90 research outputs found

    Competitividad internacional de las economías de México y Polonia. Un análisis comparativo

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    This article aims at presenting two economies in terms of competitiveness, using the methodology developed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) basing on 40 years of experience in the preparation of international rankings. A comparative analysis of the economies of Mexico and Poland based on the results obtained by both countries in the Global Competitiveness Index in 2019 has been presented. The aim of this article is to analyse the competitive position in the international context, against the global background and against the relevant regions, considering many factors that make up competitiveness. The strongest and the weakest variables that make up the competitiveness of countries have been identified, and areas where actions are required to improve competitiveness have been indicated. It is concluded that there are many common features of the analysed economies in terms of competitiveness factors and close collaboration between Mexico and Poland may lead to an increase in the level of competitiveness of both economies.  Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar dos economías en términos de competitividad, utilizando la metodología desarrollada por el Foro Económico Mundial (WEF) a partir de 40 años de experiencia en la elaboración de rankings internacionales. Se ha presentado un análisis comparativo de las economías de México y Polonia en base a los resultados obtenidos por ambos países en el Índice de Competitividad Global en 2019. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la posición competitiva en el contexto internacional, en el contexto global y en las regiones relevantes, considerando muchos factores que configuran la competitividad. Se han identificado las variables más fuertes y débiles que conforman la competitividad de los países y se han señalado áreas donde se requieren acciones para mejorar la competitividad. Se concluye que existen muchas características comunes de las economías analizadas en términos de factores de competitividad y la estrecha colaboración entre México y Polonia puede conducir a un aumento en el nivel de competitividad de ambas economías

    Intelligent Tutorial System LISE

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    Development of information technology results in creation of more and more advanced teaching assisting systems. The authors of the article made an attempt to design and use the adaptative educational system based on the technologies: J2EE, JSF and XML. Unlike most hitherto solutions, the authors propose a three-tier architecture of the system and its improvement with additional functionalities

    Usage of JSF framework and EJB technology in the creation of corporate applications

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    In the following article we describe the architecture of an online store project, which is an application utilising Java Enterprise Edition. Our project is based on a customer expectations model. The choice of technology has been due to its easy expandability by additional modules as well as its functionality which does not require reorganising the existing code

    Justyna Trubalska. Venezuela – democracy at the crossroads?, Episteme Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Lublin 2021, ISBN 978-83-65172-39-6, pp. 58

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    In recent years, the economic, political and social situation in Venezuela has become an interesting topic for researchers around the world, including those studying democracy. Since this topic is also interesting from the point of view of my research and personal interests, I read with interest the scientific work entitled Venezuela – democracy at the crossroads?, prepared in Polish by Justyna Trubalska (Trubalska, 2021). The monograph was published in 2021 by Episteme Publishing House in Lublin, Poland.In her analysis, the author focused on the processes of Venezuela’s political transformation from 1999 to December 2020. The adoption of this period is justified due to the qualitative change in the systemic transformation process that began when Hugo Chávez took office in 1999 and the continuation of the process during the tenure of President Nicolás Maduro since 2013

    Application elasticity as the factor determining the choice of technology. Testing of the factors determining the choice of application technology

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    The learning creation interface constituting one of the most important elements incorporated inthe Adaptive System LISE has been discussed in the present paper. The technologies associatedwith the use of JSF and EJB, Swing as well as GUI Builder have been selected for the testing.JDBO and JDO packages have been used in order to compare various technologies ofconnection with the database. The tests have been carried out on the MySQL server and Sun JavaSystem Application was used as the application server. The obtained results enable the choice ofoptimal solution

    Analysis of functionality of distance learning platform moodle

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    The authors of this article, conducting the classes using the blended-learning method, focus their interest on the analysis of functionality of the Learning Content Management Systems software class. Architecture of open source distance learning platform Moodle was analyzed. The Author's experience with teaching students and student suggestions allow to present the influence of architectural design on functionality of the software. Facing with growing interests of usage of Moodle in the Polish universities, the authors present some advantages and disadvantages concerning the functional design and possibility of deployment in similar environments. They also suggest a few ways of improving the system architecture and give some clues that could be helpful for the deployers

    Java Server Faces and Java Bean Technologies in Expert application

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    The Expert program is a part of larger project (Intelligent Tutoring System) and plays a role of an assistant and disputant with the system user. The authors of the article analyse algorithm of this module and discuss various Java technologies for preparation of application

    Model of rule engines applied in the intelligent systems

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    Motto: “A really interactive tutor should act not only in an interactive but also active mode. Heshould not sleep between two successive answers in reply to the questions but should be able tomonitor the work of students and react to their errors continuously” [1]

    Rule languages used in Tutorial chatbots programming

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    The function performed by the bots in Intelligent Tutorial Systems has been presented in thepaper. Therefore we were able to justify the character of functions of the chatbot being designedby our team. Its purpose is to improve the functionality of an intelligent tutorial system. By meansof tools used for the construction of the chatbot we were able to apply the strategies and techniquesalready used by commonly known authors as well as individual methods adapted to the ideascreated in our group

    Rola polityki krajowej w rozwoju klubów sportowych funkcjonujących w środowisku lokalnym

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    The publication raises the subject of governmental policy aimed at sports clubs. It identifies and discusses governmental programmes, beneficiaries of which can be sports clubs, sources of financing sports clubs from the national budget and conditions of obtaining support of the state. There are also analyses of a series of legal acts, national as well as international, concerning the analysed aspects. The authors emphasise insufficient support for sports clubs from the central level and the barriers that sports clubs willing to acquire funds are facingPublikacja podejmuje tematykę polityki rządowej ukierunkowanej na kluby sportowe. W pracy zidentyfikowane oraz omówione zostały programy rządowe, w których beneficjentami mogą być kluby sportowe, źródła finansowania klubów sportowych z budżetu centralnego oraz warunki uzyskania wsparcia rządowego. Przeanalizowano szereg aktów prawnych, szczebla krajowego jak również ponadnarodowego, odnoszących się do analizowanych aspektów. Autorki zwracają uwagę na istnienie niewystarczającego wsparcia klubów sportowych z poziomu centralnego oraz bariery jakie stawiane są klubom sportowym chcącym otrzymać dofinansowani