7 research outputs found

    Preliminary molecular phylogeny of the diatom genus nupela with the description of a new species and consideration of the interrelationships of taxa in the suborder neidiineae d.G. mann sensu e.j. cox

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    © Czech Phycological Society (2020). Molecular investigation of genera Nupela and Brachysira is conducted using strains from Indonesia and Vietnam. New species from the genus Nupela indonesica sp. nov. is described using combined approach. Nupela lesothensis (Schoeman) Lange–Bertalot is investigated using molecular data too. Phylogenetic analysis shows that Nupela and Brachysira are not closest genera. Morphology of Nupela and it differences from Brachysira is discussed. The genus Nupela is differs from all other diatom taxa by having coalescent hymenes ouside of areolae but not inside. Facultative development of raphe between different Nupela species is discussed

    Effect of production methods on tribological characteristics of babbitt coatings

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    The authors have studied variations in such tribological characteristics as the friction coefficient and wear rate of babbitt coatings obtained by the methods of turbulent casting, gas surfacing, plasma spraying, and activated arc metallization. The results obtained are discussed from the standpoints of microstructural metallographic analysis. © 2012 Allerton Press, Inc