174 research outputs found

    Passing to the limit in maximal slope curves: from a regularized Perona-Malik equation to the total variation flow

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    We prove that solutions of a mildly regularized Perona-Malik equation converge, in a slow time scale, to solutions of the total variation flow. The convergence result is global-in-time, and holds true in any space dimension. The proof is based on the general principle that "the limit of gradient-flows is the gradient-flow of the limit". To this end, we exploit a general result relating the Gamma-limit of a sequence of functionals to the limit of the corresponding maximal slope curves.Comment: 19 page

    Kirchhoff equations from quasi-analytic to spectral-gap data

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    In a celebrated paper (Tokyo J. Math. 1984) K. Nishihara proved global existence for Kirchhoff equations in a special class of initial data which lies in between analytic functions and Gevrey spaces. This class was defined in terms of Fourier components with weights satisfying suitable convexity and integrability conditions. In this paper we extend this result by removing the convexity constraint, and by replacing Nishihara's integrability condition with the simpler integrability condition which appears in the usual characterization of quasi-analytic functions. After the convexity assumptions have been removed, the resulting theory reveals unexpected connections with some recent global existence results for spectral-gap data.Comment: 15 page

    Slow time behavior of the semidiscrete Perona-Malik scheme in dimension one

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    We consider the long time behavior of the semidiscrete scheme for the Perona-Malik equation in dimension one. We prove that approximated solutions converge, in a slow time scale, to solutions of a limit problem. This limit problem evolves piecewise constant functions by moving their plateaus in the vertical direction according to a system of ordinary differential equations. Our convergence result is global-in-time, and this forces us to face the collision of plateaus when the system singularizes. The proof is based on energy estimates and gradient-flow techniques, according to the general idea that "the limit of the gradient-flows is the gradient-flow of the limit functional". Our main innovations are a uniform H\"{o}lder estimate up to the first collision time included, a well preparation result with a careful analysis of what happens at discrete level during collisions, and renormalizing the functionals after each collision in order to have a nontrivial Gamma-limit for all times.Comment: 42 page

    Derivative loss for Kirchhoff equations with non-Lipschitz nonlinear term

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    In this paper we consider the Cauchy boundary value problem for the abstract Kirchhoff equation with a continuous nonlinearity m : [0,+\infty) --> [0,+\infty). It is well known that a local solution exists provided that the initial data are regular enough. The required regularity depends on the continuity modulus of m. In this paper we present some counterexamples in order to show that the regularity required in the existence results is sharp, at least if we want solutions with the same space regularity of initial data. In these examples we construct indeed local solutions which are regular at t = 0, but exhibit an instantaneous (often infinite) derivative loss in the space variables.Comment: 33 pages, some remarks and appendix adde

    Kirchhoff equations in generalized Gevrey spaces: local existence, global existence, uniqueness

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    In this note we present some recent results for Kirchhoff equations in generalized Gevrey spaces. We show that these spaces are the natural framework where classical results can be unified and extended. In particular we focus on existence and uniqueness results for initial data whose regularity depends on the continuity modulus of the nonlinear term, both in the strictly hyperbolic case, and in the degenerate hyperbolic case.Comment: 20 pages, 4 tables, conference paper (7th ISAAC congress, London 2009

    An example of global classical solution for the Perona-Malik equation

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    We consider the Cauchy problem for the Perona-Malik equation in an open subset of R^{n}, with Neumann boundary conditions. It is well known that in the one-dimensional case this problem does not admit any global C^{1} solution if the initial condition is transcritical, namely when the norm of the gradient of the initial condition is smaller than 1 in some region, and larger than 1 in some other region In this paper we show that this result cannot be extended to higher dimension. We show indeed that for n >= 2 the problem admits radial solutions of class C^{2,1} with a transcritical initial condition.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figure
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