887 research outputs found

    On Universal Cycles for new Classes of Combinatorial Structures

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    A universal cycle (u-cycle) is a compact listing of a collection of combinatorial objects. In this paper, we use natural encodings of these objects to show the existence of u-cycles for collections of subsets, matroids, restricted multisets, chains of subsets, multichains, and lattice paths. For subsets, we show that a u-cycle exists for the kk-subsets of an nn-set if we let kk vary in a non zero length interval. We use this result to construct a "covering" of length (1+o(1))(1+o(1))(nk)n \choose k for all subsets of [n][n] of size exactly kk with a specific formula for the o(1)o(1) term. We also show that u-cycles exist for all nn-length words over some alphabet Σ,\Sigma, which contain all characters from R⊂Σ.R \subset \Sigma. Using this result we provide u-cycles for encodings of Sperner families of size 2 and proper chains of subsets

    tt-Covering Arrays Generated by a Tiling Probability Model

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    A t-\a covering array is an m×nm\times n matrix, with entries from an alphabet of size α\alpha, such that for any choice of tt rows, and any ordered string of tt letters of the alphabet, there exists a column such that the "values" of the rows in that column match those of the string of letters. We use the Lov\'asz Local Lemma in conjunction with a new tiling-based probability model to improve the upper bound on the smallest number of columns N=N(m,t,α)N=N(m,t,\alpha) of a t-\a covering array.Comment: 7 page

    Shattering Thresholds for Random Systems of Sets, Words, and Permutations

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    This paper considers a problem that relates to the theories of covering arrays, permutation patterns, Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) classes, and probability thresholds. Specifically, we want to find the number of subsets of [n]:={1,2,....,n} we need to randomly select, in a certain probability space, so as to respectively "shatter" all t-subsets of [n]. Moving from subsets to words, we ask for the number of n-letter words on a q-letter alphabet that are needed to shatter all t-subwords of the q^n words of length n. Finally, we explore the number of random permutations of [n] needed to shatter (specializing to t=3), all length 3 permutation patterns in specified positions. We uncover a very sharp zero-one probability threshold for the emergence of such shattering; Talagrand's isoperimetric inequality in product spaces is used as a key tool.Comment: 25 page

    Probabilistic Extensions of the Erd\H os-Ko-Rado Property

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    The classical Erd\H os-Ko-Rado (EKR) Theorem states that if we choose a family of subsets, each of size (k), from a fixed set of size (n (n > 2k)), then the largest possible pairwise intersecting family has size (t ={n-1\choose k-1}). We consider the probability that a randomly selected family of size (t=t_n) has the EKR property (pairwise nonempty intersection) as nn and k=knk=k_n tend to infinity, the latter at a specific rate. As tt gets large, the EKR property is less likely to occur, while as tt gets smaller, the EKR property is satisfied with high probability. We derive the threshold value for tt using Janson's inequality. Using the Stein-Chen method we show that the distribution of X0X_0, defined as the number of disjoint pairs of subsets in our family, can be approximated by a Poisson distribution. We extend our results to yield similar conclusions for XiX_i, the number of pairs of subsets that overlap in exactly ii elements. Finally, we show that the joint distribution (X0,X1,...,Xb)(X_0, X_1, ..., X_b) can be approximated by a multidimensional Poisson vector with independent components.Comment: 18 page
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