5 research outputs found

    The JPSS CrIS Instrument and the Evolution of Space-Based Infrared Sounders

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    This paper will summarize the development of infrared sounders since the 1970s, describe the technological hurdles that were overcome to provide ever-increasing performance capabilities, and highlight the radiometric performance of the CrIS instrument on JPSS-1 (CrIS-JPSS1). This includes details of the CrIS-JPSS1 measured noise-equivalent spectral radiance (NEdN) performance, radiometric uncertainty performance utilizing a new and improved internal calibration target, short-term and long-term repeatability, spectral uncertainty, and spectral stability. In addition, the full-resolution operating modes for CrIS-JPSS1 will be reviewed, including a discussion of how these modes will be used during on-orbit characterization tests. We will provide a brief update of CrIS-SNPP on-obit performance and the production status of the CrIS instruments for JPSS-2 through JPSS-4. Current technological challenges will also be reviewed, including how ongoing research and development is enabling improvements to future sounders. The expanding usage of infrared sounding data will also be discussed, including demonstration of value via data assimilation, the roles of the public/private sector in communicating the importance of sounding data for long-term observations, and the long road to success from research to operational data products

    TRL6 Testing of Hyperspectral Fourier Spectrometer Instrument for CubeSat Applications

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    Hyperspectral infrared instruments have many potential applications in remote-sensing CubeSat constellations. This paper describes the design of a 6U-compatible infrared Fourier Transform spectrometer (FTS) instrument that is designed for meteorological and remote sensing applications, and describes the results of an environmental test campaign designed to increase the technology readiness level (TRL) of the instrument to TRL6. It includes a description of the major subsystems of the instrument, as well as performance test data before and after exposure. Potential applications for this instrument are discussed

    A Constellation of Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) CubeSats for Global Measurements of Three-Dimensional Winds

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    Global measurements of vertically-resolved atmospheric wind profiles offer the potential for improved weather forecasts, including superior predictions of atmospheric wind patterns. A small-satellite constellation utilizing Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) instruments onboard 6U CubeSats can provide measurements of global tropospheric wind profiles from space at very low cost. These small satellites are called FTS CubeSats. The constellation consists of groups of three FTS CubeSats flying in formation and separated by a specified time delay. This geometry enables moisture-field measurements which can be combined to provide vertically-resolved profiles of the wind field on a global basis. This paper will focus on recent advances in the maturity of the FTS CubeSat concept which includes an update of the flight concept, test results from a prototype of the FTS CubeSat, and development of more effective wind extraction algorithms