4 research outputs found


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    The Actuality of the proposed research is caused by the facts that the rapid development of market relations in the Latvian economy and a high level of life in the “old countries” of the European Union affect the outlook of the majority of young people in Latvia. There is a tendency to reduce the motivation   for obtaining fundamental education by giving preference to acquisition of certain professional skills allowed to get ‘quick money”. The Object of the research is the transformation process of students’ beliefs, values, competences, experience during their lifelong learning. The Aim of the research in to analyze the influence of lifelong education   on the transformation of students’ beliefs, values, competences and experience. The Methods of the research are the following: 1.theoretical methods: the theoretical analysis of the scientific literature on the given problem; 2.quantitative methods: questionnaires; 3.the empirical analysis of the survey’s answers given by students of Latvian higher and vocational schools about the transformation of their beliefs, values, competences, experience during the process of lifelong learning. The Baltic International Academy (Riga, Latvia), The Latvian Agricultural University and the Jelgava College (Jelgava, Latvia) were used as the experimental Base of the research.


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    In the 21st century, under the conditions of the common European labour market and common information space, the issue concerning educating competent individuals able to work productively and communicate effectively in different life situations has become increasingly important. The competency-based approach has become a topical issue in pedagogy. The aim of the article is to analyse the development of the methodology of the competency-based approach in pedagogy and to consider the essence and the structure of the competency-based approach. Results: the concept was approbated in the educational process in Pushkin Lyceum in Riga; there were obtained positive results in the development of the educational competency of the Lyceum students


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    In the 21st century, the creative role of education in the socio-economic development is increasing. Therefore, education is focused not only on the acquisition of certain amount of knowledge by learners, but also on the development of creative abilities and personal qualities, including the ability and desire to study, the ability and desire to act and the ability and desire to create. These key competencies develop in the process of learning on the basis of the technologies of the competency-based approach.The research problem is the development of positive learning motivation for students as the means of transforming inter-personal conflict into pedagogical conflict, which promotes individual’s moral education. The aim of the article is to analyse the characteristics of pedagogical conflict and elaborate the model of pedagogical conflict on this basis as a contemporary technology of the competency-based approach. The methodology of the research include: the competency-based approach and the activity-based approach;the research methods include: theoretical analysis, interpretation and mathematical statistics.The results of the study – there have been elaborated the theoretical basis of the pedagogical conflict as a technology of the competency-based approach:the nature of the has been analysed, and the content model of pedagogical conflict has been elaborated; there has been determined the organization of the process of learning based on the humanitarian inter-action of teachers and learners, which facilitates the transformation of inter-personal conflict into pedagogical conflict and promotes the moral education of an individual.

    Hypertext as a means for the improvement of students’ independent studies, while acquiring English for professional purposes

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    Hiperteksts kā studentu patstāvīgas mācīšanās pilnveides līdzeklis profesionālās angĜu valodas apguvē Anotācija Promocijas darbs ir veltīts hipertekstam kā studentu patstāvīgas mācīšanās pilnveides līdzeklim, kas palīdz studentam patstāvīgi apgūt un veidot profesionālās zināšanas angĜu valodā. Darbā hiperteksta modelis izveidots, pamatojoties uz teorētiskiem pētījumiem un hiperteksta modelēšanas principiem, kas balstās uz lineāra teksta informācijas strukturēšanu, saglabājot autentiska teksta būtību. Izstrādātā mezglu un hipersaišu sistēma paredz kā studentu valodas kompetences attīstību, tā arī priekšmetiskās kompetences attīstību un pilnveidi. Tas atvieglina jēdzienu konceptualizēšanu un sistematizēšanu. Promocijas darba struktūru veido ievads, trīs daĜas, nobeigums, literatūras saraksts un 11 pielikumi. Kopumā analizēti 340 literatūras avoti latviešu, angĜu un krievu valodā. Teorētisko un praktisko atziĦu rezultāti ir attēloti 28 tabulās un 43 attēlos. Atslēgas vārdi: hiperteksts, mācību satura strukturēšana, patstāvīgas mācīšanās struktūrkomponenti, hiperteksta modelis.Hypertext as a means for the improvement of students’ independent studies, while acquiring English for professional purposes Summary Research is devoted to hypertext, which can serve as a means for the facilitation of independent acquisition and development of professional knowledge by students. The hypertext model was elaborated on the basis of theoretical research and the principles of hypertext modeling, based on the structuring of linear text information, while preserving the essence of the authentic text. Especial set of nodes and hyperlinks provides students’ linguistic and professional competence. The structure of Ph.D. thesis: introduction, three parts and conclusion, bibliography and 10 appendices. In total, there were 340 bibliographical items in Latvian, English and Russian analyzed. The results of theoretical and practical investigation are presented in 27 tables and 44 figures. Key words: hypertext, structural components of independent studies, linear text information structuring, hypertext model