26 research outputs found
Erfolgs- und Risikofaktoren von Auslandsdirektinvestitionen in Polen: eine empirische Studie ĂŒber das Investitionsverhalten deutscher Unternehmen
Im Zuge der Erweiterung der EuropĂ€ischen Union im Jahre 2004 haben sich interessante Möglichkeiten aber auch Risiken fĂŒr jene Unternehmen ergeben, die ihre internationalen GeschĂ€ftsaktivitĂ€ten um die zentral- und osteuropĂ€ischen LĂ€nder erweitern wollen. Vor dem Hintergrund, dass ein Auslandsengagement nicht immer linear und erfolgreich verlĂ€uft, werden im vorliegenden Artikel Motive, Eintrittsformen, Eigentumsstrukturen und Nachhaltigkeit von Auslandsinvestitionen deutscher Unternehmen, die sich in Polen in den letzten Jahren engagiert haben, untersucht.The expansion of the European Union (EU) in 2004 towards Central European and Eastern European countries opened new business opportunities for firms which seek to expand their international activities in upcoming markets. Based on the assumption that international business is not necessarily a forward directed, successful, and linear approach, this paper evaluates foreign direct investment (FDI) motives, modes, ownership structures, and the longevity of business of German firms, which have invested in recent times in Poland
Knowledge sharing motives and value co-creation behavior of the consumers in physiotherapy services : a cross-cultural study
This study aims to investigate the role of consumersâ (patients) motives in knowledge sharing and value co-creation with the service provider in the context of physiotherapy services.
The authors used partial least squares structural equation modeling for the analysis of the physiotherapy services usersâ data from Germany and Pakistan.
The results show that in both consumer groups, individualizing, empowering and development motives are common influences on the willingness to share knowledge leading to value co-creation. However, the relating, ethical and concerted motives show varying influences in the data set.
Research limitations/implications
A key research implication relates to specifying the link between consumer knowledge sharing and value creation and the role of cultural factors in this context. It is one of the first studies to undertake a comparative analysis in this specific context by highlighting the changing role of consumers from collective and individualistic societies, in influencing service provision through participation in the service exchange.
Practical implications
For the managerial audience, this paper highlights the importance of being sensitive to cultural elements as they tend to influence personal knowledge sharing by the consumer, especially in the well-being sector, which ultimately influences the value co-creation.
To the best of the authorsâ knowledge, the current paper is one of the first studies focusing on the knowledge sharing motives of consumers in the specific context of physiotherapy services leading to value co-creation. Moreover, specific focus on individual consumerâs motives and their role in comparative, cross-cultural settings, adds further value to the contribution of this study.©2020 Emerald Publishing Limited. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons AttributionâNonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BYâNC 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed
Das Internationalisierungsverhalten deutscher Unternehmen - Ergebnisse einer vergleichenden Studie fĂŒr Brandenburg, Berlin und das Bundesgebiet
Im Zuge der Integration weltweiter Wertschöpfungsketten hat die Internationalisierung von GeschĂ€ftsaktivitĂ€ten fĂŒr Unternehmen aller GröĂenklassen gleichermaĂen an Bedeutung gewonnen. Chancen und Risiken von AuslandsaktivitĂ€ten werden von den beteiligten Akteuren in der Regel unterschiedlich empfunden. Im Zuge einer Feldstudie sind insgesamt 102 Firmen aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet im Zeitraum von Mai 2010 bis Juni 2011 zu ihrem Internationalisierungsverhalten (z. B. Internationalisierungsmotive und Erfolgsfaktoren) befragt worden. Die Ergebnisse werden fĂŒr Brandenburgische und Berliner Unternehmen im Vergleich zum Bundesgebiet differenziert dargestellt
Marktforschung in der Praxis: KundenprÀferenzen beim Kauf eines neuen FernsehgerÀtes
In der heutigen Zeit sind Medien aller Art im alltĂ€glichen Leben anzutreffen. Ob frĂŒh am Morgen die frisch gedruckte Zeitung, das Radio in der KĂŒche, der Lieblingsfilm im Fernsehen oder das Internet via Mobiltelefon. Viele Menschen können sich heutzutage ein Leben ohne Mobiltelefon oder FernsehgerĂ€t nicht mehr vorstellen. Die Industrie hat dies erkannt und bringt fast tĂ€glich neue Weiterentwicklungen auf den Markt. Smartphones, die beinahe so viel können wie ein Laptop oder Fernseher, die den Zuschauer via 3D-Technologie in das Geschehen eintauchen lassen, entwickeln sich zu Standardprodukten. Bei der heutigen Geschwindigkeit der Neuentwicklungen und den immer kĂŒrzer werdenden Produktlebenszyklen ist es besonders wichtig, den Endverbraucher vom Mehrwert zu ĂŒberzeugen. In diesem Zusammenhang ist es notwendig herauszukristallisieren, worauf der Endkunde Wert legt und welche InformationsschwĂ€chen er hat. Hierzu haben acht Studierende der TH Wildau aus dem Fachbereich Betriebswirtschaft/Wirtschaftsinformatik eine empirische Studie entwickelt.In your everyday life, media of all kinds are found. Whether early in the morning, freshly printed newspaper, the radio in the kitchen, favorite movies on TV or the Internet via mobile phone. Many people can not imagine a life without mobile phone or TV. The industry has recognized that and almost every day they have new developments for the market. Smartphones have nearly as much as functions as a laptop or a television and are able to bring the viewers into actions via 3D technology as a standard. Because of the speed of new developments and the shortening product life cycle it is especially important to convince the consumer«s added value. In this case it is important to have a look what is significant for the end consumer and what lack of information does the consumer have. Concerning these problems, eight students of the University of Applied Science Wildau from the Department of Business Administration and Business Informatics designed an empirical study
3D-Fernsehen â Top oder Flop? Eine Marktanalyse
Nach EinschĂ€tzungen mehrerer Firmen aus der Unterhaltungselektronik wĂ€hrend der »Internationalen Funkausstellung « (IFA) in Berlin 2010 und 2011 erwartet die Branche fĂŒr die Zukunft vielversprechende Wachstumsraten fĂŒr FernsehgerĂ€te mit integrierter 3D-Technologie. Diese relativ optimistische Prognose wurde zum Anlass genommen, eine Marktstudie mit dem Ziel durchzufĂŒhren, das Marktpotenzial fĂŒr FernsehgerĂ€te mit 3D-Technologie zu untersuchen. Insgesamt wurden 261 Personen aus dem Raum Berlin-Brandenburg befragt, um RĂŒckschlĂŒsse auf deren Kaufbereitschaft fĂŒr 3D-FernsehgerĂ€te ziehen zu können. Die empirischen Daten aus den Fragebögen wurden mit Hilfe des Statistik-Programms SPSS (Version 19) ausgewertet. Die Forschungsergebnisse sind im vorliegenden Artikel zusammengefasst.According to estimates from several firm executives in consumer electronics as announced during the »Internationale Funkausstellung« (IFA) in Berlin in 2010 and 2011, the market for TVs with integrated 3D technology indicates very promising growth rates for the future. This relatively optimistic forecast was taken as an opportunity to initiate a field research project. Research activity targets to investigate the market potential for TV sets with 3D-technology. A total of 261 people from the Berlin-Brandenburg region were interviewed. Data allow deductions about market potentials for 3D TVs in the future. The empirical data were analyzed using the statistical program SPSS (version 19). Research outcomes are summarized in this paper
Success Factors of International New Venture Firms - Empirical Case Study of German SME
The literature review, as introduced in the first part of this paper, indicates that there are inconsistent numerical determinants available in the corresponding IB literature which serves to define an INV. Nevertheless, according to a common stream of literature contributions, the firm's age at international entry (three years or less), the export involvement (25 percent of turnover or more), and the markets covered (not less than five markets/two continents), were defined as classification determinants of an INV for the empirical part of this paper. Based on these classifications, the case study outcomes verified that EAC is categorized as an INV.(fragment of text
Doing Business with New EU Member States : A Comparative Empirical Analysis of German and French Medium-Sized Enterprises and their Business Experiences in the Baltic States
International audienc
Global solar photovoltaic industry network dynamics 2007-2023. Inter-organizational relationships as a source of competitive advantage?
Aiming a cleaner production in course of fighting the ongoing global warming, solar photovoltaic (PV) together with wind and hydro energy, indicate the most important industry segments in the transformation from fossils to renewable energy sources. During the last two decades, the solar PV industry experienced decisive changes of its global business network configurations where Chinese firms comparatively have gained competitive advantages. According to the business network theory, inter-organizational relationships indicate important vehicles for exchanging valuable resources such as advanced technology and privileged market knowledge aiming to gain leading industry positions. Based on a sample of globally leading solar PV manufacturers originated in Canada, China, Germany, South Korea, and the United States of America we conduct a detailed analysis and provide insights into solar PV industry upstream and downstream network dynamics examined for the period 2007â2023. We found that Chinese firms have focused more on upstream industry network relationships compared to their Western counterparts. Thus, we emphasize on the importance of building competitive regional solar PV industry networks instead of relying only on government subsidies which often come along with rather short-term effects