31 research outputs found


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    Renewing the Budget: Recommendations for Louisiana’s Renewable Energy Tax Credit

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    Long-term operation of energy systems is a complex optimization task. Often, such long-term operational optimizations are solved by direct decomposing the problem into smaller subproblems. However, direct decomposition is not possible for problems with time-coupling constraints and variables. Such time-coupling is common in energy systems, e.g., due to peak power prices and (seasonal) energy storage. To efficiently solve coupled long-term operational optimization problems, we propose a time-series decomposition method. The proposed method calculates lower and upper bounds to obtain a feasible solution of the original problem with known quality. We compute lower bounds by the Branch-and-Cut algorithm. For the upper bound, we decompose complicating constraints and variables into smaller subproblems. The solution of these subproblems are recombined to obtain a feasible solution for the long-term operational optimization. To tighten the upper bound, we iteratively decrease the number of subproblems. In a case study for an industrial energy system, we show that the proposed time-series decomposition method converges fast, outperforming a commercial state-of-the-art solver

    Research trends in combinatorial optimization

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    Acknowledgments This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities through the project COGDRIVE (DPI2017-86915-C3-3-R). In this context, we would also like to thank the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Open access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Proportional Apportionment for Connected Coalitions

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