7,735 research outputs found

    Bearings use dry self-lubricating cage materials

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    Rolling element bearings in spacecraft mechanical systems use solid lubricant composites of polytetrafluoroethylene in the bearing cage which functions as the lubricant reservoir. The cage spaces the rolling elements equally and provides the lubricant at the bearing load-carrying surface

    Can Intertemporal Choice Experiments Elicit Time Preferences for Consumption? Yes

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    The most popular experimental method for eliciting time preferences involves subjects making choices over smaller, sooner amounts of money and larger, later amounts of money. Under some theoretically possible configurations of preferences and procedures, the discount rates inferred from these choices could lead to misleading inferences about time preferences for consumption. Using a direct empirical test, we show that those configurations of preferences are empirically implausible.

    The Independence Axiom and the Bipolar Behaviorist

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    Developments in the theory of risk require yet another evaluation of the behavioral validity of the independence axiom. This axiom plays a central role in most formal statements of expected utility theory, as well as popular alternative models of decision-making under risk, such as rank-dependent utility theory. It also plays a central role in experiments used to characterize the way in which risk preferences deviate from expected utility theory. If someone claims that individuals behave as if they "probability weight" outcomes, and hence violate the independence axiom, it is invariably on the basis of experiments that must assume the independence axiom. We refer to this as the Bipolar Behavioral Hypothesis: behavioral economists are pessimistic about the axiom when it comes to characterizing how individuals directly evaluate two lotteries in a binary choice task, but are optimistic about the axiom when it comes to characterizing how individuals evaluate multiple lotteries that make up the incentive structure for a multiple-task experiment. Building on designs that have a long tradition in experimental economics, we offer direct tests of the axiom and the evidence for probability weighting. We reject the Bipolar Behavioral Hypothesis: we find that nonparametric preferences estimated for the rank-dependent utility model are significantly affected when one elicits choices with procedures that require the independence assumption, as compared to choices with procedures that do not require that assumption. We also demonstrate this result with familiar parametric preference specifications, and draw general implications for the empirical evaluation of theories about risk.

    Introducing Variable Cell Shape Methods in Field Theory Simulations of Polymers

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    We propose a new method for carrying out field-theoretic simulations of polymer systems under conditions of prescribed external stress, allowing for shape changes in the simulation box. A compact expression for the deviatoric stress tensor is derived in terms of the chain propagator, and is used to monitor changes in the box shape according to a simple relaxation scheme. The method allows fully relaxed, stress free configurations to be obtained even in non trivial morphologies, and enables the study of morphology transitions induced by external stresses

    Analytical description of spin-Rabi oscillation controlled electronic transitions rates between weakly coupled pairs of paramagnetic states with S=1/2

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    We report on an analytical description of spin-dependent electronic transition rates which are controlled by a radiation induced spin-Rabi oscillation of weakly spin-exchange and spin-dipolar coupled paramagnetic states (S=1/2). The oscillation components (the Fourier content) of the net transition rates within spin-pair ensembles are derived for randomly distributed spin resonances with account of a possible correlation between the two distributions that correspond to the two individual pair partners. The results presented here show that when electrically or optically detected Rabi spectroscopy is conducted under an increasing driving field B_ 1, the Rabi spectrum evolves from a single resonance peak at s=\Omega_R, where \Omega_R=\gamma B_1 is the Rabi frequency (\gamma is the gyromagnetic ratio), to three peaks at s= \Omega_R, s=2\Omega_R, and at low s<< \Omega_R. The crossover between the two regimes takes place when \Omega_R exceeds the expectation value \delta_0 of the difference of the Zeeman energies within the pairs, which corresponds to the broadening of the magnetic resonance lines in the presence of disorder caused by hyperfine field or distributions of Lande g-factors. We capture this crossover by analytically calculating the shapes of all three peaks at arbitrary relation between \Omega_R and \delta_0. When the peaks are well-developed their widths are \Delta s ~ \delta_0^2/\Omega_R.Comment: 10 page, 5 figure

    Inducing Risk Neutral Preferences with Binary Lotteries: A Reconsideration

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    We evaluate the binary lottery procedure for inducing risk neutral behavior. We strip the experimental implementation down to bare bones, taking care to avoid any potentially confounding assumption about behavior having to be made. In particular, our evaluation does not rely on the assumed validity of any strategic equilibrium behavior, or even the customary independence axiom. We show that subjects sampled from our population are generally risk averse when lotteries are defined over monetary outcomes, and that the binary lottery procedure does indeed induce a statistically significant shift towards risk neutrality. This striking result generalizes to the case in which subjects make several lottery choices and one is selected for payment.

    Demonstration of the Chemotropism of Pollen Tubes in Vitro in Four Plant Species

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    Author Institution: Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University, Columbus 1

    Deformation of continental crust along a transform boundary, Coast Mountains, British Columbia

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    New structural, paleomagnetic, and apatite (U-Th)/He results from the continental margin inboard of the Queen Charlotte fault (~54°N) delineate patterns of brittle faulting linked to transform development since ~50 Ma. In the core of the orogen, ~250 km from the transform, north striking, dip-slip brittle faults and vertical axis rotation of large crustal domains occurred after ~50 Ma and before intrusion of mafic dikes at 20 Ma. By 20 Ma, dextral faulting was active in the core of the orogen, but extension had migrated toward the transform, continuing there until <9 Ma. Local tilting in the core of the orogen is associated with glacially driven, post-4 Ma exhumation. Integration with previous results shows that post-50 Ma dextral and normal faulting affected a region ~250 km inboard of the transform and ~300 km along strike. Initially widespread, the zone of active extension narrowed and migrated toward the transform ~25 Ma after initiation of the transform, while dextral faulting continued throughout the region. Differential amounts of post-50 Ma extension created oroclines at the southern and northern boundaries of the deformed region. This region approximately corresponds to continental crust that was highly extended just prior to transform initiation. Variation in Neogene crustal tilts weakens interpretations relying on uniform tilting to explain anomalous paleomagnetic inclinations of mid-Cretaceous plutons. Similarities to the Gulf of California suggest that development of a transform in continental crust is aided by previous crustal extension and that initially widespread extension narrows and moves toward the transform as the margin develops