48 research outputs found

    Deeper insights into neural nets with random weights

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    In this work, the “effective dimension” of the output of the hidden layer of a one-hidden-layer neural network with random inner weights of its computational units is investigated. To do this, a polynomial approximation of the sigmoidal activation function of each computational unit is used, whose degree is chosen based both on a desired upper bound on the approximation error and on an estimate of the range of the input to that computational unit. This estimate of the range is parameterized by the number of inputs to the network and by an upper bound both on the size of the random inner weights of the network and on the size of its inputs. The results show that the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) on the training set is influenced by the effective dimension and by the quality of the features associated with the output of the hidden layer

    A machine learning approach to economic complexity based on matrix completion

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    This work applies Matrix Completion (MC) – a class of machine-learning methods commonly used in recommendation systems – to analyze economic complexity. In this paper MC is applied to reconstruct the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) matrix, whose elements express the relative advantage of countries in given classes of products, as evidenced by yearly trade flows. A high-accuracy binary classifier is derived from the MC application to discriminate between elements of the RCA matrix that are, respectively, higher/lower than one. We introduce a novel Matrix cOmpletion iNdex of Economic complexitY (MONEY) based on MC and related to the degree of predictability of the RCA entries of different countries (the lower the predictability, the higher the complexity). Differently from previously-developed economic complexity indices, MONEY takes into account several singular vectors of the matrix reconstructed by MC. In contrast, other indices are based only on one/two eigenvectors of a suitable symmetric matrix derived from the RCA matrix. Finally, MC is compared with state-of-the-art economic complexity indices, showing that the MC-based classifier achieves better performance than previous methods based on the application of machine learning to economic complexity

    A theoretical framework for supervised learning from regions

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    Supervised learning is investigated, when the data are represented not only by labeled points but also labeled regions of the input space. In the limit case, such regions degenerate to single points and the proposed approach changes back to the classical learning context. The adopted framework entails the minimization of a functional obtained by introducing a loss function that involves such regions. An additive regularization term is expressed via differential operators that model the smoothness properties of the desired input/output relationship. Representer theorems are given, proving that the optimization problem associated to learning from labeled regions has a unique solution, which takes on the form of a linear combination of kernel functions determined by the differential operators together with the regions themselves. As a relevant situation, the case of regions given by multi-dimensional intervals (i.e., “boxes”) is investigated, which models prior knowledge expressed by logical propositions

    Learning as constraint reactions

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    t A theory of learning is proposed, which extends naturally the classic regularization framework of kernel machines to the case in which the agent interacts with a richer environment, compactly described by the notion of constraint. Variational calculus is exploited to derive general representer theorems that give a description of the structure of the solution to the learning problem. It is shown that such solution can be represented in terms of constraint reactions, which remind the corresponding notion in analytic mechanics. In particular, the derived representer theorems clearly show the extension of the classic kernel expansion on support vectors to the expansion on support constraints. As an application of the proposed theory three examples are given, which illustrate the dimensional collapse to a finite-dimensional space of parameters. The constraint reactions are calculated for the classic collection of supervised examples, for the case of box constraints, and for the case of hard holonomic linear constraints mixed with supervised examples. Interestingly, this leads to representer theorems for which we can re-use the kernel machine mathematical and algorithmic apparatus