7 research outputs found

    Quadrature measurements of a bright squeezed state via sideband swapping

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    The measurement of an arbitrary quadrature of a bright quantum state of light is a commonly requested action in many quantum information protocols, but it is experimentally challenging with previously proposed schemes. We suggest that the quadrature be measured at a specific sideband frequency of a bright quantum state by transferring the sideband modes under interrogation to a vacuum state and subsequently measuring the quadrature via homodyne detection. The scheme is implemented experimentally, and it is successfully tested with a bright squeezed state of light. (C) 2009 Optical Society of Americ

    All-fibre source of continuous variable entangled light

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    We experimentally demonstrate the production of continuous variable entanglement of femto second laser pulses from an all-fibre asymmetric Sagnac interferometer exploiting the Kerr effect. Contrary to the experiment of Silberhorn et at. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86,4267 (2001)], the asymmetric coupler in the Sagnac loop is fully integrated in the fibre, making the source extremely compact, reliable and robust. Employing a simple detection scheme, comprising a beam splitter and two intensity detectors, we clearly observe quantum correlations of conjugate quadratures, hereby witnessing entanglement