2,154 research outputs found

    The effect of minority carrier mobility variations on the performance of high voltage silicon solar cells

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    A multistep diffusion processing schedule is described which allows the attainment of high open circuit voltages in 0.1 ohm/cm silicon cells. The schedule consists of a deep primary diffusion, followed by an acid etch of emmitter surface which is then followed by a shallow secondary diffusion. A correlation is made between the observed voltage increases and the time of primary diffusion. Results indicate that as the primary diffusion time increases, the voltage rises monotonically

    Gallium arsenide solar cell efficiency: Problems and potential

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    Under ideal conditions the GaAs solar cell should be able to operate at an AMO efficiency exceeding 27 percent, whereas to date the best measured efficiencies barely exceed 19 percent. Of more concern is the fact that there has been no improvement in the past half decade, despite the expenditure of considerable effort. State-of-the-art GaAs efficiency is analyzed in an attempt to determine the feasibility of improving on the status quo. The possible gains to be had in the planar cell. An attempt is also made to predict the efficiency levels that could be achieved with a grating geometry. Both the N-base and the P-base BaAs cells in their planar configurations have the potential to operate at AMO efficiencies between 23 and 24 percent. For the former the enabling technology is essentially in hand, while for the latter the problem of passivating the emitter surface remains to be solved. In the dot grating configuration, P-base efficiencies approaching 26 percent are possible with minor improvements in existing technology. N-base grating cell efficiencies comparable to those predicted for the P-base cell are achievable if the N surface can be sufficiently passivated

    The effect of diffusion induced lattice stress on the open-circuit voltage in silicon solar cells

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    It is demonstrated that diffusion induced stresses in low resistivity silicon solar cells can significantly reduce both the open-circuit voltage and collection efficiency. The degradation mechanism involves stress induced changes in both the minority carrier mobility and the diffusion length. Thermal recovery characteristics indicate that the stresses are relieved at higher temperatures by divacancy flow (silicon self diffusion). The level of residual stress in as-fabricated cells was found to be negligible in the cells tested

    High efficiency silicon solar cell review

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    An overview is presented of the current research and development efforts to improve the performance of the silicon solar cell. The 24 papers presented reviewed experimental and analytic modeling work which emphasizes the improvment of conversion efficiency and the reduction of manufacturing costs. A summary is given of the round-table discussion, in which the near- and far-term directions of future efficiency improvements were discussed

    The effect of minority carrier mobility variations on solar cell spectral response

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    Analysis of multistep diffused, high voltage 0.1 ohm-cm solar cells suggests that the increased voltage capability of these cells is correlated with localized variations in the base minority carrier mobility. An attempt to calculate the behavior of those cells revealed unexpected results. It is shown, contrary to what was expected, that spatial variations in the mobility effects severe changes in the short-circuit current and the spectral response. Variations in cell output as a result of imposing abrupt, linear, and exponential mobility variations are presented

    The drift field model applied to the lithium-containing silicon solar cell

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    The drift field model used by Wolf to calculate the short-circuit current was extended to permit calculations of the open-circuit voltage and the maximum power under conditions of illumination of either tungsten (2800 C) source or AMO sunlight. Voltages were calculated using an expression for the drift field diode saturation current derived here. The model, applied to the oxygen rich (C-13 group) lithium solar cells, was used to calculate the pre-and post-electron bombardment trends for lithium gradients in the range of 10 to the 18th power to 10 to the 19th power Li/cm to the 4th power. Published experimental data characterizing these cells were used to tailor the model. The calculated trends are in reasonable agreement with the empirical data of Faith. Diffusion length degradation and carrier removal effects were sufficient to predict the cell performance up to 3 x 10 to the 14th power e/sq cm. Beyond this fluence it was necessary to include drift field removal effects

    Low-high junction theory applied to solar cells

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    Recent use of alloying techniques for rear contact formation has yielded a new kind of silicon solar cell, the back surface field (BSF) cell, with abnormally high open circuit voltage and improved radiation resistance. Several analytical models for open circuit voltage based on the reverse saturation current are formulated to explain these observations. The zero SRV case of the conventional cell model, the drift field model, and the low-high junction (LHJ) model can predict the experimental trends. The LHJ model applies the theory of the low-high junction and is considered to reflect a more realistic view of cell fabrication. This model can predict the experimental trends observed for BSF cells. Detailed descriptions and derivations for the models are included. The correspondences between them are discussed. This modeling suggests that the meaning of minority carrier diffusion length measured in BSF cells be reexamined

    Effects of high doping levels silicon solar cell performance

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    The significance of the heavy doping effects (HDE) on the open-circuit voltage of silicon solar cells is assessed. Voltage calculations based on diffusion theory are modified to include the first order features of the HDE. Comparisions of the open-circuit voltage measured for cells of various base resistivities are made with those calculated using the diffusion model with and without the HDE. Results indicate that the observed variation of voltage with base resistivity is predicted by these effects. A maximum efficiency of 19% (AM0) and a voltage of 0.7 volts are calculated for 0.1 omega-cm cells assuming an optimum diffused layer impurity profile

    Voltage controlling mechanisms in low resistivity silicon solar cells: A unified approach

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    An experimental technique capable of resolving the dark saturation current into its base and emitter components is used as the basis of an analysis in which the voltage limiting mechanisms were determined for a variety of high voltage, low resistivity silicon solar cells. The cells studied include the University of Florida hi-low emitter cell, the NASA and the COMSAT multi-step diffused cells, the Spire Corporation ion-implanted emitter cell, and the University of New South Wales MINMIS and MINP cells. The results proved to be, in general, at variance with prior expectations. Most surprising was the finding that the MINP and the MINMIS voltage improvements are due, to a considerable extent, to a previously unrecognized optimization of the base component of the saturation current. This result is substantiated by an independent analysis of the material used to fabricate these devices

    Experimental investigation of the excess charge and time constant of minority carriers in the thin diffused layer of 0.1 ohm-cm silicon solar cells

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    An experimental method is presented that can be used to interpret the relative roles of bandgap narrowing and recombination processes in the diffused layer. This method involves measuring the device time constant by open-circuit voltage decay and the base region diffusion length by X-ray excitation. A unique illuminated diode method is used to obtain the diode saturation current. These data are interpreted using a simple model to determine individually the minority carrier lifetime and the excess charge. These parameters are then used to infer the relative importance of bandgap narrowing and recombination processes in the diffused layer