6 research outputs found

    Precariat : next stage of development or violence legitimated?

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    The authors discuss issues related to the phenomenon of precariat, its nature and consequences for the labor market, also pointing to the institutional sources of the precariat

    Drafting the employment law and its relations to social policy

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    Labour law is constantly subject to the process of change. This is because the social and economic conditions are constantly changing. The multitude of factors affecting the shape of change causes difficulties in determining how the labour law should look like and to whom it should serve. Labour law can be treated as an instrument of social policy only to a limited extent - in the framework of semiimperative norms

    Discrimination on the basis of some parental rights. New tasks for the legislative bodies in the light of Directive 2019/1158

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    Artykuł dotyczy problemów wdrożenia dyrektywy 2019/1158 w sprawie równowagi między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym rodziców i opiekunów, której przepisy już w sierpniu 2022 roku będą musiały znaleźć odzwierciedlenie w polskich przepisach prawa pracy. Nie chodzi wyłącznie o obligatoryjne wydłużenie części urlopów z przeznaczeniem dla drugiego rodzica, ale również o wprowadzenie nowej podstawy dyskryminacyjnej oraz przeformułowanie dotychczas istniejących przepisów dotyczących uprawnień rodzicielskich. Warto także zauważyć, że dyrektywa 1158/19 rozszerza sferę opieki nad innymi niż dzieci osobami zależnymi lub przejściowo zależnymi.The article concerns the problems of implementing Directive 2019/1158, the provisions of which will have to be reflected in Polish labour regulations already in August 2022. It is not only about the obligatory extension of some leaves for the other parent, but also about introducing a new discriminatory basis and reformulating the existing provisions on parental rights. It is also worth noting that Directive 2019/1158 extends the sphere of care over dependent or temporarily dependent persons other than children

    Does care matter – The Principles of The Polish Labor Law versus Care Practices

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    In recent years, the interest in supporting working parents has become a more and more popular motivator for companies. Employers notice that introducing work-life balance support strategies may be crucial to the development of an organization by the better access to skilled employees who require some flexibility in working conditions due to their caring responsibilities. Therefore, they do not limit themselves only to the fulfilment of obligations under the law, but grant additional rights to caregivers and the children themselves. Because although, as a rule, in the Polish legal system, the care of employees is regulated by the Labour Code and other acts, various forms of supporting care may also be provided in corporate sources of labour law, collective agreements, work regulations, and other documents. The principle of satisfying the living, social and cultural needs of employees expressed in Article 16 of the Labour Code is interpreted most often as an axiological basis for the functioning of the company's social benefits fund, while the content of Article 16 of the Labour Code should be understood as an instrument of social and employment policy, especially in the context of supporting parenthood. Further research is recommended on this principle, which is essential for the content of the labour law

    Du droit coopératif et de l’emploi social à l’économie sociale et solidaire en Pologne

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    Ces dernières années, dans de nombreux pays, dont la Pologne, la crise de l’État-providence a permis d’observer l’importance croissante des politiques sociales actives, dont les caractéristiques sont la réduction des transferts sociaux passifs en faveur d’un soutien conditionné par la participation des bénéficiaires à divers programmes d’activation, axé sur l’emploi ou la reconstruction de l’employabilité, et utilisant le potentiel de divers types d’institutions non publiques dans la gestion des programmes de réinsertion sociale et professionnelle. Cet article présente l’évolution du concept de l’économie sociale en Pologne, de l’intégration sociale et professionnelle dans l’économie solidaire, l’examen de la législation qui régit le fonctionnement de l’économie sociale et solidaire en Pologne, ainsi qu’une discussion du potentiel de l’ESS dans le domaine de l’intégration sociale et professionnelle des personnes à risque d’exclusion sociale.In recent years, in many countries, including Poland, as a result of the traditional welfare state crisis, we have been able to observe the growing importance of the concept of active social policies, the characteristic features of which are the reduction of passive social transfers in favor of introducing support conditioned by recipients participating in various activation programs, focusing on employment or rebuilding employability, and using the potential of various types of non-public institutions in running social and professional reintegration programs. The article presents the development of the concept of the social economy in Poland from social and professional integration to the solidarity economy; review of the legislation that regulates the functioning of SSBE in Poland; and a discussion of the potential of SSBE in the field of social and professional integration of people at risk of social exclusion