215 research outputs found

    Planoxylon Stopes, Protelicoxylon Philippe and Herbstiloxylon gen. nov. (Coniferales) from the Middle Jurassic La Matilde Formation, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina

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    Se dan a conocer nuevas maderas de gimnospermas provenientes de la Formación La Matilde (Jurásico Medio) del Gran Bajo de San Julián, provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina. Se describen Planoxylon australe (Salard) Vozenin-Serra Salard-Cheboldaeff, Protelicoxylon feriziense (Fahkr y Marguerier) Philippe y un nuevo taxón: Herbstiloxylon patagonicum gen. et sp. nov. Planoxylon es miembro de la familia Protopinaceae que incluye maderas con caracteres transicionales entre el tipo araucarioide y el tipo abietinoide. Se analizan las afinidades de Planoxylon y Herbstiloxylon gen. nov. con las Cupressaceae (Orden Coniferales)Planoxylon australe (Salard) Vozenin-Serra and Salard-Cheboldaeff, Protelicoxylon feriziense (Fahkr and Marguerier) Philippe and Herbstiloxylon patagonicum gen. et sp. nov. from the Middle Jurassic La Matilde Formation, Gran Bajo de San Julián, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina are described. Planoxylon is a member of the Protopinaceae which includes wood specimens with transitional characters between araucarioid and abietinoid types. The relationship of Planoxylon and Herbstiloxylon gen. nov. with the Cupressaceae is analizedFil: Gnaedinger, Silvia Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; Argentin

    A new taxa for dipteridaceae fronds from the paso flores formation, late triassic, Neuquén basin, Argentina

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    Steril and fertil fronds of dipteridacean ferns from the Paso Flores Formation (Norian) at Cañadón de Pancho area (Neuquén Basin, Argentina) are described. The morphological characteristics are: fanshaped fronds dissected in two equal and opposite rachial arms; each rachial arm bearing more than 18 primary segments. The primary segments fused up to 1/3 of the total length of the preserved lamina, and the remaining part is free, linear-lanceolate in shape, showing ondulate to deeply dissected lobes margins (less than 2/3 in length of the secondary vein). Primary and secondary veins simple, whereas tertiary veins dichotomized and forming irregularly polygonal areoles. Sori exindusiate, arranged in two regular rows on either side of the primary veins, as well as on both sides of the base of the secondary veins. Sori are round in outline, each sorus consists of 45-60 or more sporangia. Mixed maturation of sporangia. The annulus of the sporangia is oblique and complete. These specimens share some morphological features of the fronds with the fossil genera Clathropteris Brongniart, 1828, Digitopteris Pott and Bomfleur, 2018, Thaumatopteris Goeppert, 1841 and, with some species of the Dictyophyllum Lindley and Hutton, 1834 as well as in the character soral, with one the current species of Dipteris Reinwardt. The Paso Flores specimens comprise an interesting mixture of features showing a unique combination that do not fit in the circumscription of any of the known and most abundant genera of Dipteridaceae. Thus, these fossil dipterid fern fronds suggest that they belong to a new taxonomic entity.Fil: Gnaedinger, Silvia Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Zavattieri, Ana Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; Argentina1° Reunión Virtual de Comunicaciones de la Asociación Paleontológica ArgentinaBuenos AiresArgentinaAsociación Paleontológica Argentin

    A new Late Triassic dipteridacean fern from the Paso Flores Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina

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    Sterile and fertile fronds of dipteridacean ferns from the Paso Flores Formation (late Norian–Rhaetian) at Cañadón de Pancho area, south of the Neuquén Province, Patagonia (Neuquén Basin), Argentina, are described. The Paso Flores Formation specimens comprise an interesting mixture of features showing a unique combination that does not fit in the diagnosis of any of the known fossil genera of Dipteridaceae. Characters such as the number and shape of primary segments in each rachial arm, the coalescence of the primary segments at the base of the frond, the distribution of sori and the number of sporangia per sori allow to differentiate the Paso Flores Formation specimens from the other genera of the family. The new genus and species, Patagoniapteris artabeae is proposed. The specimens share some frond morphological features with the fossil genera Clathropteris, Digitopteris, Thaumatopteris, Sewardalea and with some species of the Dictyophyllum, as well as the characteristic of the sori with the living species Dipteris lobbiana. The Paso Flores Formation environments developed on the western margin of Gondwana under seasonal temperate-warm and humid to sub-humid climates with a marine influence from the west. The Cañadón de Pancho assemblages are late Norian–Rhaetian in age, being the youngest fossil flora recorded from Argentinian Triassic basins to date.Fil: Gnaedinger, Silvia Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Zavattieri, Ana Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; Argentin

    Coniferous wood of Agathoxylon from the La Matilde Formation, (Middle Jurassic), Santa Cruz, Argentina

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    In this contribution, four species of Agathoxylon are described from the La Matilde Formation, Gran Bajo de San Julián and central and south-western sectors of Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Agathoxylon agathioides (Kräusel and Jain) n. comb., Agathoxylon santalense (Sah and Jain) n. comb., Agathoxylon termieri (Attims) Gnaedinger and Herbst, and the new species Agathoxylon santacruzense n. sp. are described based on a detailed description of the secondary xylem. In this work, it was possible to construct scatter plots to elucidate the anatomical differences between the fossil species described on quantitative anatomical data. Comparisons are made with other Agathoxylon species from Gondwana. These parameters can be used to discriminate genera and species of wood found in the same formation, as well as to establish differences/similarities between other taxa described in other formations. Some localities contain innumerable in situ petrified trees, which allowed us to infer that these taxa formed small forests, or local forests, or small forests within a dense forest, which is a habitat coincident with the extant Araucariaceae.Fil: Cabral Kloster, Adriana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Gnaedinger, Silvia Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura; Argentin

    Primeiro registro de madeira de annonaceae para o neógeno da América do Sul, Bacia do Amazonas, Brasil

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    The relief of the regions of Manaus and Itacoatiara,Central Amazon, is supported by Neogene siliciclastic rocks, boundedat the base and top by lateritic paleosols and covered by quaternary sedimentarydeposits from the Solimões-Amazon river system. This unitis informally assigned to the Novo Remanso Formation, consists ofusually reddish and ferruginized sandstones, conglomerates and pelites,with few identified fossil records, a fact that has hindered its stratigraphicposition, and the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the lastphase of the Amazon Basin settling. This study describes, for the firsttime, the occurrence of fossil wood in outcroppings of the left bank ofthe Amazon River, where anatomical and morphological data has enabledits characterization to the species level. Thus, the data marks therecord of the Annonaceae in South America, as well as the depositionalprocesses related to incorporation of organic material in the sandylayer and the fossilization processes that allowed its preservation. In anunprecedented way, this study has described Duguetiaxylon amazonicumnov. gen and sp. and provided information on the anatomical andsystematic character, as well as data on plant-insect interaction, and abetter understanding of the family.O relevo das regiões de Manaus e Itacoatiara, na Amazônia Central, é suportado por rochas siliciclásticas neogênicas, delimitadas na base e no topo por paleossolos lateríticos e cobertas por depósitos sedimentares quaternários do sistema fluvial Solimões-Amazonas. Essa unidade é informalmente atribuída à Formação Novo Remanso, constituída geralmente de arenitos avermelhados e ferruginizados, conglomerados e pelitos, com poucos registros fósseis identificados, fato que tem impedido sua posição estratigráfica e a reconstrução paleoambiental da última fase do assentamento da Bacia Amazônica. Este estudo descreve, pela primeira vez, a ocorrência de madeira fóssil em afloramentos da margem esquerda do Rio Amazonas, onde dados anatômicos e morfológicos possibilitaram sua caracterização ao nível da espécie. Assim, os dados marcam o registro de Annonaceae na América do Sul, bem como os processos deposicionais relacionados à incorporação de material orgânico na camada arenosa e os processos de fossilização que permitiram sua preservação. De modo sem precedentes, este estudo descreve Duguetiaxylon amazonicum nov. gen e sp. e fornece informações sobre as características anatômicas e sistemáticas, bem como dados sobre a interação planta-inseto e melhor compreensão da família.Fil: Amaral Soares, Emilio Alberto. Universidade Federal Do Amazonas; BrasilFil: Cabral Kloster, Adriana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Gnaedinger, Silvia Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Riker, Silvio Roberto. Serviço Geológico Do Brasil; BrasilFil: Da Cruz Lima, Felipe José. Serviço Geológico Do Brasil ; BrasilFil: Motta, Marcelo Batista. Serviço Geológico Do Brasil; Brasi

    Reading-specific flexibility moderates the relation between reading strategy use and reading comprehension during the elementary years

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    The goal was to test whether cognitive flexibility moderates the relation between reading strategy use and reading comprehension during the elementary years. Seventy-five second through fifth grade students completed a think aloud task and a metacognitive questionnaire to measure reading strategies, two card-sorting tasks to measure general and reading-specific cognitive flexibility, and one standardized measure of reading comprehension, as well as measures of oral reading fluency and vocabulary. As expected, oral reading fluency and vocabulary predicted reading comprehension, as did reading-specific flexibility. Importantly, reading-specific flexibility had a significant moderating effect, over and above the other effects. Specifically, weak reading-specific flexibility skills were associated with a negative relation between reading strategy use during think aloud and reading comprehension, suggesting that children with weak flexibility skills are less adept at using reading strategies effectively

    Sedimentary paleoenvironment and fossil plants of the El Freno Formation (Early Jurassic) in Las Leñas Valley, Neuquén Basin, Argentina

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    Las sucesiones continentales del Jurásico Temprano del valle de Las Leñas y su flora fósil se conocen desde fines del siglo diecinueve, aunque están poco representadas en la bibliografía. Eso nos llevó a estudiar el ambiente sedimentario y contenido paleobotánico de los afloramientos de la Fm. El Freno en los arroyos Portezuelo y Peuquenes, informar su taxonomía e interpretar sus rasgos tafonómicos. El perfil estudiado es una sucesión grano- y estratodecreciente de lentes de conglomerados y areniscas, con briznas y troncos carbonizados que registra la evolución de un sistema fluvial entrelazado gravoso (con barras longitudinales y subordinadamente transversales, canales abandonados y fuertes desniveles topográficos) hacia otro entrelazado arenoso (con barras transversales, planicies de inundación y sin evidencias de migración lateral). Ambos ríos fluyeron principalmente al NNO y muestran una acomodación creciente constante, ya sea por ascenso relativo del nivel de base y subsidencia regional, o por erosión progresiva de la topografía. Las plantas halladas comprenden Dictyophylum (Dictyophylum) sp., Goeppertella sp. (registrada por primera vez en esta unidad) y Equisetópsida indeterminadas. Estas últimas habrían prosperado en cuerpos de agua semipermanentes de canales abandonados y las Dipteridaceae, en zonas bien drenadas de la faja de canales, por encima del cauce permanente. Los árboles habrían ocupado áreas altas y bien drenadas, con suelos bien desarrollados, posiblemente fuera de la faja de canales. Considerando rasgos litoestratigráficos, la edad de los depósitos estudiados queda acotada al Hettangiano?-Sinemuriano Medio, sin poder identificar hiatos dentro de la sucesión fluvial o entre ésta y las capas marinas suprayacentes.Fil: Lanes, Silvia. Cape Town-South Africa; SudáfricaFil: Gnaedinger, Silvia Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Nordeste. Centro de Ecologia Aplicada del Litoral (i); Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Naturales y Agrimensura; ArgentinaFil: Zavattieri, Ana Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Científico Tecnológico Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Lezama, Luis Raul. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales; Argentin

    Primer registro de leño de conifera de la formación Cañadón Asfalto (Jurásico temprano–medio), provincia de Chubut, Argentina

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    Se describe una nueva especie de madera fósil de conífera, Brachyoxylon currumilii sp. nov., del Jurásico Inferior a Medio de la provincia de Chubut, Argentina. Los especímenes estudiados fueron coleccionados en una localidad donde aflora la Formación Cañadón Asfalto, en las cercanías de la aldea de Cerro Cóndor. Los troncos, estudiados, se caracterizan por el punteado radial de las traqueidas de tipo mixto, predominantemente uniseriado, campos de cruzamiento de tipo araucarioide, radios uniseriados bajos y ausencia de canales resiníferos. La observación bajo MEB y microscopio con luz transmitida y epifluorescencia permitió además la identificación de caracteres tales como la presencia de torus-margo en las punteaduras y estructuras de leño de compresión. Ambos caracteres son discutidos en relación a su relevancia sistemática. Sobre esta base, se discute la afinidad sistemática de la madera estudiada, la cual posee rasgos que la vincularían con la familia de coníferas extintas Cheirolepidiaceae, uno de los grupos de plantas dominantes durante el Jurásico y Cretácico de PatagoniaA new fossil conifer wood —Brachyoxylon currumilii sp. nov.— is described from the Lower–Middle Jurassic of Chubut Province (Argentina). The specimens were collected at a locality where the Cañadón Asfalto Formation is exposed, in the vicinity of the Cerro Cóndor village. The studied wood is characterized by mixed pitting in radial tracheid walls (predominantly uniseriate), araucarioid cross fields, low uniseriate rays and the absence of resin canals. The use of transmitted light and epifluorescence microscopy together with SEM imaging allowed the identification of additional characters such as the presence of pitting with torus-margo and compression wood. These characters are discussed in terms of their systematic relevance. On these grounds, the systematic affinity of the studied wood is discussed and linked to the extinct conifer family Cheirolepidiaceae, one of the dominant plant groups during the Jurassic and Cretaceous in Patagonia.Fil: Bodnar, Josefina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Area Paleobotánica; ArgentinaFil: Escapa, Ignacio Hernan. Museo Paleontologico Egidio Feruglio; ArgentinaFil: Cuneo, Nestor Ruben. Museo Paleontologico Egidio Feruglio; ArgentinaFil: Gnaedinger, Silvia Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Nordeste. Centro de Ecologia Aplicada del Litoral (i); Argentin

    Permineralized conifer-like leaves from the jurassic of patagonia (Argentina) and its paleoenvironmental implications

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    Anatomically preserved conifer-like leaves from the Middle Jurassic La Matilde Formation at the Barda Blanca locality in the Gran Bajo de San Julián area, southern Patagonia are described here. Leaves are assigned to conifers based on the following foliar features: thick-walled epidermal cells, a sclerenchymatic hypodermis, resin canals and transfusion tracheids associated with the vascular bundle. General mesophyll anatomy and inferred foliar morphology suggest a similarity to large, broad, linearlanceolate, multi-veined conifer-like leaves. The general foliar habit indicates an affinity with the large, multi-veined leaves of the Araucariaceae; especially with those exhibited by the species of the Araucaria sections, Araucaria and Bunya. Anatomically, the permineralized leaves exhibit xeromorphic foliar features, including thick-walled epidermal cells, an isobilateral mesophyll with well-developed palisade cells and mechanical tissue. The general leaf anatomy shown by the Patagonian specimens along with sedimentological data may suggest that during the deposition of the La Matilde Formation at the Barda Blanca locality, the parent plant was well adapted to the environmental conditions, which probably consisted of a high light intensity with an adequate quantity of water in the soil, which increased the maximum leaf conductance of CO2.Fil: del Fueyo, Georgina Marisa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Gnaedinger, Silvia Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Lafuente Diaz, Maiten Amalia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Carrizo, Martín Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Argentin