1,034 research outputs found

    "Can Goldilocks Survive?"

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    Growing government budget surpluses combined with growing trade deficits have generated record private sector deficits. Unless households continue to reduce their saving--creating an increasingly unsustainable debt burden--the impetus that has driven the expansion will evaporate.

    Stonefruits have a future

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    Over the 10 year period from 1966/67 to 1975/76, stonefruit production has not greatly expanded. The area planted has declined and the number of young, non-bearing trees also has declined. Trends in the price ofsdtonefriut for the past decsde have revealed no real improvement on local or export markets but it is unlikely that these trends will continue. While costs will continue to rise, profitability of stonefruit is likely to be helped by cost saving techniques. Mechanical equipment changes and changes to management techniques will mean reduced management costs

    Can Goldilocks Survive?

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    Low cost filter for trickle irrigation

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    CLEAR water is essential for a successful trickle irrigation scheme. Most water sources are not sufficiently clean and some form of filtration is necessary


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    The effect of biologging devices on reproduction, growth and survival of adult sea turtles

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    This is the final version. Available from BMC via the DOI in this record.The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.Background Telemetry and biologging systems, ‘tracking’ hereafter, have been instrumental in meeting the challenges associated with studying the ecology and behaviour of cryptic, wide-ranging marine mega-vertebrates. Over recent decades, globally, sea turtle tracking has increased exponentially, across species and life-stages, despite a paucity of studies investigating the effects of such devices on study animals. Indeed, such studies are key to informing whether data collected are unbiased and, whether derived estimates can be considered typical of the population at large. Methods Here, using a 26-year individual-based monitoring dataset on sympatric green (Chelonia mydas) and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) turtles, we provide the first analysis of the effects of device attachment on reproduction, growth and survival of nesting females. Results We found no significant difference in growth and reproductive correlates between tracked and non-tracked females in the years following device attachment. Similarly, when comparing pre- and post-tracking data, we found no significant difference in the reproductive correlates of tracked females for either species or significant carry-over effects of device attachment on reproductive correlates in green turtles. The latter was not investigated for loggerhead turtles due to small sample size. Finally, we found no significant effects of device attachment on return rates or survival of tracked females for either species. Conclusion While there were no significant detrimental effects of device attachment on adult sea turtles in this region, our study highlights the need for other similar studies elsewhere and the value of long-term individual-based monitoring

    Extending Minsky's Classifications of Fragility to Government and the Open Economy

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    Minsky's classification of fragility according to hedge, speculative, and Ponzi positions is well-known. He wrote about fragile positions of individual firms and of the economy as a whole, with the economy transitioning naturally from a robust financial structure (dominated by hedge units) to a fragile structure (dominated by speculative units). In most of Minsky's writing, he introduced government through its impact on the private sector with its spending and balance sheet operations as stabilizing forces (although he insisted that stability is ultimately destabilizing). On a few occasions he also analyzed the government's own balance sheet position. More rarely, Minsky extended his analysis to the open economy, examining the fragility of external debt positions. In these works, he analyzed the United States as the world's bank and discussed the impact of various U.S. balance sheet positions on the rest of the world. This paper will carefully examine Minsky's position on these topics, and will offer an extension of Minsky's work. It will also examine the sustainability of the current twin U.S. deficits

    Quality and Severity of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms among African American Elders

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    Lack of population-based data on lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) among African American men represents a significant gap in understanding. This study examined LUTS among a racially over-sampled, mixed urban/rural, elderly cohort of African Americans and whites in the South to discern whether racial differences exist in the prevalence, severity, and associated risk factors of LUTS. Longitudinal analyses using generalized estimating equations (GEE) were conducted on the 1994–1998 EPESE dataset for 5 North Carolina counties. In 1994, the analytic cohort included 482 African Americans and 407 whites; by 1998, 249 and 222, respectively. In 1994, 49.4% of African Americans reported LUTS compared to 56.8% of whites. By 1998, percentages increased to 60.6% and 70.3%, respectively. LUTS was associated with being African American, married, having poor health status and disability, delaying care quite often, being in a nursing home or in a rural area, and having a male physician

    Pink Lady & Sundowner apples

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    This bulletin summaries for all Australian growers the present technical information concerning Pink Lady and Sundownerhttps://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/bulletins/1273/thumbnail.jp

    Fiscal Policy in a Stock-Flow Consistent (SFC) Model

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    This paper deploys a simple stock-flow consistent (SFC) model in order to examine various contentions regarding fiscal and monetary policy. It follows from the model that if the fiscal stance is not set in the appropriate fashionthat is, at a well-defined level and growth ratethen full employment and low inflation will not be achieved in a sustainable way. We also show that fiscal policy on its own could achieve both full employment and a target rate of inflation. Finally, we arrive at two unconventional conclusions: first, that an economy (described within an SFC framework) with a real rate of interest net of taxes that exceeds the real growth rate will not generate explosive interest flows, even when the government is not targeting primary surpluses; and, second, that it cannot be assumed that a debtor country requires a trade surplus if interest payments on debt are not to explode
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