8 research outputs found

    Educația pentru dezvoltare în Europa: evaluarea eficienței proiectului Glocal Tour implementat în patru state membre UE

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    The article examines the concept of develop-ment education in light of the Millennium Develop-ment Goals. It tries to offer some conceptual clarif-cations and to point out the main challenges policy makers face when trying to reach these goals. Then it moves toward the analysis of a project developed and implemented in four EU member states that tries to promote development education through a variety of strategies. The main intention of the author is to point out the best practices identifed in the context of this project

    Lithium phosphonate umpolung catalysts: Do fluoro substituents increase the catalytic activity?

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    Fluorinated and nonfluorinated phosphonates are employed as precatalysts in lithium phosphonate catalyzed cross benzoin couplings. Surprisingly, a decreased catalytic activity for the fluorinated precatalysts compared to the nonfluorinated systems is observed. Furthermore, the ring size of six, seven and nine membered ring catalysts appears not to be crucial for their catalytic activity

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Insertion/Deletion gene polymorphism in patients with type 2 diabetes and diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy

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    Scopul acestei lucrări constă în studierea pentru prima dată în România a polimorfismului I/D al genei VEGF la un grup de pacienți cu diabet zaharat tip 2 și polineuropatie diabetică periferică comparativ cu un grup de control

    Romanian screening instrument for dyscalculia

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    The current study is a pilot test of a screening instrument aimed at flagging children at-risk for dyscalculia. The screening test is designed so that it can be applied by any teacher with minimal instruction and financial investment and it is based on Number Sense battery, NUCALC battery and, first of all, romanian mathematical curriculum. Out of the 45 students from Bucharest (8-11 years) participating in this study, ten scored under the cut-off point of 10, three of which scored under 5. All these children, deemed at risk for dyscalculia, scored above the threshold for mental delay on two IQ tests