7 research outputs found

    Reliability of 3D measurement of pelvic and lower limb kinematics during two single leg landing tasks

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    Study aim: Three-dimensional (3D) motion analysis is one of the available methods used to evaluate body kinematics. The aim of this study was to assess the intrarater reliability of measurement of pelvic and lower limb kinematics during two single leg landing tasks using 3D motion analysis

    Functional asymmetry of the spine in standing and sitting positions [Funkční asymetrie páteře vstoje a vsedě]

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    BACKGROUND: A sedentary lifestyle, together with functional asymmetry of the body, are potentially dysfunctional factors. OBJECTIVE: In this project, the authors are trying to identify the connections between a sedentary lifestyle and the amount of functional asymmetry of the spine. METHODS: Sixteen male volunteers aged 19–25 participated in the experiment. All of them were students of the University of Physical Education in Katowice. To measure trunk movement, the BTS Smart system was used. The quantity of functional asymmetry was described as a Functional Asymmetry Ratio (FAR), calculated using the trunk range of motion on the frontal and horizontal planes. RESULTS: Larger FARs values were registered in a sitting position (p CONCLUSIONS: The association between a sedentary lifestyle and the functional asymmetry of the body is possible. Together with the increased use of sitting positions in daily life, the asymmetric load exerted on the spine may increase as well.[VÝCHODISKA: Sedavý styl života a funkční asymetrie těla představují potenciálně dysfunkční faktory. CÍL: V tomto projektu se autoři snaží zjistit vztah mezi sedavým stylem života a mírou funkční asymetrie páteře. METODY: Experimentu se zúčastnilo šestnáct mužů – dobrovolníků ve věku 19–25 let. Šlo o studenty Akademie tělesné výchovy v Katovicích. K měření pohybů trupu byl použit system BTS Smart. Míra funkční asymetrie byla popsána jako koeficient funkční asymetrie (Functional Asymmetry Ratio, FAR), vypočtený z rozsahu pohybů trupu ve frontální a horizontální rovině. VÝSLEDKY: Vyšší hodnoty FAR byly zjištěny v poloze vsedě (p < 0,01). Funkční asymetrie ve frontální rovině byla vyšší než asymetrie v horizontální rovině (p < 0,05) a asymetrie bederní páteře převýšila hodnotu zaznamenanou u hrudní části (p < 0,05). ZÁVĚRY: Spojení mezi sedavým stylem života a funkční asymetrií těla je možné. Společně se zvýšeným užíváním sedavých poloh v každodenním životě se může také zvyšovat asymetrické namáhání páteře.

    A prospective longitudinal comparison of the sacral inclination angle in women between their early and advanced pregnancy and 6-month postpartum follow-up

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    The impact of pregnancy on the anterior-posterior sacral orientation and its relation to lumbopelvic pain and weight gain has not been fully recognized. This longitudinal study aimed to compare the sacral inclination angle in women between their early and advanced pregnancy and at 6 months postpartum. The authors also searched for a correlation between the sacral inclination and lumbopelvic pain, BMI and change in body mass. Methods: Thirteen healthy women participated in the study. Data were collected at 8–16 and 35–38 weeks of gestation, and at 27–31.5 postpartum weeks. At each session, the women’s sacral inclination angles were measured using the Saunders digital inclinometer. Data were also collected on lumbopelvic pain, BMI and body mass gain/loss. Results: There was no effect of the evaluation period on the sacral inclination ( p > 0.05); however, various individual values of the sacral inclination in pregnancy and postpartum were noted. In advanced pregnancy, 61.5% of the women had recurrent pain in the lumbopelvic region. The sacral inclination did not correlate with the lumbopelvic pain, BMI and body mass change ( p > 0.05) in the pregnancy and postpartum periods. Conclusions: Advanced pregnancy did not influence sacral inclination. However, individuals varied in their responses. Therefore, we suggest that an individually-based physical therapy approach concerning proper posture during and after pregnancy should be emphasized. The sacral inclination had no impact on the occurrence of recurrent lumbopelvic pain. BMI and changes in body mass did not influence the sacral inclination in advanced pregnancy and at 6 months postpartum