333 research outputs found

    Influence of Dynamics on Magic Numbers for Silicon Clusters

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    We present the results of over 90 tight-binding molecular-dynamics simulations of collisions between three- and five-atom silicon clusters, at a system temperature of 2000K. Much the most likely products are found to be two 'magic' four-atom clusters. We show that previous studies, which focused on the equilibrium binding energies of clusters of different sizes, are of limited relevance, and introduce a new effective binding energy which incorporates the highly anharmonic dynamics of the clusters. The inclusion of dynamics enhances the magic nature of both Si4 and Si6 and destroys that of Si7.Comment: 12 pages, 3 Figures, 500 KB gzipped PostScript fil

    Density-functional theory and the v-representability problem for model strongly correlated electron systems

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    Inspired by earlier work on the band-gap problem in insulators, we reexamine the treatment of strongly correlated Hubbard-type models within density-functional theory. In contrast to previous studies, the density is fully parametrized by occupation numbers and overlap of orbitals centered at neighboring atomic sites, as is the local potential by the hopping matrix. This corresponds to a good formal agreement between density-functional theory in real space and second quantization. It is shown that density-functional theory is formally applicable to such systems and the theoretical framework is provided. The question of noninteracting v representability is studied numerically for finite one-dimensional clusters, for which exact results are available, and qualitatively for infinite systems. This leads to the conclusion that the electron density corresponding to interacting systems of the type studied here is in fact not noninteracting v representable because the Kohn-Sham electrons are unable to reproduce the correlation-induced localization correctly.Comment: 9 pages including 1 figur

    Exact density-functional potentials for time-dependent quasiparticles

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    We calculate the exact Kohn-Sham potential that describes, within time-dependent density-functional theory, the propagation of an electron quasiparticle wavepacket of non-zero crystal momentum added to a ground-state model semiconductor. The potential is observed to have a highly nonlocal functional dependence on the charge density, in both space and time, giving rise to features entirely lacking in local or adiabatic approximations. The dependence of the non-equilibrium part of the Kohn-Sham electric field on the local current and charge density is identified as a key element of the correct Kohn-Sham functional.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum conductance of homogeneous and inhomogeneous interacting electron systems

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    We obtain the conductance of a system of electrons connected to leads, within time-dependent density-functional theory, using a direct relation between the conductance and the density response function. Corrections to the non-interacting conductance appear as a consequence of the functional form of the exchange-correlation kernel at small frequencies and wavevectors. The simple adiabatic local-density approximation and non-local density-terms in the kernel both give rise to significant corrections in general. In the homogeneous electron gas, the former correction remains significant, and leads to a failure of linear-response theory for densities below a critical value.Comment: for resolution of the here published results see Phys. Rev. B 76, 125433 (2007

    Current-constraining variational approaches to quantum transport

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    Presently, the main methods for describing a nonequilibrium charge-transporting steady state are based on time-evolving it from the initial zero-current situation. An alternative class of theories would give the statistical nonequilibrium density operator from principles of statistical mechanics, in a spirit close to Gibbs ensembles for equilibrium systems, leading to a variational principle for the nonequilibrium steady state. We discuss the existing attempts to achieve this using the maximum entropy principle based on constraining the average current. We show that the current-constrained theories result in a zero-induced drop in electrostatic potential, so that such ensembles cannot correspond to the time-evolved density matrix, unless left- and right-going scattering states are mutually incoherent

    Comment on "Dynamical corrections to the DFT-LDA electron conductance in nanoscale systems"

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    In a recent paper Sai et al. [1] identified a correction R^{dyn}totheDCconductanceofnanoscalejunctionsarisingfromdynamicalexchangecorrelation(XC)effectswithintimedependentdensityfunctionaltheory.Thisquantitycontributestothetotalresistancethrough to the DC conductance of nanoscale junctions arising from dynamical exchange-correlation (XC) effects within time-dependent density functional theory. This quantity contributes to the total resistance through R=R_{s}+R^{dyn}where where R_{s}istheresistanceevaluatedintheabsenceofdynamical is the resistance evaluated in the absence of dynamical XCeffects.InthisCommentweshowthatthenumericalestimationof effects. In this Comment we show that the numerical estimation of R^{dyn}$ in example systems of the type they considered should be considerably reduced, once a more appropriate form for the shear electron viscosity ¿ is used

    Stroboscopic wave-packet description of nonequilibrium many-electron problems

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    We introduce the construction of an orthogonal wave-packet basis set, using the concept of stroboscopic time propagation, tailored to the efficient description of nonequilibrium extended electronic systems. Thanks to three desirable properties of this basis, significant insight is provided into nonequilibrium processes (both time-dependent and steady-state), and reliable physical estimates of various many-electron quantities such as density, current, and spin polarization can be obtained. Use of the wave-packet basis provides new results for time-dependent switching-on of the bias in quantum transport, and for current-induced spin accumulation at the edge of a 2D doped semiconductor caused by edge-induced spin-orbit interaction

    Assessment of density-functional approximations: Long-range correlations and self-interaction effects

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    The complex nature of electron-electron correlations is made manifest in the very simple but nontrivial problem of two electrons confined within a sphere. The description of highly nonlocal correlation and self-interaction effects by widely used local and semilocal exchange-correlation energy density functionals is shown to be unsatisfactory in most cases. Even the best such functionals exhibit significant errors in the Kohn-Sham potentials and density profiles

    Systematic vertex corrections through iterative solution of Hedin's equations beyond the it GW approximation

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    We present a general procedure for obtaining progressively more accurate functional expressions for the electron self-energy by iterative solution of Hedin's coupled equations. The iterative process starting from Hartree theory, which gives rise to the GW approximation, is continued further, and an explicit formula for the vertex function from the second full cycle is given. Calculated excitation energies for a Hubbard Hamiltonian demonstrate the convergence of the iterative process and provide further strong justification for the GW approximation