14 research outputs found

    Craniofacial morphology in Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: In addition to well-established physical characteristics, Turner syndrome patients have distinct craniofacial morphology. Since short stature is the most typical characteristic, Turner syndrome patients are commonly treated with growth hormone in order to increase final height. At the same time, growth hormone treatment was found to influence craniofacial growth and morphology in various groups of treated patients. Whereas craniofacial characteristics of Turner syndrome patients are well documented, comparatively little is known of craniofacial morphology of those who are treated with growth hormone. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate craniofacial morphology in Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone in comparison to healthy females. Materials and methods: The cephalometric evaluation was conducted on twenty lateral cephalograms of Turner syndrome patients (13.53 ± 4.04 years) treated with growth hormone for at least one year (4.94 ± 1.92 years in average). As a control group, forty lateral cephalograms of healthy female controls, who matched Turner syndrome patients by chronological (11.80 ± 2.37 years) and skeletal age, were used. Eleven angular, seven linear measurements and six dimensional ratios were measured to describe craniofacial morphology. Results: The results obtained for angular measurements, in cephalometric analyses for Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone, revealed bimaxillary retrognathism. The linear measurements indicated longer mandibular ramus, anterior cranial base and both anterior and posterior facial heights. However, posterior cranial base and maxilla were in proportion to the anterior cranial base, when comparing dimensional ratios. Anterior cranial base, maxilla and mandibular ramus were larger in proportion to mandibular body; as well as posterior facial height was when compared to anterior facial height. Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone expressed distinct craniofacial morphology compared to controls. Apart from retrognathic maxilla and mandible, they exhibited overdeveloped mandibular ramus height and elongated facial heights. Conclusions: The results from this study have shown that Turner syndrome patients treated with growth hormone expressed distinct craniofacial morphology compared to controls. These differences include retrognathic maxilla and mandible, overdeveloped mandibular ramus height and elongated facial heights. This specific craniofacial morphology was formed under combined influence of X chromosome deficiency and growth hormone therapy

    Biološko-pomološke osobine autohtonih sorti šljive u agroekološkim uslovima Čačka

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    This study was carried out to determine basic biological and pomological traits of eight ex situ autochthonous plum cultivars (‘Belošljiva Ljubić’, ‘Bugarka’, ‘Cerovački piskavac’, ‘Crnošljiva’, ‘Crvena ranka’, ‘Dragačevka’, ‘Papračanka’ and ‘Petrovača’) during two consecutive years (2015 and 2016). Examination included investigation of the main phenological properties (flowering and ripening time), morphometrical (fruit and stone weight and flesh percentage) and sensorial properties of fruit (fruit scin and flesh colour, flesh firmness and stone adherence), as well as vigour (trunk cross sectional area) and cropping potential (yield per tree and yield efficiency). Studied plum cultivars flowered from the end of the first to the mid of the third decade of April and ripened during the third decade of July and the first and the second decade of August. The highest vigour and yield per tree was found in cultivar ‘Dragačevka’, while the highest yield efficiency was observed in cultivar ‘Cerovački piskavac’. Cultivar ‘Belošljiva Ljubić’ had the highest values of fruit and stone weight. The highest velue of flesh percentage was observed in cultivar ‘Dragačevka’. Dark-blue fruit skin colour was dominant, while flesh colour varied from yellowish green to yellow. Flesh was medium firm to firm and non adherent, semi adherent or adherent to the stone.Ispitivanja obuhvaćena ovim radom su sprovedena sa ciljem determinacije najvažnijih biološko-pomoloških osobina osam autohtonih sorti šljive (Belošljiva Ljubić, Bugarka, Cerovački piskavac, Crnošljiva, Crvena ranka, Dragačevka, Papračanka i Petrovača) u ex situ uslovima tokom 2015. i 2016. godine. Proučavane su najznačajnije fenološke osobine (fenofaze cvetanja i sazrevanja plodova), morfometrijske (masa ploda i koštice, randman mezokarpa ploda) i senzorne osobine ploda (boja pokožice i mezokarpa ploda, čvrstina mezokarpa i stepen prijanjanja koštice), kao i bujnost (površina poprečnog preseka debla) i rodnost (prinos po stablu i koeficijent rodnosti). Proučavani genotipovi šljive su cvetali od kraja prve do sredine treće dekade aprila, a sazrevali tokom treće dekade jula i prve i druge dekade avgusta. Najvećom bujnošću i najvišim prinosom po stablu se odlikovala sorta Dragačevka, dok je najviši indeks rodnosti utvrđen kod sorte Cerovački piskavac. Najveća masa ploda i koštice su utvrđene kod sorte Belošljiva Ljubić, a najveći randman mezokarpa ploda kod sorte Dragačevka. Dominirala je tamno plava boja pokožice ploda. Mezokarp ploda je bio žute ili žuto-zelene boje, srednje čvrst do čvrst, dok je koštica bila slobodna, delimično slobodna ili je u potpunosti prijanjala za mezokarp ploda

    Pomološke i proizvodne osobine nekih novijih sorti šljive

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    Plum assortment in Serbia is dominated by old autochthonous cultivars, well-known cultivar ‘Stanley’ and cultivars named and released in Fruit Research Institute, Čačak such as: ‘Čačanska lepotica’, ‘Čačanska rodna’, ‘Čačanska rana’ and ‘Čačanska najbolja’. In order to fulfill different demands of fresh fruit market and achieve better results in modern plum production, it is necessary, among other things, to introduce new cultivars. Before introduction of new cultivars in orchards, significant evaluation of these cultivars in environmental conditions of region they are being introduced is required. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the most importand pomological and productive traits of six introduced plum cultivars: ‘Hanita’, ‘Jojo’, ‘Jubileum’, ‘Presenta’, ‘Tegera’ and ‘Valor’. The most important phenological (flowering and ripening time), and morphometric traits (fruit and stone weight, fruit dimensions and flash percentage), as well as tree vigour (trunk cross section area) and cropping potential (yield per tree and yield efficiency) were evaluated. Flowering phenofase in all examined cultivars lasted during the second decade of april, whereby flowering abundance was estimated as very good. The largest fruit weight, and fruit dimensions (height, width and thickness) were determined in ‘Valor’, whereas the largest stone weight and tree vigour were determined in ‘Jubileum’. The largest flesh percentage was found in cultivars ‘Jojo’, ‘Tegera’ and ‘Valor’. Cultivars ‘Presenta’ and ‘Jojo’ had largest yield per tree, while ‘Jojo’ had the highest yield efficiency.U sortimentu šljive u Srbiji dominiraju stare, authtone sorte, dobro poznata sorta ‘Stanley’ i sorte stvorene u Institutu za voćarstvo, Čačak, pre svih ‘Čačanska lepotica’, ‘Čačanska rodna’, ‘Čačanska rana’ i ‘Čačanska najbolja’. Da bi se zadovoljili različiti zahtevi tržišta i postigli što bolji rezultati u savremenoj proizvodnji šljive, neophodno je, između ostalog, introdukovati nove sorte. Pre uvođenja u proizvodnju, ove sorte zahtevaju značajno ispitivanje u ekološkim uslovima regiona u koji se introdukuju. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispitaju najznačajnije pomološke i proizvodne osobine šest introdukovanih sorti šljive: ‘Hanita’, ‘Jojo’, ‘Jubileum’, ‘Presenta’, ‘Tegera’ i ‘Valor’. Ispitivane su najznačajnije fenološke (fenofaza cvetanja i sazrevanja plodova) i morfometrijske osobine (masa i dimenzije ploda, masa koštice i randman mezokarpa ploda), kao i bujnost (površina poprečnog preseka debla) i rodnost (prinos po stablu i koeficijent rodnosti). Fenofaza cvetanja je kod svih ispitivanih sorti trajala tokom druge dekade aprila u obe ispitivane godine, pri čemu je obilnost cvetanja ocenjena kao veoma dobra. Najveća masa, visina, širina i debljina ploda su utvrđeni kod sorte ‘Valor’, dok su najveća masa koštice i bujnost stabla utvrđeni kod sorte ‘Jubileum’. Najveći randman ploda imale su sorte ‘Jojo’, ‘Tegera’ i ‘Valor’. Sorte ‘Presenta’ i ‘Jojo’ su imale najveći prinos po stablu, dok je sorta ‘Jojo’ imala i najveći koeficijent rodnosti


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    Although there are more than 6000 plum varieties originated from different wild species from Europe, Asia and North America, there is a constant need to develop new varieties with better characteristics, tolerant/resistant to adverse environmental factors and the most important diseases, in the first place Sharka virus. In addition, one of the most important aims of plum breeding in the world is to create varieties of early and late ripening time in order to prolong the season of fresh fruits on the market as much as possible. The aim of this study was to examine the most significant pomological and productive characteristics of two domestic (ʻBorankaʼ and ʻČačanska ranaʼ) and three introduced (ʻOpalʼ, ʻKatinkaʼ and ʻTegeraʼ) early ripening plum varieties. The most important phenological (phenophase of flowering and fruit ripening) and morphometric characteristics (fruit and stone mass, flesh percentage ratio, fruit dimensions and sphericity), as well as tree vigour (trunk cross-sectional area) and yield (yield per tree and yield efficiency) were examined.Publishe


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    The paper presents the results of the influence of terms of planting and fertilizers on the production characteristics of strawberries. Planting dates are the beginning of July and the beginning of October. The feeding programs included the use of Rosasol fertilizers (Orange Rosasol formulation 15-30-20, Blue Rosasol formulation 20-20-20 and Yellow Rosasol formulation 17-09-29) and the use of Soluveg fertilizers (Green 10-40-10 + 4MgO and Parma 16-6-27 + 3MgO + ME). The results showed that the earlier planting date influenced earlier fruiting, but also better production results (higher yield, larger fruits). In terms of fertilizers, better results have been achieved with Rosasol.Publishe

    Noviji rezultati oplemenjivanja voćaka u Institutu za voćarstvo, Čačak

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    The Fruit Research Institute Čačak has seventy years long tradition in breeding of continental fruit species. The continual multi-disciplinary scientific and research work conducted so far has resulted in the releasing of 41 different cultivars. In addition to the named and released cultivars, for promising candidate cultivars have been selected (three plums and one peach) and entered for releasing, while there is also a large number of promising genotypes that are currently under intense evaluation. The paper presents an overview of the most significant biological and productive characteristic of the 12 new cultivars of pome and stone fruits, including seven plum cultivars (Boranka, Timočanka, Zlatka, Nada, Mildora, Krina and Pozna plava), two pear cultivars (Julijana and Anđelija) and three sour cherry cultivars (Sofija, Nevena and Iskra).Institut za voćarstvo, Čačak ima sedamdeset godina dugu tradiciju oplemenjivačkog rada na stvaranju novih sorti kontinentalnih vrsta voćaka. Do sada je kao rezultat kontinuiranog, multidisciplinarnog naučnoistraživačkog rada priznata 41 sorta različitih vrsta voćaka. Pored priznatih sorti, izdvojene su četiri kandidat sorte (tri šljive i jedna breskve) koje su u postupku priznavanja, kao i veliki broj perspektivnih genotipova koji se intenzivno proučavaju. U radu je prikazan pregled najznačajnijih bioloških i proizvodnih osobina 12 novije priznatih sorti jabučastih i koštičavih vrsta voćaka, i to: sedam sorti šljive (Boranka, Timočanka, Zlatka, Nada, Mildora, Krina i Pozna plava), dve sorte kruške (Julijana i Anđelija) i tri sorte višnje (Sofija, Nevena i Iskra)

    Evaluation of agreement and correlation of three occlusal indices in an assessment of orthodontic treatment need

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    BACKGROUND/AIM: Occlusal indices are quantitative diagnostic indicators of malocclusion severity, orthodontic treatment need, complexity and outcome. The aim of this study was to determine correlations and agreement among three occlusal indices: the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN), the Peer Assessment Rating Index (PAR) and the Index of Complexity, Outcome and Need (ICON) in evaluating orthodontic treatment need. METHODS: A total eighty study models of patients referred to the Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Belgrade, were assessed in this retrospective study. Malocclusions of various types and severity in the permanent dentition were included. RESULTS: The Aesthetic and the Dental Health Component of IOTN determined orthodontic treatment need in 25% and 51% of the patients, respectively. PAR determined orthodontic treatment need in 59% and ICON in 53% of patients. The Aesthetic Component of IOTN and ICON had the highest correlation (Spearman's correlation coefficient 0.95, p < 0.01). Correlations between indices were 0.44 to 0.61 with statistical significance (p < 0.01). The agreement between indices, calculated using Kappa statistics, was 0.22 to 0.63. CONCLUSION: The most critical in malocclusion assessment was PAR. The Aesthetic Component of IOTN and ICON correlated highly (p < 0.01). Correlations between other pairs of indices were moderate (p < 0.01). The Aesthetic Component of IOTN and ICON had substantial agreement, whereas agreement between other indices was fair or moderate. ICON could replace PAR and IOTN. Application of occlusal indices enables objective evaluation of orthodontic treatment need and easier determination of the treatment priorities

    Agronomic properties and nutritional status of plum trees (Prunus domestica L.) influenced by different cultivars

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    The tree growth, fruit weight and leaf mineral status of ten plum cultivars grafted on rootstock of autochthonous plum 'Belošljiva' under high density planting system (HDP) on acidic soil was investigated in the fifth and sixth leaf. Results indicated that tree vigour, fruit weight and productivity significantly depend on the cultivar. 'Čačanska Najbolja' had the most vigorous trees, while 'Čačanska Lepotica' had the smallest. The fruit weight was the highest in 'Čačanska Rana', and the lowest in 'd'Agen'. 'Stanley' was the most productive cultivar in 2006 and 'Čačanska Rodna' in 2007. Yield efficiency was the highest in 'Čačanska Lepotica' and the lowest in 'Ruth Gerstetter', 'Čačanska Rana', 'Čačanska Najbolja' and 'Opal', respectively. Significant differences were observed among cultivars for leaf major nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) levels at 120 DAFB. Larger imbalance of leaf major elements was observed in 'd'Agen', whereas good balance was found in 'Violeta'. © 2013 Chilean Society of Soil Science

    Copper(II) complexes with different diamines as inhibitors of bacterial quorum sensing activity

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    Three copper(II) complexes, trans-[Cu(1,3-pd)(2)Cl-2]center dot H2O (Cu1; 1,3-pd is 1,3-propanediamine), trans-[Cu(2,2-diMe-1,3-pd)(2)Cl-2] (Cu2; 2,2-diMe-1,3-pd is 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediamine) and trans-[Cu(1,3-pnd)(2)Cl-2]center dot H2O (Cu3; 1,3-pnd is (+/-)-1,3-pentanediamine), were synthesized and structurally characterized by elemental microanalyses, IR, electronic absorption and reflectance spectroscopy and molar conductivity measurements. The antimicrobial efficiency of the complexes against four clinically relevant microorganisms and their antiproliferative effect on the normal human lung fibroblast cell line MRC-5 were evaluated. Since in many bacteria, pathogenicity is regulated by an intercellular communication process called quorum sensing (QS), the effect of the copper(II) complexes Cu1-3 on bacterial QS was examined. The obtained results showed that these complexes inhibited violacein production in Chromobacterium violaceum CV026, indicating their anti-QS activity via the homoserine lactone (HSL) pathway. Two biosensor strains were used to determine which pathway, C4-HSL (N-butanoylhomoserine lactone) or 3OC12-HSL (N-(3-oxododecanoyl) homoserine lactone), was affected by the copper(II) complexes. The biological activities of the copper(II) complexes were compared with those for the nickel(II) complexes of the general formula trans-[Ni(L)(2)(H2O)(2)]Cl-2 (L = 1,3-pd, 2,2-diMe-1,3-pd and 1,3-pnd)

    Multi-Domain Network Slicing With Latency Equalization

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