149 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Chronic airflow limitation in Kashmir, North India: Results from the BOLD study.

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    BACKGROUND: Data on spirometrically defined chronic airflow limitation (CAL) are scarce in developing countries. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of spirometrically defined CAL in Kashmir, North India. METHODS: Using Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease survey methods, we administered questionnaires to randomly selected adults aged 40 years. Post-bronchodilator spirometry was performed to estimate the prevalence of CAL and its relation to potential risk factors. RESULTS: Of 1100 participants initially recruited, 953 (86.9%) responded and 757 completed acceptable spirometry and questionnaires. The prevalence of a forced expiratory volume in 1 s/forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) ratio less than the lower limit of normal was 17.3% (4.5) in males and 14.8% (2.1) in females. Risk factors for CAL included higher age, cooking with wood and lower educational status. The prevalence of current smoking was 61% in males and 22% in females; most smoked hookahs. CAL was found equally in non-smoking males and females, and was independently associated with the use of the hookah, family history of respiratory disease and poor education. A self-reported doctor's diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was reported in 8.4/1000 (0.9% of females and 0.8% of males). CONCLUSION: Spirometrically confirmed CAL is highly prevalent in Indian Kashmir, and seems to be related to the high prevalence of smoking, predominantly in the form of hookah smoking

    Cодержание фтора в отдельных органах человеческого организма

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    Rezumat Este stabilit faptul că concentraţia de fluor în diferite organe ale organismului uman nu este aceeaşi la fel se menţionează diferenţa sa şi la nivelul diferite straturi de smalţ deoarece în perioada de erupere, cantitatea fluor este mai sporită decît în perioada dentiţiei permanente mai ales în dentină.Summary There was established that the content of fluorine in separate organs of human body is not equal, and also is noted its difference in various layers of enamel; to growing teeth the fluorine is accumulated more than in permanent, especially in dentine. The amount of fluorine in female milk to lactating women in the center of endemic fluorosis is below, than to women living outside of the center of defeat; thus children who are being on natural feeding are less subjected to fluorosis.Резюме Было установлено, что содержание фтора в отдельных органах человеческого организма не одинаково, а также отмечено его отличие в различных слоях эмали; в растущих зубах фтора накапливается больше чем в постоянных и особенно в дентине. Количество фтора в женском молоке лактирующих женщин в очаге эндемического флюороза ниже, чем у женщин проживающих вне очага поражения; таким образом дети, находящиеся на естественном вскармливании меньше подвержены флюорозу

    Clinica fluorozei

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    Rezumat În dependenţă de gradul de efecţiune sunt cunoscute 5 nivele de fluoroză. Una dintre ele este că dinţii din arcada inferioară sunt mai rar afectaţi de procesul eroziv şi distructiv al fluorozei.Summary According to gravity is given description for 5 degrees of fluorosis. One of the characteristic features for fluorosis defeat is that, the teeth on the lower jaw are less affected with erosive and destructive forms.Резюме Описаны 5 степеней тяжести флюорозного поражения зубов. Одна из особенностей поражения зубов флюорозом является то, что зубы на нижней челюсти значительно реже поражаются эрозивной и деструктивной формой флюороза

    The contents of fluorine in foodstuffs of animals

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    Rezumat S‑a stabilit faptul că produsele vegetale cultivate pe solurile bogate în fluor conţin o cantitate sporită a acestuia, fapt valabil şi pentru produsele alimentare de origine animală. Luînd în consideraţie faptul că în 13 raioane ale Republicii Moldova norma de fluor în apă este depăşită se recomandă efectuarea procedurilor profilactice de 2 ori pe an.Summary There were established, that the foodstuffs which have been grown up on rich fluorine soils contain increased amount, and also increased contents of fluorine in foodstuffs of animal origin were noted. In Republic of Moldova proceeding from 13 districts with fluorine content in drinking water, vegetative and animal organisms exceeds admissible norms, that’s why is necessary to exclude from the food ration water and foodstuffs obtained and grown up in given district, and two times per year to hold preventive actions

    The impact of COPD on health status: findings from the BOLD study

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    The aim of this study was to describe the impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on health status in the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) populations. We conducted a cross-sectional, general population-based survey in 11 985 subjects from 17 countries. We measured spirometric lung function and assessed health status using the Short Form 12 questionnaire. The physical and mental health component scores were calculated. Subjects with COPD (post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 s/forced vital capacity <0.70, n = 2269) had lower physical component scores (44±10 versus 48±10 units, p<0.0001) and mental health component scores (51±10 versus 52±10 units, p = 0.005) than subjects without COPD. The effect of reported heart disease, hypertension and diabetes on physical health component scores (-3 to -4 units) was considerably less than the effect of COPD Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease grade 3 (-8 units) or 4 (-11 units). Dyspnoea was the most important determinant of a low physical and mental health component scores. In addition, lower forced expiratory volume in 1 s, chronic cough, chronic phlegm and the presence of comorbidities were all associated with a lower physical health component score. COPD is associated with poorer health status but the effect is stronger on the physical than the mental aspects of health status. Severe COPD has a greater negative impact on health status than self-reported cardiovascular disease and diabetes

    Dental fluorosis - the growing problem of modern aesthetic dentistry

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    Rezumat. Fluoroza se referă la un grup de afecţiuni necarioase, ce apar înainte de erupţia dinţilor. Ea se dezvoltă în urma unui efect cumulativ al primirii fluorurilor din diverse surse. Printre factorii importanţi de risc putem menţiona pasta de dinţi fluorurată și frecvenţa de utilizare a acesteia, fluorizarea apei potabile, utilizarea unor comprimate ce conţin fluor sau sare fluorurată. Trebuie menţionat faptul că, odată cu creșterea vârstei la care copiii încep să consume apă ce conţine fluor, nu numai că scade frecvenţa afectării, dar și gravitatea ei. Leziunile smalţului sunt, de asemenea multiforme prin manifestare — de la macule cretoase mici, abia perceptibile, pe suprafaţa labială a smalţului,— până la multiple macule și eroziuni confluente, ce desfigurează sau chiar distrug coroana dintelui.Summary. Fluorosis pertains to a group of non-carious diseases arising prior to the eruption of teeth. It develops as a result of the cumulative effect of the arrival fluoride from different sources. Among the significant risk factors include fluoride toothpaste and frequency of use, fluoridation of drinking water, the use of fluoride tablets or fluoridated salt. It is necessary to note that with increase the age, at which children have started to use fluoride toothpaste, fluoridated water, pills, decreases not only the frequency of lesions, but also its severity. The lesions of enamel also characterized variety of manifestations — from small imperceptible chalky flecks on the labial enamel surface, up to multiple, coalescing with each other spots and erosion, disfiguring or even destroy the crown of the tooth

    The impact of COPD on health status: findings from the BOLD study.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access.The aim of this study was to describe the impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on health status in the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) populations. We conducted a cross-sectional, general population-based survey in 11 985 subjects from 17 countries. We measured spirometric lung function and assessed health status using the Short Form 12 questionnaire. The physical and mental health component scores were calculated. Subjects with COPD (post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 s/forced vital capacity <0.70, n = 2269) had lower physical component scores (44±10 versus 48±10 units, p<0.0001) and mental health component scores (51±10 versus 52±10 units, p = 0.005) than subjects without COPD. The effect of reported heart disease, hypertension and diabetes on physical health component scores (-3 to -4 units) was considerably less than the effect of COPD Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease grade 3 (-8 units) or 4 (-11 units). Dyspnoea was the most important determinant of a low physical and mental health component scores. In addition, lower forced expiratory volume in 1 s, chronic cough, chronic phlegm and the presence of comorbidities were all associated with a lower physical health component score. COPD is associated with poorer health status but the effect is stronger on the physical than the mental aspects of health status. Severe COPD has a greater negative impact on health status than self-reported cardiovascular disease and diabetes.ALTANA Aventis AstraZeneca Boehringer-Ingelheim Chiesi GlaxoSmithKline Merck Novartis Pfizer Schering-Plough Sepracor University of Kentucky Wellcome Trust/085790/Z/08/

    Managerial and economical aspects of PMSI University Dental Clinic’s activity of Medical University “N. Testemitanu”

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    Rezumat. În condițiile de situația social-economică, Clinica Universitară Stomatologică USMF «N.Testemițanu» acordă un spectru larg de asistență medicală stomatologică calificată pacienților săi. Clinica Universitară Stomatologică USMF «N.Testemițanu» depune eforturi mari spre aplicarea noilor metode și tehnologii în scopul îmbunătățirii activității profesionale.Summary. In condition of social-economical situation PMSI University Dental Clinics provides a large spectrum of medical assistance in dentistry for its patients. PMSI University Dental Clinics follows to new methods and technologies application for improving professional activity

    The combined conservative treatment of superficial teeth discoloration

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    Catedra Stomatologie terapeutică USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Now there is a tendency in favour of favorabile opinion on the importance of use of fluorides as helping in reducing indexes of caries both in the developed, and in underdeveloped countries. The widespread use of methods of fluorination promoted decreasing of prevalence of caries. Nevertheless, at the same time indexes of a tooth fluorosis, apparently, grow in a reciprocal proportion. It is caused by a chronic poisoning with the fluorine, caused by consumption of fluoric bonds for a long time or their high concentration in potable water, nutrition etc. Owing to the given treatment or residing in the endemic foci of a fluorosis, we can observe augmentation of maculae with a various colour on tooth surface which affect dental aesthetics. Currently, the search of adequate aesthetic restorative treatment is increasing, but, despite the wide assortment of restorative materials on the market, there is no material which would correspond on properties and characteristics to dental hard tissues. Enamel microabrasion is an effective method to remove surface discoloration, caused by this condition which damages an aesthetics of that tissue. The use of 18 %-s' hydrochloric acids in a combination with pumice in spite of the fact that was a simple and cheap method, was gradually replaced because of its potential of bringing of harm to periodontal tissues. In search of revealing of conservative treatment approaching for improvement of a tooth aesthetics, this research has been spent for the purpose of an estimation of efficiency of technics of a enamel microabrasion using acid liquid of zinc phosphate cement in a combination to abrasive dentifrice powder in thematic clinical cases, encountered by the employees of chair of Preventive Dentistry of USMF "N. Testemiţanu" in University’s stomatologic clinic. As criterion for an estimation of cases were taken the photos, registered at the beginning and after application of a series of the combined therapy based on a microabrasion and a remineralization of an enamel (alternating topical application of fluorides with calcium preparations are taken; in case of a fluorosis local application of fluorides is contraindicated !!!). Thereby, this article reports the clinical case of treatment of the dental fluorosis solved by means of a enamel microabrasion, using acid liquid of zinc phosphate cement because its costbenefit ratio is better than in a case with a hydrochloric acid. Actualmente există o tendinţă în favoarea opiniei pozitive referitor la importanţa utilizării compuşilor de fluor în calitate de agenţi, ce facilitează reducerea indicilor de carie, - atât în ţările puternic dezvoltate, cât şi în cele slab dezvoltate. Utilizarea pe larg a metodelor de fluorizare a contribuit la diminuarea răspândirii cariei dentare în mai multe teritorii. Cu toate acestea, concomitent indicii fluorozei dentare, aparent, cresc în proporţie inversă. Aceasta se datorează unei intoxicaţii cronice cu fluor, datorate consumului fluorizilor pe parcursul unui timp îndelungat sau a unei concentraţii înalte a acestora în apa potabilă, produse alimentare etc. În urma tratamentului respectiv sau locuirea în focare endemice de fluoroză, putem remarca pe suprafeţele dentare macule de variate culori, prezenţa cărora afectează esteticul. La momentul actual, creşte în amploare căutarea unui tratament restaurativ estetic adecvat, dar, în pofida faptului că pe piaţă există o gamă bogată de preparate restaurative, stomatologul modern nu dispune de un material concret, care ar corespunde prin proprietăţi şi caracteristici ţesuturilor dure dentare. Microabrazia smalţului este o metodă eficientă pentru îndepărtarea discromiilor dentare, provocate de condiţiile, ce afectează esteticul smalţiar. Utilizarea acidului clorhidric de 18% în combinare cu piatra ponce, deşi s-a adeverit a fi o metodă simplă şi ieftină, a fost treptat restrânsă din cauza vătămării potenţiale a ţesuturilor parodontale, fiind substituită prin tehnici mai puţin agresive. Având ca obiectiv identificarea unui tratament conservativ apt de a îmbunătăţi esteticul dentar, acest studiu a fost realizat cu scopul de a estima eficienţa aplicării tehnicii de microabrazie a smalţului, folosind lichidul acid al cimentului fosfat de zinc (în combinare cu praful dentifrice [de dinţi] abraziv) în cazurile clinice tematice întâlnite în Clinica Stomatologică Universitară de către colaboratorii Catedrei de Stomatologie Terapeutică a USMF "N.Testemiţanu". Datele acceptate drept criterii ai evaluării obiective sunt fotografiile făcute la începutul şi la finele seriei de tratament combinat, având la bază microabrazia smalţului, asociată cu terapia remineralizantă (alternând utilizarea locală a preparatelor de fluor cu cele de calciu; în cazul fluorozei aplicarea topică a fluoridelor este contraindicată!!!). Astfel, acest articol comunică despre un caz clinic de tratare a fluorozei, soluţionat cu ajutorul microabraziei smalţiere, folosind lichidului acid al cimentului fosfat de zinc, deoarece co-raportul acesteia de cost-profit-avantaj este mult superior utilizării acidului clorhidric de 18%