134 research outputs found

    Calcium Exerts a Strong Influence upon Phosphohydrolase Gene Abundance and Phylogenetic Diversity in Soil

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    The mechanisms by which microbial communities maintain functions within the context of changing environments are key to a wide variety of environmental processes. In soil, these mechanisms support fertility. Genes associated with hydrolysis of organic phosphoesters represent an interesting set of genes with which to study maintainance of function in microbiomes, since they participate in the same process and so in many respects are interchangeable. Here, we shown that the richness of ecotypes for each gene varies considerably in response to organic manuring and various inorganic fertilizer combinations . We show, at unprecedented phylogenetic resolution, that phylogenetic diversity of phosphohydrolase genes are more responsive to soil management and edaphic factors than the taxonomic biomarker 16S rRNA gene. Available phosphorus exerted no significant influence on gene distribution: instead we observed gene niche separation according to soil pH and exchangeable calcium. We infer a degree of competition between genes, ensuring that a gene most optimally adapted to the prevailing edaphic factors spreads through the population, thus maintaining microbiome function

    Linking Legacies: Realising the Potential of the Rothamsted Long-Term Agricultural Experiments

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    Long-term agricultural experiments are used to test the effects of different farm management practices on agricultural systems over time. The time-series data from these experiments is well suited to understanding factors affecting soil health and sustainable crop production and can play an important role for addressing the food security and environmental challenges facing society from climate change. The data from these experiments is unique and irreplaceable. We know from the Rothamsted experience that the datasets available are valued assets that can be used to address multiple scientific questions, and the reuse and impact of the data can be increased by making the data accessible to the wider community. However, to do this requires active data stewardship. Long-term experiments are also available as research infrastructures, meaning external researchers can generate new datasets, additional to the routine data collected for an experiment. The publication of the FAIR data principles has provided an opportunity for us to re-evaluate what active data stewardship means for realising the potential of the data from our long-term experiments. In this paper we discuss our approach to FAIR data adoption, and the challenges for refactoring and describing existing legacy data and defining meaningful linkages between datasets

    Is it possible to increase the sustainability of arable and ruminant agriculture by reducing inputs?

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    Until recently, agricultural production was optimised almost exclusively for profit but now farming is under pressure to meet environmental targets. A method is presented and applied for optimising the sustainability of agricultural production systems in terms of both economics and the environment. Components of the agricultural production chain are analysed using environmental life-cycle assessment (LCA) and a financial value attributed to the resources consumed and burden imposed on the environment by agriculture, as well as to the products. The sum of the outputs is weighed against the inputs and the system considered sustainable if the value of the outputs exceeds those of the inputs. If this ratio is plotted against the sum of inputs for all levels of input, a diminishing returns curve should result and the optimum level of sustainability is located at the maximum of the curve. Data were taken from standard economic almanacs and from published LCA reports on the extent of consumption and environmental burdens resulting from farming in the UK. Land-use is valued using the concept of ecosystem services. Our analysis suggests that agricultural systems are sustainable at rates of production close to current levels practiced in the UK. Extensification of farming, which is thought to favour non-food ecosystem services, requires more land to produce the same amount of food. The loss of ecosystem services hitherto provided by natural land brought into production is greater than that which can be provided by land now under extensive farming. This loss of ecosystem service is large in comparison to the benefit of a reduction in emission of nutrients and pesticides. However, food production is essential, so the coupling of subsidies that represent a relatively large component of the economic output in EU farming, with measures to reduce pollution are well-aimed. Measures to ensure that as little extra land is brought into production as possible or that marginal land is allowed to revert to nature would seem to be equally well-aimed, even if this required more intensive use of productive areas. We conclude that current arable farming in the EU is sustainable with either realistic prices for products or some degree of subsidy and that productivity per unit area of land and greenhouse gas emission (subsuming primary energy consumption) are the most important pressures on the sustainability of farming

    Why do we make changes to the long-term experiments at Rothamsted?

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    The long-term field experiments at Rothamsted in south-east England (UK) are an important resource that has been used extensively to study the effects of land management, atmospheric pollution and climate change on soil fertility and the sustainability of crop yields. However, for these and other long-term experiments around the world to remain useful, changes are sometimes needed. These changes may be required to ensure that the experiment is not compromised by e.g. acidification or weeds, but often they are needed to ensure that the experiment remains relevant to current agricultural practice, e.g. the introduction of new cultivars and the judicious use of pesticides. However, changes should not be made just for the sake of change or to investigate aspects of management that could be better resolved in a short-term experiment. Rather, modifications should only be made after carefully considered discussion, involving scientists from different disciplines. It must be remembered however that there are limitations to what can be achieved in one experiment. In this paper we give examples of why certain changes were made to the Rothamsted experiments and what the results of those changes have been. We also highlight the value of archiving crop and soil samples for future studies

    Is it possible to attain the same soil organic matter content in arable agriculture soils as under natural vegetation?

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    Clearing natural vegetation to establish arable agriculture (cropland) almost invariably causes a loss of soil organic carbon (SOC). Is it possible to restore soil that continues in arable agriculture to the pre-clearance SOC level through modified management practices? To address this question we reviewed evidence from long-term experiments at Rothamsted Research, UK, Bad Lauchstädt, Germany, Sanborn Field, USA and Brazil and both experiments and surveys of farmers’ fields in Ethiopia Australia, Zimbabwe, UK and Chile. In most cases SOC content in soil under arable cropping was in the range 38-67% of pre-clearance values. Returning crop residues, adding manures or including periods of pasture within arable rotations increased this, often to 60-70% of initial values. Under tropical climatic conditions SOC loss after clearance was particularly rapid, e.g. a loss of >50% in less than 10 years in smallholder farmers’ fields in Zimbabwe. If larger yielding crops were grown, using fertilizers, and maize stover returned instead of being grazed by cattle, the loss was reduced. An important exception to the general trend of SOC loss after clearance was clearing Cerrado vegetation on highly weathered acidic soils in Brazil and conversion to cropping with maize and soybean. Other exceptions were unrealistically large annual applications of manure and including long periods of pasture in a highly SOC-retentive volcanic soil. Also, introducing irrigated agriculture in a low rainfall region can increase SOC beyond the natural value due to increased plant biomass production. For reasons of sustainability and soil health it is important to maintain SOC as high as practically possible in arable soils, but we conclude that in the vast majority of situations it is unrealistic to expect to maintain pre-clearance values. To maintain global SOC stocks at we consider it is more important to reduce current rates of land clearance and sustainably produce necessary food on existing agricultural land
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