186 research outputs found
Leaching of gold, silver and accompanying metals from circuit boards (PCBs) waste
Au-Ag noble metal wastes represent a wide range of waste types and forms, with various accompanying metallic elements.The presented leaching strategy for Au-Ag contained in circuit boards (PCBs) aims at gaining gold and silver in the metallic form.Application of the proposed ammonium thiosulphate leaching process for the treatment of the above mentioned Au-Ag containing wastesrepresents a practical, economic and at the same time an ecological solution. The ammonium thiosulphate based leaching of gold and silverfrom PCBs waste, using crushing as a pretreatment, was investigated. It was possible to achieve 98 % gold and 93 % silver recovery within48 hours of ammonium thiosulphate leaching. This type of leaching is a better leaching procedure for recovery of gold and silver from PCBwaste than the classical toxic cyanide leaching. 84 % Cu, 82 % Fe, 77 % Al, 76 % Zn, 70 % Ni, 90 % Pd, 88 % Pb and 83 % Sn recovery ofthe accompanying metals was achieved, using sulphuric acid with hydrogen peroxide, sodium chloride and aqua regia. A four steps leachingprocess gave a very satisfactory yield and a more rapid kinetics for all observed metals solubilization than other technologies
Mechanochemical Synthesis of Nanocrystalline CdS in a Laboratory and Industrial Mill
Nanocrystalline materials have been of interest of more than 20 years and this interest is still increasing. The preparation and characterization of different chalcogenides have attracted a considerable attention due to their important nonlinear properties, luminiscent properties and other important physical and chemical properties. The main cause is in their unusual properties based on the high concentration of atoms in interfacial structures and the relatively simple ways of their preparation. Nanoparticles of semiconductors have many potential applications in the area of advanced materials. These materials can be synthesized via solid state reactions where the recovery degree can be strongly enhanced by the intervention of mechanical activation. Mechanochemical synthesis belongs among the synthesis route which can effectively control and regulate the course of solid state reactions.This paper describes structural and surface properties of cadmium sulphide nanoparticles synthesized in a planetary mill and in an eccentric vibratory mill. The main aim of this paper was to illustrate the potential of this technique for the large-scale production of CdS nanopowder.CdS nanoparticles were successfully synthesized by the mechanochemical route from the cadmium acetate and natrium sulphide. Structure properties of the as-prepared products were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction. X-ray diffraction patterns reveal the crystalline nature of CdS nanoparticles. Hexagonal ¿-CdS greenockite together with cubic hawleyite À-CdS are present among the products of mechanochemical synthesis. The methods of SEM, particle size analysis and low temperature nitrogen sorption were used to analyze the surface composition. The SEM measurements show the aggregates of small nanocrystals in which particle sizes of 5-9 nm were estimated by ScherrerLs formula.The cadmium sulphide nanoparticles are obtained in the simple step, making the process attractive for industrial applications. Industrial ball mills capable of processing large quantities are readily available, consequently the scaling up of the mechanochemical process is possible. The presented solid-state reaction opens its application also for the engineering area of advanced materials synthesi
A processing method of the goldsmith’s and electronic Au-Ag-containing wastes
Veľké množstvá odpadov z elektrických a elektronických zariadení sa hromadia v celej Európe. Každý spotrebiteľ vyprodukuje priemerne 16 kg tohto odpadu za rok, čo v Európe predstavuje celkovo šesť miliónov ton za rok. Ide o obrovské plytvanie zdrojmi. Znamená to taktiež veľké ekologické nebezpečenstvo, keďže elektrické spotrebiče a elektronické zariadenia obsahujú vysoko toxické ťažké kovy a organické znečisťujúce látky. Podľa nových predpisov EÚ budú musieť výrobcovia odteraz platiť za zber a likvidáciu týchto výrobkov. Odpady ušľachtilých kovov Au-Ag predstavujú širokú škálu typov a foriem odpadov s rôznymi balastnými prvkami aj zložkami. Problematika spracovania odpadov s obsahom Au a Ag je vysoko aktuálnou v celosvetovom meradle z hľadiska hodnoty a špecifických vlastností týchto kovov ako aj ich nenahraditeľnosti v oblasti bankovníctva, zdravotníctva, priemyslu a v neposlednom rade aj v samotnej výrobe a predaji zlatníckych výrobkov. Predkladaný návrh možnosti spracovania Au-Ag zlatníckych a elektronických odpadov si kladie za cieľ získať zlato a striebro v kovovej forme. Aplikácia navrhovaného procesu spracovania uvedených Au-Ag odpadov predstavuje pre spoločnosť praktický, ekonomický a zároveň ekologický význam pri ich spracovávaní. Získavanie zlata, resp. striebra z Au-Ag odpadov je mimoriadne dôležité v podmienkach inflačného vývoja, kedy tieto ušľachtilé kovy sú stabilným zdrojom pokrývania potrieb spoločnosti
Possibility of Recoating of Impurities on Product Kaolin during Froth Flotation - HRTEM-EDS Study
Attempts were made to remove the Fe, Ti minerals from Gujarat kaolin by SC-HGMS and ultraflotation to improve the optical properties. The removal of Fe was higher by SC-HGMS, but that of Ti was almost the same by both techni-ques. The Fe content of the products was relatively low, but the brightness was lower than the expected. A drastic improvement in brightness was observed for the SC-HGMS product compared to the ultra flotation product. One of the probable reasons for the low enhancement in brightness by flotation was thought to be recoating of the impurities on the clay surface during flotation. XPS study conducted on the flotation product ruled out the possibility of such a coating. HRTEM-EDS analyses showed that most of the titania is present in the form of anatase particles of very small size. A part of the Fe forms independent parti-cles of goethite /hematite having nano size. Rest of the Fe is found to be closer to anatase or kaolinite particles either as a part of the structure or nano sized independ-ent particles adhering to the surface and hence is not easily separated. The ultra fine grains of Fe stained ana-tase remaining in the kaolinite surface after flotation is found to have a strong pigment effect. During flotation, high shear energy is given for dispersion and conditioning which is possibly reducing the particle size to sub-micron / nano level. The dissatisfying brightness of the flotation product is attributed to the presence of these fine / colloidal impurities. Fe content in the product samples is relatively low and its influence on brightness is probably smaller than that of the Fe stained anatase. The organic matter and ferriferous smectite identified in the sample even at small percentages may also have a pig-ment effect due to their dark color and colloidal distri-bution
Chelating phosphorus–an O, C, O-coordinating pincer-type ligand coordinating PIII and PV centres
The sequence of reactions of the phosphorus-containing aryllithium compound 5-t-Bu-1,3-[(P(O)(O-i-Pr)2]2C6H2Li (ArLi) with Ph2PCl, KMnO4, elemental sulfur and elemental selenium, respectively, gave the aryldiphenylphosphane chalcogenides 5-t-Bu-1,3-[(P(O)(O-i-Pr)2]2C6H2P(E)Ph2 (1, E=O; 2, E=S; 3, E=Se). Compound 1 partially hydrolysed giving [5-t-Bu-1-{(P(O)(O-i-Pr)2}-3-{(P(O)(OH)2}C6H2]P(O)Ph2 (4). The reaction of ArLi with PhPCl2 provided the benzoxaphosphaphosphole [1(P), 3(P)-P(O)(O-i-Pr)OPPh-6-t-Bu-4-P(O)(O-i-Pr)2]C6H2P (5i) as a mixture of the two diastereomers. The oxidation of 5i with elemental sulfur gave the benzoxaphosphaphosphole sulfide [1(P), 3(P)-P(O)(O-i-Pr)OP(S)Ph-6-t-Bu-4-P(O)(O-i-Pr)2]C6H2 (5) as pair of enantiomers P1(R), P3(S)/P1(S), P3(R) of the diastereomer (RS/SR)-5 (5b). The aryldiphenylphosphane 5-t-Bu-1,3-[(P(O)(O-i-Pr)2]2C6H2PPh2 (6) was obtained from the reaction of the corresponding aryldiphenylphosphane sulfide 2 with either sodium hydride, NaH, or disodium iron tetracarbonyl, Na2Fe(CO)4. The oxidation of the aryldiphenylphosphane 6 with elemental iodine and subsequent hydrolysis yielded the aryldiphenyldioxaphosphorane 9-t-Bu-2,6-(OH)-4,4-Ph2-3,5-O2-2,6-P2-4λ5-P-[]-undeca-1(10),7(11),8-triene (7). Both of its diastereomers, (RR/SS)-7 (7a) and (RS/SR)-7 (7b), were separated as their chloroform and i-propanol solvates, 7a⋅2CHCl3 and 7b⋅i-PrOH, respectively. DFT calculations accompanied the experimental work
Chelating Phosphorus-An O, C, O-Coordinating Pincer-Type Ligand Coordinating PIII and PV Centres
The sequence of reactions of the phosphorus-containing aryllithium compound 5-t-Bu-1,3-[(P(O)(O-i-Pr)(2)](2)C6H2Li (ArLi) with Ph2PCl, KMnO4, elemental sulfur and elemental selenium, respectively, gave the aryldiphenylphosphane chalcogenides 5-t-Bu-1,3-[(P(O)(O-i-Pr)(2)](2)C6H2P(E)Ph-2 (1, E=O; 2, E=S; 3, E=Se). Compound 1 partially hydrolysed giving [5-t-Bu-1-{(P(O)(O-i-Pr)(2)}-3-{(P(O)(OH)(2)}C6H2]P(O)Ph-2 (4). The reaction of ArLi with PhPCl2 provided the benzoxaphos-phaphosphole [1(P), 3(P)-P(O)(O-i-Pr)OPPh-6-t-Bu-4-P(O)(O-i-Pr)(2)]C6H2P (5i) as a mixture of the two diastereomers. The oxidation of 5i with elemental sulfur gave the benzoxaphos-phaphosphole sulfide [1(P), 3(P)-P(O)(O-i-Pr)OP(S)Ph-6-t-Bu-4-P(O)(O-i-Pr)(2)]C6H2 (5) as pair of enantiomers P1(R), P3(S)/P1(S), P3(R) of the diastereomer (RS/SR)-5 (5b). The aryldiphenylphosphane 5-t-Bu-1,3-[(P(O)(O-i-Pr)(2)](2)C6H2PPh2 (6) was obtained from the reaction of the corresponding aryldiphenylphosphane sulfide 2 with either sodium hydride, NaH, or disodium iron tetracarbonyl, Na2Fe(CO)(4). The oxidation of the aryldiphenylphosphane 6 with elemental iodine and subsequent hydrolysis yielded the aryldiphenyldioxaphosphorane 9-t-Bu-2,6-(OH)-4,4-Ph-2-3,5-O-2-2,6-P-2-4 lambda(5)-P-[]-undeca-1(10),7(11),8-triene (7). Both of its diastereomers, (RR/SS)-7 (7a) and (RS/SR)-7 (7b), were separated as their chloroform and i-propanol solvates, 7a.2CHCl(3) and 7b.i-PrOH, respectively. DFT calculations accompanied the experimental work
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