621 research outputs found


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    The question concerning the identity and message of Jesus of Nazareth is fundamentally important for Catholic universities and colleges. This has always been true, but today\u27s pluralistic and ecumenical setting presses us to think in new ways. This essay draws attention to two types of Christologies, one Fom above and one .fom below, that have been a part of the Christian tradition and examines their viability in contemporary Christian faith-based education. In conclusion. it is argued that a Christology from Below, which rejects theological claims concerning the divine identity of Jesus as a starting point in favor of beginning with the fullness of his humanity, is better suited for Catholic universities. Such an approach to understanding the identity and message of Jesus preserves the interrogative value of the incarnation. has a more universal appeal, helps articulate a true humanism and is most relevant to the generation coming of age

    Bangus (Chanos Chanos) Fry Counter

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    Agriculture has a key role in the Philippines economy, particularly the fisheries industry, which contributes 15% of the country’s overall income. The sector offers significant employment and income for various parts of population, contributes to export earnings, and meets a large portion of the population’s nutritional protein requirements. In terms of employment, the fisheries sector employs over one million people, or about 5% of the nation. The general objective of the study is to develop a portable bangus fry counter for the University of Antique – Hamtic Campus, Hamtic, Antique, and an affordable fry counter for the local fish fry vendor, fish pond owner and others that can benefit in this thesis. The researchers used the Arduino for the operating system and the light censor for the input and the LCD for the output. For the data gathering, the researchers used the ISO 25010 characteristic, the weighted mean formula to solve the mean and the Likert scale. The prototype showed excellent performance in terms of counting the bangus fry quantities. Based on the results of the evaluation, the participants strongly agreed with the functionality, reliability, portability, maintainability, security, compatibility, performance efficiency and usability of the device.Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) © Copyright: All rights reserved

    Cable Slack Detection for Arresting Gear Application using Machine Vision

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    The cable-based arrestment systems are integral to the launch and recovery of aircraft onboard carriers and on expeditionary land-based installations. These modern arrestment systems rely on various mechanisms to absorb energy from an aircraft during an arrestment cycle to bring the aircraft to a full stop. One of the primary components of this system is the cable interface to the engine. The formation of slack in the cable at this interface can result in reduced efficiency and drives maintenance efforts to remove the slack prior to continued operations. In this paper, a machine vision based slack detection system is presented. A situational awareness camera is utilized to collect video data of the cable interface region, machine vision algorithms are applied to reduce noise, remove background clutter, focus on regions of interest, and detect changes in the image representative of slack formations. Some algorithms employed in this system include bilateral image filters, least squares polynomial fit, Canny Edge Detection, K-Means clustering, Gaussian Mixture-based Background/Foreground Segmentation for background subtraction, Hough Circle Transforms, and Hough line Transforms. The resulting detections are filtered and highlighted to create an indication to the shipboard operator of the presence of slack and a need for a maintenance action. A user interface was designed to provide operators with an easy method to redefine regions of interest and adjust the methods to specific locations. The algorithms were validated on shipboard footage and were able to accurately identify slack with minimal false positives.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, Published in the Proceedings of the ASNE 2023 Technology, Systems & Ships Symposium. Reproduced with permission from the American Society of Naval Engineers. NAVAIR Public Release 2023-31 Distribution Statement A - "Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Design of a Hydrogen and Oxygen Power Reactor using Pure Water (H2O) and a Modified Electrolysis Process and Procedures

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    Power or Energy is an important part of the human modern daily life. It is the lifeline of any modern civilization. In all areas of man’s modern life, energy is an integral part of the social community and society lives hand in hand with the essential existence of energy as a vital part of every mankind here in this modern planet. In the development of electricity as a source of energy, many forms of technology have evolved from the use of coal to power steam engines and the use of crude oil as a fuel to power modern engines and the use of nuclear energy to power nations and of course the development of renewable forms of energy such as the solar power energy, wind power energy, ocean current energy, water energy from the dams and many other forms of renewable forms of energy. One of these energy that human can harness is the energy which is abundant here on earth, is water and the energy of the sun. If the energy of the sun can be used to harvest the hydrogen and oxygen gas from water then humanity would have an unlimited power and energy for the future to come and mankind would and can help the planet earth restore into to its original state of a minimally polluted atmosphere and reduce the unprecedented natural calamities the world is facing due to global climate change.  This paper highlights the fundamental principles of how this theory can be achieved and the procedures, methods, studies, experiments and research that have been examined in order to achieve what the researchers intend to accomplish as mentioned above which is the development of an energy of the future. This paper is a study on renewable forms of energy and renewable forms of energy is a new, milestone for science as science endeavors to create a sustainable and clean form of energy

    Interpersonal and affective dimensions of psychopathic traits in adolescents : development and validation of a self-report instrument

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    We report the development and psychometric evaluations of a self-report instrument designed to screen for psychopathic traits among mainstream community adolescents. Tests of item functioning were initially conducted with 26 adolescents. In a second study the new instrument was administered to 150 high school adolescents, 73 of who had school records of suspension for antisocial behavior. Exploratory factor analysis yielded a 4-factor structure (Impulsivity α = .73, Self-Centredness α = .70, Callous-Unemotional α = .69, and Manipulativeness α = .83). In a third study involving 328 high school adolescents, 130 with records of suspension for antisocial behaviour, competing measurement models were evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis. The superiority of a first-order model represented by four correlated factors that was invariant across gender and age was confirmed. The findings provide researchers and clinicians with a psychometrically strong, self-report instrument and a greater understanding of psychopathic traits in mainstream adolescents

    Multicolour correlative imaging using phosphor probes

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    Correlative light and electron microscopy exploits the advantages of optical methods, such as multicolour probes and their use in hydrated live biological samples, to locate functional units, which are then correlated with structural details that can be revealed by the superior resolution of electron microscopes. One difficulty is locating the area imaged by the electron beam in the much larger optical field of view. Multifunctional probes that can be imaged in both modalities and thus register the two images are required. Phosphor materials give cathodoluminescence (CL) optical emissions under electron excitation. Lanthanum phosphate containing thulium or terbium or europium emits narrow bands in the blue, green and red regions of the CL spectrum; they may be synthesised with very uniform-sized crystals in the 10- to 50-nm range. Such crystals can be imaged by CL in the electron microscope, at resolutions limited by the particle size, and with colour discrimination to identify different probes. These materials also give emissions in the optical microscope, by multiphoton excitation. They have been deposited on the surface of glioblastoma cells and imaged by CL. Gadolinium oxysulphide doped with terbium emits green photons by either ultraviolet or electron excitation. Sixty-nanometre crystals of this phosphor have been imaged in the atmospheric scanning electron microscope (JEOL ClairScope). This probe and microscope combination allow correlative imaging in hydrated samples. Phosphor probes should prove to be very useful in correlative light and electron microscopy, as fiducial markers to assist in image registration, and in high/super resolution imaging studies

    Factors associated with reporting multiple causes of death

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    BACKGROUND: There is analytical potential for multiple cause of death data collected from death certificates. This study examines relationships of multiple causes of death as a function of factors available on the death certificate (demographics of decedent, place of death, type of certifier, disposal method, whether an autopsy was performed, and year of death). METHODS: Data from 326,332 Minnesota death certificates from 1990–1998 are examined. Underlying and non-underlying causes of death are examined (based on record axis codes) as well as demographic and death-related covariates. Associations between covariates and prevalence of multiple causes of death and conditional probability of underlying compared to non-underlying causes of death are examined. The occurrence of ischemic heart disease or diabetes as underlying causes are specifically examined. RESULTS: Both the probability of multiple causes of death and the proportion of underlying cause compared to non-underlying cause of death are associated with demographic characteristics of the deceased and other non-medical conditions related to filing death certificate such as place of death. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple cause of death data provide a potentially useful way of looking for inaccuracies in reporting of causes of death. Differences across demographics in the proportion of time a cause is selected as underlying compared to non-underlying exist and can potentially provide useful information about the overall impact of causes of death in different populations

    Fourier Magnetic Imaging with Nanoscale Resolution and Compressed Sensing Speed-up using Electronic Spins in Diamond

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    Optically-detected magnetic resonance using Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) color centres in diamond is a leading modality for nanoscale magnetic field imaging, as it provides single electron spin sensitivity, three-dimensional resolution better than 1 nm, and applicability to a wide range of physical and biological samples under ambient conditions. To date, however, NV-diamond magnetic imaging has been performed using real space techniques, which are either limited by optical diffraction to 250 nm resolution or require slow, point-by-point scanning for nanoscale resolution, e.g., using an atomic force microscope, magnetic tip, or super-resolution optical imaging. Here we introduce an alternative technique of Fourier magnetic imaging using NV-diamond. In analogy with conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we employ pulsed magnetic field gradients to phase-encode spatial information on NV electronic spins in wavenumber or k-space followed by a fast Fourier transform to yield real-space images with nanoscale resolution, wide field-of-view (FOV), and compressed sensing speed-up.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figure
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