scientific basis to justify the application of DNA adduct measurements as biomarkers in exposure assessment and intervention studies. Their use in risk-assessment, however, requires further investigatio
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