3 research outputs found

    Analyse de la dynamique de l'offre de noix brutes de cajou en Côte d’Ivoire : une application par l’approche autorégressif à retards échelonnés (ARDL)

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    This article examines the factors influencing the long-term supply of cashew nuts in CĂ´te d'Ivoire. Using a co-integration model based on the ARDL (Self-regressive with Staggered Delay) approach, the study explains a long-term relationship between cashew supply and explanatory factors of production dynamics. In the long term, an increase in the field price of cashew causes an increase in production of 0.42%. Similarly, a 1% increase in exports and cultivated areas lead to an increase of 0.91% and 0.18%, respectively, in the supply of raw cashew nuts

    Analyse descriptive et facteurs agronomiques d’avant-garde de l’état sanitaire des vergers anacardiers (Anacardium occidentale L.) en Côte d’Ivoire

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    Une Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans les RĂ©gions de la BagouĂ©, du Poro et du Tchologo pour Ă©valuer les facteurs d’avant-garde du niveau sanitaire des vergers anacardiers en CĂ´te d’Ivoire. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© recueillies dans 250 plantations sĂ©lectionnĂ©es au hasard sur des fiches de relevĂ©s sanitaires. Le niveau sanitaire de dix pieds par hectare a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© sur la diagonale en zigzag dans chaque verger d’anacardier. Les techniques d’analyse utilisĂ©es comprenaient des statistiques descriptives pour les caractĂ©ristiques des arbres et un modèle de rĂ©gression linĂ©aire pour dĂ©terminer les principaux facteurs qui influencent le niveau sanitaire des vergers. Il resort de cette Ă©tude que le nombre de plantes par hectare, l’âge du verger, la source des semences, la nature du sol et l’utilisation de pesticides ont eu une influence significative sur le niveau sanitaire des vergers. Les exploitations de plus de 100 arbres par hectare et le manque d’entretien des vergers ont augmentĂ© l’infestation de plus de 5%. Les vergers qui respectent cette densitĂ© ont rĂ©duit l’incidence des agents pathogènes Ă  moins de 25%. Les efforts d’amĂ©lioration de la production de la noix d’anacarde en CĂ´te d’Ivoire doivent tenir compte de ces facteurs d’avant-garde. L’étude a recommandĂ© une meilleure formation des producteurs sur les techniques de lutte agronomique en cajouculture pour une production saine. A study was carried out in BagouĂ©, Poro and Tchologo Regions to assess the determinants of the cashew orchards sanitary level in Cote d’Ivoire. Data were collected from 250 randomly selected plantations through the use of structured sanitary sheet. The sanitary level of ten trees per hectare was assessed on the zigzag diagonal in each cashew tree orchard. Analytical techniques employed included descriptive statistics to analyze the characteristics of respondent cashew orchards, and linear regression model to examine the determinants of orchards sanitary level among the farms visited. From this study, it appears that the number of plants per hectare, farm age, source of seeds, nature of soil and the use of pesticides were found to significantly influence sanitary level of cashew orchards. In a priori expectation, the farms with more than 100 trees per hectare and the lack of maintenance of orchards were found to be increased the infestation more than 5%. The farms which respect this line reduced the incidence of pathogens less than 25%. Efforts to improve cashew nut production in Cote d'Ivoire must take  these leading factors into account. The study recommended better training of producers on cashew nut agronomic control techniques for healthy production

    Process of Attack on Cashew Tree Branches by Diastocera trifasciata (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and the Relationship between These Attacks and the Phenological Stages in the Gbêkê Region (Central Côte d’Ivoire)

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    Cerambycidae Diastocera trifasciata attacks were studied from October 2015 to September 2017 in three cashew tree orchards in the locality of Brobo in central Côte d’Ivoire. One hundred fifty-three (153) cashew trees, arranged on a diagonal from each orchard, were selected for sampling. The attacked plants and the branches cut per tree were counted every 15 days. Biotic parameters, namely phenological stages of trees, and abiotic factors, which are rainfall, relative humidity and average temperature, were recorded throughout the study. Attacks were observed from mid-September to January from the pre-flowering vegetative stage to the flowering stage. Attack period duration was therefore four and a half months per year. The peak of attacks was recorded in November with an attack rate of 88.02% in 2015 and 75.49% in 2016. No attack was recorded from February to mid-September, corresponding to the flowering, fruiting and post-harvest vegetative growth stages. This description of the attack process and the determination of D. trifasciata attack periods provides essential data for the implementation of an effective and sustainable control method of this species