11 research outputs found

    Internal validity of a household food security scale is consistent among diverse populations participating in a food supplement program in Colombia

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    Objective: We assessed the validity of a locally adapted Colombian Household Food Security Scale (CHFSS) used as a part of the 2006 evaluation of the food supplement component of the Plan for Improving Food and Nutrition in Antioquia, Colombia (MANA – Plan Departamental de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional de Antioquia). Methods: Subjects included low-income families with pre-school age children in MANA that responded affirmatively to at least one CHFSS item (n = 1,319). Rasch Modeling was used to evaluate the psychometric characteristics of the items through measure and INFIT values. Differences in CHFSS performance were assessed by area of residency, socioeconomic status and number of children enrolled in MANA. Unidimensionality of a scale by group was further assessed using Differential Item Functioning (DIF). Results: Most CHFSS items presented good fitness with most INFIT values within the adequate range of 0.8 to 1.2. Consistency in item measure values between groups was found for all but two items in the comparison by area of residency. Only two adult items exhibited DIF between urban and rural households. Conclusion: The results indicate that the adapted CHFSS is a valid tool to assess the household food security of participants in food assistance programs like MANA

    Congenital malaria in Urabá, Colombia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Congenital malaria has been considered a rare event; however, recent reports have shown frequencies ranging from 3% to 54.2% among newborns of mothers who had suffered malaria during pregnancy. There are only a few references concerning the epidemiological impact of this entity in Latin-America and Colombia.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>The aim of the study was to measure the prevalence of congenital malaria in an endemic Colombian region and to determine some of its characteristics.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective, descriptive study was carried out in the mothers who suffered malaria during pregnancy and their newborns. Neonates were clinically evaluated at birth and screened for <it>Plasmodium spp</it>. infection by thick smear from the umbilical cord and peripheral blood, and followed-up weekly during the first 21 days of postnatal life through clinical examinations and thick smears.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>116 newborns were included in the study and 80 umbilical cord samples were obtained. Five cases of congenital infection were identified (four caused by <it>P. vivax </it>and one by <it>P. falciparum</it>), two in umbilical cord blood and three in newborn peripheral blood. One case was diagnosed at birth and the others during follow-up. Prevalence of congenital infection was 4.3%. One of the infected newborns was severely ill, while the others were asymptomatic and apparently healthy. The mothers of the newborns with congenital malaria had been diagnosed with malaria in the last trimester of pregnancy or during delivery, and also presented placental infection.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Congenital malaria may be a frequent event in newborns of mothers who have suffered malaria during pregnancy in Colombia. An association was found between congenital malaria and the diagnosis of malaria in the mother during the last trimester of pregnancy or during delivery, and the presence of placental infection.</p

    Oficio del gobernador de Antioquia para el general Marceliano Vélez

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    2 ImágenesOficio privado del gobernador de Antioquia, Dionisio Arango Mejía, para el general Marceliano Vélez sobre la ley de la República que reconoce sus méritos y servicios como hombre público y le otorga una pensión de 200 pesos oro mensuales. Fechado en Medellín

    Nota de Francisco Antonio Obregón, gobernador de Antioquia

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    4 ImágenesNota enviada por Francisco Antonio Obregón, gobernador de Antioquia al Jefe Militar de la provincia, solicitando su compañía para recibir al Obispo de la diócesis. [s.l.

    Oficio de Juan de Dios Aranzazu

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    2 ImágenesOficio de Juan de Dios Aranzazu, de la Gobernación de Antioquia de los Estados Unidos de Colombia, para José María Carrasquilla, administrador general de alcabalas, sobre arreglos de cuentas. Fechado en Medellín

    Correspondencia de Juan de Dios Aranzazu

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    4 ImágenesCarta de Juan de Dios Aranzazu para Juan M. Gómez sobre asuntos de tierras baldías y la elaboración del proyecto de provincia y alcabalas. Fechada en Medellín

    Oficios de la Gobernación del Departamento de Antioquia de la República de Colombia para Marceliano Vélez

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    4 ImágenesOficios de la Gobernación del Departamento de Antioquia de la República de Colombia para el general Marceliano Vélez nombrándolo representante principal, designado por la Junta Electoral y aceptando la excusa que presenta por no poder asistir a las sesiones del Congreso. Fechados en Medellín

    Oficio de presidente de la Junta Asesora de la Casa de Moneda al Administrador de ella

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    2 ImágenesOficio de presidente de la Junta Asesora de la Casa de Moneda, Julio Enrique Botero, al Administrador de la Casa de la Moneda informándole que la Junta ha resulto suprimir los trabajos extraordinarios que se hacen en ella. Fechado en Medellín

    Vulnerability of Rural Communities to Change in an Ecosystem Service Provision: Surface water supply. A Case Study in the Northern Andes, Colombia

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