818 research outputs found

    Mapping the moral compass : the relationships between in-house lawyers' role, professional orientations, team cultures, organisational pressures, ethical infrastructure and ethical inclination

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    This is a survey of 400 in-house lawyers working in public, third and commercial sectors. We set out here the findings at the highest level. A number of organisations assisted with the distribution of the survey. This report provides a unique profile of real differences within the in-house community. We examine individual and team orientations to the in-house role; the invocation of professional principles; and ethical infrastructure, ethical pressure and relationships with the employer. We relate these to externally validated indicators of ethical inclination: (i) moral attentiveness (the extent to which people deal with problems as moral problems and the extent to which people identify moral problems); and (ii) moral disengagement (the extent to which people are inclined to morally disengage to behave unethically without feeling distress). It is as rich a picture of what it means to be an ethical inhouse lawyer as has ever been attempted. A more detailed summary and discussion of our findings is found in the final chapter of the main report for those who would like to know more but do not have the appetite or time to read the whole report. Through this research we profile the characteristics of individuals, teams and environments most associated with a stronger or weaker inclination to behave ethically. It is important to emphasise that this mapping of the 'moral compass' of in-house lawyers shows that ethicality is associated with individual and professional notions of the in-house role but also with team orientations and the broader organisational environment. Ethicality is both a systemic and individual phenomenon. We think the systemic lesson is important: there is too much emphasis in legal circles on thinking that ethics is about being the right sort of individual. That kind of thinking is complacent and dangerous. As we show here, individuals, systems and cultures mesh together in meaningful and measurable ways to increase or reduce ethical risk. As numerous corporate scandals have shown, such ethical risk puts individual lawyers at risk of professional misconduct but it also encourages poor quality decision-making for the organisations that employ in-house lawyers: short-termism and sharp practice can lead to catastrophic error

    Biodiversity associated to a floating wetland island in a freshwater pond

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    Floating wetland islands (FWI) are considered nature-based solutions that can be applied in different water bodies, such as lakes and rivers, in order to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services. They are recognized to promote local biodiversity, aesthetic integration and provide water quality enhancement through phytoremediation processes, although research is still needed to go deeper on the processes underlying the performance of these systems. The aim of this study was to assess de biodiversity associated to a FWI made of cork agglomerate, set up in 2018 in a freshwater pond. A polyculture comprising the plant species Iris germanica, Acorus gramineus, Caltha palustris, and Typha latifolia was considered. The culturable bacterial communities associated to the floating platform biofilm and to the plant rhizosphere were analyzed. The bacterial isolates were identified by 16S rRNA and characterized for their ability to produce plant growth promoting substances (e.g., indole-acetic acid, siderophores). The diversity of macroinvertebrates associated to FWI was also assessed. Water analysis of the pond were conducted. Preliminary data shows that there is a high bacterial diversity associated to this system and the ability to produce plant growth promoting substances has been shown. The bacterial strains with outstanding growth promoting traits can be used in the future to support phytoremediation strategies or plant resilience to climate change abiotic stresses. Regarding the biodiversity of macroinvertebrates associated with FWI they were mainly from the order Odonata. The FWI attracted mainly individuals of the genus Coenagrion (represented more than 80% of the fauna). These systems had proven to be a hotspot of biodiversity supporting water management plans and landscape and aesthetics integration. This study gives new insights into broadening the FWI applications in freshwater or polluted water.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Shear-induced lamellar ionic liquid-crystal foam

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    n a recent paper we reported an experimental study of two N-alkylimidazolium salts. These ionic compounds exhibit liquid crystalline behaviour with melting points above 50 degrees C in bulk. However, if they are sheared, a (possibly non-equilibrium) lamellar phase forms at room temperature. Upon shearing a thin film of the material between microscope slides, textures were observed that are strikingly similar to liquid (wet) foams. The images obtained from polarising optical microscopy (POM) were found to share many of the known quantitative properties of a two-dimensional foam coarsening process. Here we report an experimental study of this foam using a shearing system coupled with POM. The structure and evolution of the foam are investigated through the image analysis of time sequences of micrographs obtained for well-controlled sets of physical parameters (sample thickness, shear rate and temperature). In particular, we find that there is a threshold shear rate below which no foam can form. Above this threshold, a steady-state foam pattern is obtained where the mean cell area generally decreases with increasing shear rate. Furthermore, the steady-state internal cell angles and distribution of the cell number of sides deviate from their equilibrium (i.e. zero-shear) values

    Evaluation of an experimental setup to analyse the intermaxillary relation in surfers

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    High incidence of mixed DNA and RNA virus infections in common bean in Central Brazil.

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    During the winter crop season in 2016 a very high incidence of viruslike symptoms of mosaic, leaf curling and deformation, and plant dwarfing was reported by farmers in central areas of Brazil. Bean plants were collected in commercial farms in Luziânia, Cristalina and experimental plots in Goiânia and Brasília

    Estimativa de custo de produção de arroz, em áreas velhas, na região de Vilhena, Rondônia, safra 2008/2009.

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma estimativa dos custos: fixo, variável e total da cultura do arroz, em área velha, para a região de cerrado rondoniense, especificamente Vilhena, principal município produtor, objetivando subsidiar tomada de decisões do produtor.bitstream/CPAF-RO-2010/14548/1/343-arroz.pd

    Estimativa de custo de produção de arroz, em áreas velhas, na região de Cerejeiras, RO, safra 2008/2009.

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma estimativa dos custos: fixo, variável e total da cultura do arroz, em área velha, para a região de cerrado rondoniense, especificamente Vilhena, principal município produtor, objetivando subsidiar tomada de decisões do produtor.bitstream/CPAF-RO-2010/14549/1/344-arroz.pd

    Estimativa de custo de produção de soja, em plantio direto, na região de Cerejeiras, Rondônia, safra 2006/2007.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar os custos: fixo, variável e total da cultura de soja, em plantio direto para a região de Cerejeiras.bitstream/CPAF-RO-2009-09/12212/1/cot326_sojaplantiodireto.pd

    Estimativa de custo de produção de milho safrinha, em plantio direto, na região de Vilhena, Rondônia, safra 2008/09.

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma estimativa dos custos: fixo, variável e total da cultura de milho safrinha, em plantio direto, para a região de cerrado rondoniense, especificamente Vilhena, principal município produtor, objetivando subsidiar tomada de decisões do produtor.bitstream/CPAF-RO-2010/14555/1/347-milho.pd

    Estimativa de custo de produção de arroz de terras altas, na região de Cerejeiras, RO, safra 2006/2007.

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    Apresenta-se neste trabalho uma estimativa dos custos fixo, variável e total da cultura para terras altas, em plantio convencional, para a região de Cerejeiras. Objetiva-se subsidiar tomada de decisões do produtor, pois as estimativas anteriores eram baseadas nas condições de Vilhena, cujas características de solo e os canais de comercialização alteram os custos.bitstream/CPAF-RO-2009-09/12209/1/cot325_arrozdeterrasaltas.pd
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