663 research outputs found

    Towards continual learning in medical imaging

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    This work investigates continual learning of two segmentation tasks in brain MRI with neural networks. To explore in this context the capabilities of current methods for countering catastrophic forgetting of the first task when a new one is learned, we investigate elastic weight consolidation, a recently proposed method based on Fisher information, originally evaluated on reinforcement learning of Atari games. We use it to sequentially learn segmentation of normal brain structures and then segmentation of white matter lesions. Our findings show this recent method reduces catastrophic forgetting, while large room for improvement exists in these challenging settings for continual learning

    Domain generalization via model-agnostic learning of semantic features

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    Generalization capability to unseen domains is crucial for machine learning modelswhen deploying to real-world conditions. We investigate the challenging problemof domain generalization, i.e., training a model on multi-domain source data suchthat it can directly generalize to target domains with unknown statistics. We adopta model-agnostic learning paradigm with gradient-based meta-train and meta-testprocedures to expose the optimization to domain shift. Further, we introducetwo complementary losses which explicitly regularize the semantic structure ofthe feature space. Globally, we align a derived soft confusion matrix to preservegeneral knowledge about inter-class relationships. Locally, we promote domain-independent class-specific cohesion and separation of sample features with ametric-learning component. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated withnew state-of-the-art results on two common object recognition benchmarks. Ourmethod also shows consistent improvement on a medical image segmentation task

    Context label learning: improving background class representations in semantic segmentation

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    Background samples provide key contextual information for segmenting regions of interest (ROIs). However, they always cover a diverse set of structures, causing difficulties for the segmentation model to learn good decision boundaries with high sensitivity and precision. The issue concerns the highly heterogeneous nature of the background class, resulting in multi-modal distributions. Empirically, we find that neural networks trained with heterogeneous background struggle to map the corresponding contextual samples to compact clusters in feature space. As a result, the distribution over background logit activations may shift across the decision boundary, leading to systematic over-segmentation across different datasets and tasks. In this study, we propose context label learning (CoLab) to improve the context representations by decomposing the background class into several subclasses. Specifically, we train an auxiliary network as a task generator, along with the primary segmentation model, to automatically generate context labels that positively affect the ROI segmentation accuracy. Extensive experiments are conducted on several challenging segmentation tasks and datasets. The results demonstrate that CoLab can guide the segmentation model to map the logits of background samples away from the decision boundary, resulting in significantly improved segmentation accuracy. Code is available

    Motion Segmentation of Truncated Signed Distance Function based Volumetric Surfaces

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    © 2015 IEEE.Truncated signed distance function (TSDF) based volumetric surface reconstructions of static environments can be readily acquired using recent RGB-D camera based mapping systems. If objects in the environment move then a previously obtained TSDF reconstruction is no longer current. Handling this problem requires segmenting moving objects from the reconstruction. To this end, we present a novel solution to the motion segmentation of TSDF volumes. The segmentation problem is cast as CRF-based MAP inference in the voxel space. We propose: a novel data term by solving sparse multi-body motion segmentation and computing likelihoods for each motion label in the RGB-D image space, and, a novel pair wise term based on gradients of the TSDF volume. Experimental evaluation shows that the proposed approach achieves successful segmentations on reconstructions acquired with Kinect Fusion. Unlike the existing solutions which only work if the objects move completely from their initially occupied spaces, the proposed method permits segmentation of objects when they start to move

    Multi-scale hybrid transformer networks: application to prostate disease classification

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    Automated disease classification could significantly improve the accuracy of prostate cancer diagnosis on MRI, which is a difficult task even for trained experts. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown some promising results for disease classification on multi-parametric MRI. However, CNNs struggle to extract robust global features about the anatomy which may provide important contextual information for further improving classification accuracy. Here, we propose a novel multi-scale hybrid CNN/transformer architecture with the ability of better contextualising local features at different scales. In our application, we found this to significantly improve performance compared to using CNNs. Classification accuracy is even further improved with a stacked ensemble yielding promising results for binary classification of prostate lesions into clinically significant or non-significant

    Benefits and challenges of Bbg data in healthcare. An overview of the European initiatives

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    Healthcare systems around the world are facing incredible challenges due to the ageing population and the related disability, and the increasing use of technologies and citizen's expectations. Improving health outcomes while containing costs acts as a stumbling block. In this context, Big Data can help healthcare providers meet these goals in unprecedented ways. The potential of Big Data in healthcare relies on the ability to detect patterns and to turn high volumes of data into actionable knowledge for precision medicine and decision makers. In several contexts, the use of Big Data in healthcare is already offering solutions for the improvement of patient care and the generation of value in healthcare organizations. This approach requires, however, that all the relevant stakeholders collaborate and adapt the design and performance of their systems. They must build the technological infrastructure to house and converge the massive volume of healthcare data, and to invest in the human capital to guide citizens into this new frontier of human health and well-being. The present work reports an overview of best practice initiatives in Europe related to Big Data analytics in public health and oncology sectors, aimed to generate new knowledge, improve clinical care and streamline public health surveillance

    Efficient multi-scale 3D CNN with fully connected CRF for accurate brain lesion segmentation

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    We propose a dual pathway, 11-layers deep, three-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network for the challenging task of brain lesion segmentation. The devised architecture is the result of an in-depth analysis of the limitations of current networks proposed for similar applications. To overcome the computational burden of processing 3D medical scans, we have devised an efficient and effective dense training scheme which joins the processing of adjacent image patches into one pass through the network while automatically adapting to the inherent class imbalance present in the data. Further, we analyze the development of deeper, thus more discriminative 3D CNNs. In order to incorporate both local and larger contextual information, we employ a dual pathway architecture that processes the input images at multiple scales simultaneously. For post-processing of the network's soft segmentation, we use a 3D fully connected Conditional Random Field which effectively removes false positives. Our pipeline is extensively evaluated on three challenging tasks of lesion segmentation in multi-channel MRI patient data with traumatic brain injuries, brain tumours, and ischemic stroke. We improve on the state-of-the-art for all three applications, with top ranking performance on the public benchmarks BRATS 2015 and ISLES 2015. Our method is computationally efficient, which allows its adoption in a variety of research and clinical settings. The source code of our implementation is made publicly available.This work is supported by the EPSRC First Grant scheme (grant ref no. EP/N023668/1) and partially funded under the 7th Framework Programme by the European Commission (TBIcare: http: //www.tbicare.eu/ ; CENTER-TBI: https://www.center-tbi.eu/). This work was further supported by a Medical Research Council (UK) Program Grant (Acute brain injury: heterogeneity of mechanisms, therapeutic targets and outcome effects [G9439390 ID 65883]), the UK National Institute of Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at Cambridge and Technology Platform funding provided by the UK Department of Health. KK is supported by the Imperial College London PhD Scholarship Programme. VFJN is supported by a Health Foundation/Academy of Medical Sciences Clinician Scientist Fellowship. DKM is supported by an NIHR Senior Investigator Award. We gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of two Titan X GPUs for our research

    Efficient Multi-Scale 3D CNN with Fully Connected CRF for Accurate Brain Lesion Segmentation

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    We propose a dual pathway, 11-layers deep, three-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network for the challenging task of brain lesion segmentation. The devised architecture is the result of an in-depth analysis of the limitations of current networks proposed for similar applications. To overcome the computational burden of processing 3D medical scans, we have devised an efficient and effective dense training scheme which joins the processing of adjacent image patches into one pass through the network while automatically adapting to the inherent class imbalance present in the data. Further, we analyze the development of deeper, thus more discriminative 3D CNNs. In order to incorporate both local and larger contextual information, we employ a dual pathway architecture that processes the input images at multiple scales simultaneously. For post-processing of the network’s soft segmentation, we use a 3D fully connected Conditional Random Field which effectively removes false positives. Our pipeline is extensively evaluated on three challenging tasks of lesion segmentation in multi-channel MRI patient data with traumatic brain injuries, brain tumors, and ischemic stroke. We improve on the state-of-theart for all three applications, with top ranking performance on the public benchmarks BRATS 2015 and ISLES 2015. Our method is computationally efficient, which allows its adoption in a variety of research and clinical settings. The source code of our implementation is made publicly availabl

    Reverse classification accuracy: predicting segmentation performance in the absence of ground truth

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    When integrating computational tools such as au- tomatic segmentation into clinical practice, it is of utmost importance to be able to assess the level of accuracy on new data, and in particular, to detect when an automatic method fails. However, this is difficult to achieve due to absence of ground truth. Segmentation accuracy on clinical data might be different from what is found through cross-validation because validation data is often used during incremental method development, which can lead to overfitting and unrealistic performance expectations. Before deployment, performance is quantified using different metrics, for which the predicted segmentation is compared to a reference segmentation, often obtained manually by an expert. But little is known about the real performance after deployment when a reference is unavailable. In this paper, we introduce the concept of reverse classification accuracy (RCA) as a framework for predicting the performance of a segmentation method on new data. In RCA we take the predicted segmentation from a new image to train a reverse classifier which is evaluated on a set of reference images with available ground truth. The hypothesis is that if the predicted segmentation is of good quality, then the reverse classifier will perform well on at least some of the reference images. We validate our approach on multi-organ segmentation with different classifiers and segmentation methods. Our results indicate that it is indeed possible to predict the quality of individual segmentations, in the absence of ground truth. Thus, RCA is ideal for integration into automatic processing pipelines in clinical routine and as part of large-scale image analysis studies

    Efficient Multi-Scale 3D CNN with Fully Connected CRF for Accurate Brain Lesion Segmentation

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    We propose a dual pathway, 11-layers deep, three-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network for the challenging task of brain lesion segmentation. The devised architecture is the result of an in-depth analysis of the limitations of current networks proposed for similar applications. To overcome the computational burden of processing 3D medical scans, we have devised an efficient and effective dense training scheme which joins the processing of adjacent image patches into one pass through the network while automatically adapting to the inherent class imbalance present in the data. Further, we analyze the development of deeper, thus more discriminative 3D CNNs. In order to incorporate both local and larger contextual information, we employ a dual pathway architecture that processes the input images at multiple scales simultaneously. For post-processing of the networks soft segmentation, we use a 3D fully connected Conditional Random Field which effectively removes false positives. Our pipeline is extensively evaluated on three challenging tasks of lesion segmentation in multi-channel MRI patient data with traumatic brain injuries, brain tumors, and ischemic stroke. We improve on the state-of-the-art for all three applications, with top ranking performance on the public benchmarks BRATS 2015 and ISLES 2015. Our method is computationally efficient, which allows its adoption in a variety of research and clinical settings. The source code of our implementation is made publicly available
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