13 research outputs found

    Discrete Single-hand Gestures for Wrist-worn Device Control

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    Interaction with wrist-worn devices is currently constrained to either voice control or opposing hand control through physical touch on the device screen, crown, or buttons. With one handed control involving full hand extension and hand clenching in a fist, these movements are not discrete. Traditional smartwatch placement on one hand is controlled using the other hand. This is a discrete, yet inconvenient mode of control, especially in situations where the other hand is involved in another function. Some technologies enable one-handed control with hand clenching into a fist / extending into an open palm. However, this isn\u27t discrete or necessarily ergonomic. This disclosure describes discrete, finger-based, single-hand gestures for controlling wrist-based devices. The described gestures are performed using the hand on which the device is worn, with no involvement from the other hand. The gestures include movements for core inputs, e.g., navigation, scrolling, confirmation, selection, etc., within a menu. The described finger gestures are ergonomic and work well for repetitive actions. The gestures advantageously use a single hand and rely on the user’s fine motor skills

    Fast Prediction Of Thermal Distortion In Metal Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing: Part 1, A Thermal Circuit Network Model

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    The additive manufacturing (AM) process metal powder bed fusion (PBF) can quickly produce complex parts with mechanical properties comparable to wrought materials. However, thermal stress accumulated during PBF induces part distortion, potentially yielding parts out of specification and frequently process failure. This manuscript is the first of two companion manuscripts that introduce a computationally efficient distortion and stress prediction algorithm that is designed to drastically reduce compute time when integrated in to a process design optimization routine. In this first manuscript, we introduce a thermal circuit network (TCN) model to estimate the part temperature history during PBF, a major computational bottleneck in PBF simulation. In the TCN model, we are modeling conductive heat transfer through both the part and support structure by dividing the part into thermal circuit elements (TCEs), which consists of thermal nodes represented by thermal capacitances that are connected by resistors, and then building the TCN in a layer-by-layer manner to replicate the PBF process. In comparison to conventional finite element method (FEM) thermal modeling, the TCN model predicts the temperature history of metal PBF AM parts with more than two orders of magnitude faster computational speed, while sacrificing less than 15% accuracy. The companion manuscript illustrates how the temperature history is integrated into a thermomechanical model to predict thermal stress and distortion

    Fast Prediction Of Thermal Distortion In Metal Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing: Part 2, A Quasi-static Thermo-mechanical Model

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    The additive manufacturing (AM) process metal powder bed fusion (PBF) can quickly produce complex parts with mechanical properties comparable to that of wrought materials. However, thermal stress accumulated during Metal PBF may induce part distortion and even cause failure of the entire process. This manuscript is the second part of two companion manuscripts that collectively present a part-scale simulation method for fast prediction of thermal distortion in Metal PBF. The first part provides a fast prediction of the temperature history in the part via a thermal circuit network (TCN) model. This second part uses the temperature history from the TCN to inform a model of thermal distortion using a quasi-static thermo-mechanical model (QTM). The QTM model distinguished two periods of Metal PBF, the thermal loading period and the stress relaxation period. In the thermal loading period, the layer-by-layer build cycles of Metal PBF are simulated, and the thermal stress accumulated in the build process is predicted. In the stress relaxation period, the removal of parts from the substrate is simulated, and the off-substrate part distortion and residual stress are predicted. Validation of part distortion predicted by the QTM model against both experiment and data in literature showed a relative error less than 20%. This QTM, together with the TCN, offers a framework for rapid, part-scale simulations of Metal PBF that can be used to optimize the build process and parameters

    A Marketing plan for Reynolds readi-pans focusing on the Filipino-Chinese Baker\u27s Association market

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    Reynolds Philippines is the only local manufacturer of semi-rigid aluminum food containers in the market today. Overall projections of the total market reach 63MT annually, 60 MT of which Reynolds supplies, making Redi-Pans the market leader in its category. Growth rate on sales is expected at an average of 16% per annum. Due to the of seen potential of bakeries as major users of Redi-pans, the target market consist primarily of members of the Filipino-Chinese Bakers association\u27s extensive network and marketing arm to introduce, penetrate, and eventually capture the said market. Branching to other bakeries outside of the FCBAI is the second consideration in the near future. Reynolds Redi-pans is positioned as a versatile aluminum food container which can be used for baking, storing, displaying, packaging, freezing and reheating. This will perpetuate the product\u27s indispensability in food preparation. The expenditures for the proposed plan is estimated at P 205,864.82 for the first year, P 95,131.24 for the second year, and P 99,071.70 for the third year of operation, which is inturn expected to yield a net profit of P 32,523.06 for the first year, P 194,779.76 for the second year, and P 242,359.22 for the third year inclusive of corporate tax. The figures mentioned were estimates of profit from only two out of the nine variants of Redi-pans, namely, pic pan and brownie pan. The investment may be considered high compared to the output, but his normally happens when the product is set to relaunch phase. However, it is expected that the spending\u27s for the following years will decrease inversely proportional with the generation of profits. Although the only competition Reynolds Redi-pans faces now are the imported ones, strategies and programs are focused on promotion, competitive pricing and carefully monitoring of the market to ensure that Redi-pans remain to be the market leader. With regard to the checking of development, reports, focus group discussions, UAI study, probing, and constant monitoring by Metro Drug salesman was recommended to gauge product performance, measure profitability and evaluate results of the marketing program