80 research outputs found


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    Because of the actualization of the discourse on the "Cancel  culture", the issue of the admissibility of ethical examination becomes more and more acute. This issue becomes the most controversial in areas affecting the largest number of people as consumers of content: in humor and in art. The percentage of canceled performances, argued by moral motives, is growing not only in Russia, but also in European and American countries - a society of tolerance and a “culture of cancellation”, on the one hand, and an exacerbation of the discourse about the protection of “traditional values ”, on the other hand, define the scientific interest in this problem. This interview was conducted as part of a dissertation research on topical issues of ethical examination. The interlocutor, Anatoly Neyelov, the director of the ‘Black Square’ improvisation theater (Kiev). The purpose of this interview is to identify private experience of moral conflicts in the artistic environment, the field of business and attitudes towards ethical examination. Within the framework of this interview, a high degree of conflict potential of the topic of eroticism in art was attested. The a preliminary ethical examination of works is requested in order to prevent trauma to viewers, on the one hand, and to protect the artist himself and the institute demonstrating the work, on the other.С актуализацией дискурса о «Новой этике»[1] вопрос о допустимости этической экспертизы встает все острее. Наиболее дискуссионным этот вопрос становится в сферах, затрагивающих наибольшее число людей, в качестве потребителей контента: в юморе и в искусстве. Процент снятых спектаклей, закрытых выставок, отказов в выдаче прокатных удостоверений фильмам, аргументированный нравственными мотивами растет не только в России, но и в странах Европы и Америки – общество толерантности и «культуры отмены», с одной стороны, и обострение дискурса о защите «традиционных ценностей», с другой обуславливают научный интерес к данной проблеме. Данное интервью проведено в рамках диссертационного исследования, посвящённого актуальным проблемам этической экспертизы. Собеседником является Анатолий Николаевич Неелов – художественный руководитель театра импровизации «Черный Квадрат» (г. Киев). Целью проведения данного интервью является выявление частного опыта моральных конфликтах в художественной среде, области бизнеса и отношения к этической экспертизе. В рамках данного интервью была засвидетельствована высокая степень конфликтогенности темы эротизма в искусстве, а также запрос на проведение предварительной этической экспертизы произведений в целях предотвращения травмации зрителей, с одной стороны, и защиты самого художника и института, демонстрирующего произведение, - с другой.[1] Термин употребляется исключительно в рамках русскоязычного научного пространства

    Problems of single-industry towns: world experience and Russian practice

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    The process of industrialisation in Russia was accompanied by the creation of many cities, the economy of which is associated with a certain industry. At the same time, the city is completely dependent on one or more of the same type of enterprises. Such an enterprise is called a city-forming one, since it employs 30 % of all working people in the city, and their families make up half of the urban population. The dependence of the city on the enterprise that is one of the main problems, since the state of the enterprise directly affects the economy of the entire city. The activity of the enterprise determines the unemployment rate in the city, the size of the city budget and the state of engineering networks. In the case of a crisis and the shutdown of the enterprise, the economy of a single-industry city will face huge problems. The purpose of the study was to identify the problems of the Russian single-industry towns, and review foreign methods of leveling them. The object of the study were the Russian single-industry towns defined by the Russian Government Decree No. 1398-r dated on 29.07.2014 (revised on 21.01.2020) “On Approval of the List of Monoprofile Municipal Entities of the Russian Federation (Mono-Cities)”. The main research method was comparative analysis. The main problems of single-industry towns in Russia have been formulated: infrastructure provision and monoprofile economy. A comparative analysis of domestic and foreign experience in solving these problems is carried out and the directions of modernisation of Russian single-industry towns are proposed. Issues of legal support for the implementation of the proposed recommendations require further elaboration


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    The quantum-chemical calculation of structures of sulfur vulcanization organic thiazole accelerators was performed. It was established that there is a correlation between the atomic electronegativity of nitrogen, the S–N length bond of and the rheokinetic properties of sulfur vulcanizates with Shungite and ZnO as activators. Moreover, scorching time was influenced on type of an activator. It should be noted that in the presence of Shungite under vulcanization began earlier than with ZnO except for MBT. So the strength of the physical adsorption of MBT on the surface of ZnO similars to Shungite.Проведен квантово-химический расчет структурных формул органических ускорителей серной вулканизации тиазолового ряда. Определены длины и углы связей, а также рассчитаны заряды атомов. Установлена взаимосвязь между электроотрицательностью атома азота, длиной связи S-N и реометрическими свойствами серных вулканизатов c шунгитом и оксидом цинка в качестве активаторов

    The influence of different infusions, using for therapeutic haemodilution in ischemic stroke over the neurological status, indices of haemoconcentration and haemostasis

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    Resume: We performed a comparative analysis of the influence of infusive solutions over the main indices of the haemostatic system and the expression of neurological deficiency in the acutest period of ischemic brain disturbances. We observed 82 patients with acute ischemic incidents in the region of medial brain artery. All of them were divided into four groups depending on the infused solutions: patients of the first group got polielectrolyte crys-talloids; in the second - fluid modified gelatin; in the third - hydroxiethyl starch 200/05; in the fourth - dextran 40. The haemostatic indices were examined right after the entrance, in the 1st, 3rd, 12th hour of being in the intensive care unit. Results: the infusion of polyelectrolyte crystalloids or fluid modified gelatin in the acutest period of the ischemic stroke accompanied by the decrease of the fibrinogen level, which prevented from the increase of soluble fibrin monomer complex (SFMC). The infusion of hydroxiethyl starch 200/05 in the acutest period of the ischemic stroke was the most optimized, as we revealed the lowering of the fibrin level since the 1st hour, non-growth of SFMC, activation of the fibrinolytic system. The infusion of the dextran 40 in the acutest period of the ischemic stroke didn’t induce any significant changes of the haemostasis. The lowering of the fibrinogen, SFMC and activa-tion of the fibrinolysis influenced positively over the regression of the neurological deficiency.Проведен сравнительный анализ влияния инфузионных сред на основные параметры системы гемостаза и выраженность неврологического дефицита в острейшем периоде ишемических расстройств мозгового кровообращения. В исследование включено 82 пациента с острыми ишемическими инцидентами в бассейне средне-мозговой артерии. Все больные разделены на 4 группы в зависимости от проводимой инфузионной терапии: в 1 группе - пациентам вводили полиэлектролитный кристаллоидный раствор; во 2-й - жидкий модифицированный желатин; в 3-й группе — ГЗК 200\05; в 4-й - декстран 40. Показатели гемостаза исследовались на момент поступления и в 1-ый, 3-ий и 12-ый час нахождения пациента в отделении реанимации. Результаты: Инфузионная терапия полиэлектролитным кристаллоидным раствором или жидким модифицированным желатином в острейшем периоде ишемического инсульта сопровождалась уменьшением уровня фибриногена через 12 часов, что препятствовало увеличению уровня растворимых комплексов фибрин-мономера (РФМК). Инфузионная терапия ГЭК 200\05 в острейшем периоде ишемического инсульта оказалась наиболее оптимальна, на что указывает уменьшение уровня фибриногена с 1-ого часа поступления больного в стационар, ненарастание уровня РФМК, активация фибринолитической системы. Инфузионная терапия декстраном 40 в острейшем периоде ишемического инсульта не вызывала значимых изменений со стороны параметров гемостаза. Снижение уровня фибриногена, РФМК и активация фибринолиза позитивно отражалась на регрессии симптомов неврологического дефицита

    Detection of influenza virus and pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections in population of Kazakhstan during 2018-2019 epidemic season

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    Influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections are the most common infectious diseases of our time, causing a significant harm to human health as well as great economic damage. At least five groups of viruses, including more than 300 subtypes, are currently related to ARVI pathogens. Such infectious agents are characterized by a high degree of variability resulting in replaced virus antigenic characteristics augmenting their contagiousness, immunoevasion, and resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs. Of relevance, influenza and other ARVIs also pose a threat due to subsequent rapid formation of bacterially-associated respiratory diseases as well as their continuous variability and emergence of new pathogenic species. In recent years, subtype A (H1N1) and A (H3N2) with predominance of pandemic strain, as well as type B influenza viruses have been simultaneously found in circulation. Most common among the causative agents of noninfluenza ARVIs, are respiratory syncytial virus, rhino- and adenoviruses, as well as I/III parainfluenza viruses. Here we present the results of virological and serological studies of clinical samples collected during the 2018—2019 epidemic season in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan after analyzing 2794 clinical samples (2530 nasopharyngeal swabs and 264 blood serum samples) of patients diagnosed with ARVI, ARI, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Examining nasopharyngeal swabs by using RT-PCR showed that the mixed etiology influenza viruses with predominant A/H1N1pdm virus circulated in Kazakhstan. In particular, influenza virus genetic material was found in 511 swabs (20.20% of total examined samples), so that influenza A virus RNA was detected in 508 biological samples such as A/H1N1 — in 289, A/H3N2 — 209, unverified virus subtype — 10 samples. Type B influenza virus was detected in 3 samples. Analyzing 264 blood serum samples by the HAI assay and ELISA showed the presence of antibodies specific to influenza A/H1N1, A/H3N2, and B viruses in the population of various regions of Kazakhstan, thereby indirectly confirming their co-circulation. 42 influenza virus strains were isolated in chicken embryos, of which 28 were assigned to A/H1N1pdm virus, 13 — A/H3N2 virus, and one isolate was identified as influenza B virus. The laboratory diagnostics of clinical samples for ARVIs revealed that respiratory syncytial virus prevailed among identified non-influenza agents, whereas rhino- and adenoviruses were less common. Metapneumoviruses, bocaviruses, coronaviruses, and type I parainfluenza viruses were detected in few cases. Comparison of our study data with the data on 2017—2018 circulation of influenza pathogens showed that in Kazakhstan influenza A and B viruses continued to circulate, with the dominance of A/H1N1pdm virus as it was in the previous epidemic season. Identification of non-influenza viruses, the causative agents of 2018—2019 respiratory infections, showed the predominance of respiratory syncytial virus that correlated with the aforementioned results


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    This review describes the main role of toll-like receptors of innate immunity for pathogen recognition; signaling; production of inflammatory response. Also Interrelation of innate and adaptive Immunity in conditions of pathology and organ transplantation were considered. В обзоре рассмотрены современные представления о механизмах противоинфекционной функции систе- мы врожденного иммунитета, основанные на ведущей роли Toll-подобных рецепторов (TLR) в распозна- вании патогенов, трансдукции сигнала и каскада молекулярных внутриклеточных процессов, включая реализацию воспалительной реакции и начальных этапов адаптивного ответа. Приведен анализ влия- ния дефектов взаимодействия TLR и патогенов на развитие патологических процессов в организме. Об- суждена ведущая роль TLR в формировании ответной реакции врожденного иммунитета на патоген и возможности ее контролирования в условиях индуцированной супрессии адаптивного иммунитета при трансплантации.


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    Background. In addition to the transport of oxygen in tissues, erythrocytes participate in maintaining homeostasis therefore their qualitative and quantitative characterization may reflect a number of changes occurring in the body. The aim of the study was to investigate the erythrone state and reaction of red blood cells of hematopoiesis in patients with lung cancer with the assessment of ability to use such reactions as predictive signs of aggressiveness of the tumor process. Results. Clinical material indicating the presence of reaction of erythropoiesis and enzymatic antioxidant system to tumor growth in patients with lung cancer was obtained. Pathological changes in the erythrone system, including changes in the concentration of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α, quantitative and morphological characteristics of red blood cells and reticulocytes, hemoglobin concentration and the activity of superoxide dismutase correlated with tumor aggressiveness and more severe clinical status of patients. Сonclusion. A comprehensive assessment of erythropoiesis is believed can be used in selection of criteria for predicting treatment response and patients survival.Введение. Эритроциты, помимо транспорта кислорода в ткани, участвуют в поддержании гомеостаза, поэтому их качественная и количественная перестройка может отражать ряд изменений, происходящих в организме. Целью исследования явилось изучение состояния эритрона в целом и реакции красного ростка кроветворения у больных раком легкого с оценкой возможности использования таких реакций в качестве предиктивных признаков агрессивности опухолевого процесса. результаты. Получен клинический материал, свидетельствующий о наличии реакции эритроидного ростка кроветворения и ферментативного звена антиоксидантной системы на опухолевый процесс у больных раком легкого. Регистрируемые сдвиги в состоянии эритрона: концентрация гипоксией индуцированного фактора 1α, количественные и морфологические характеристики эритроцитов и ретикулоцитов, концентрация гемоглобина и активность супероксиддисмутазы периферической крови коррелируют с агрессивностью опухоли и тяжестью клинического состояния больных. Заключение. Комплексная оценка состояния красного ростка кроветворения может быть использована в выборе предиктивных критериев при составлении прогноза эффективности лечения и продолжительности жизни больных.


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    Leukemia incidence in the cohort of Russian male recovery operation workers (liquidators) was estimated at 78110 people for the follow-up period 1986-2014. The average age of the liquidators at the time of entry into the zone of works for liquidation of the Chernobyl accident was 34 years. Radiation risk of leukemia incidence (with the exception of chronic lymphocytic leukemia) was analyzed for liquidators who had official data on the individual dose of external gamma radiation of the entire body accumulated over the period of work. During the follow-up period, 157 cases of leukemia were detected (with the exception of chronic lymphocytic leukemia). Collection and verification of data of hemoblastoses cases among persons exposed to radiation exposure was carried out according to a specially developed algorithm. The average dose of the liquidators was 108 mGy. During the period 1986–1997 was established a statistically significant (p<0.05) linear dose dependence of the leukemia incidence with an excess relative risk of ERR/Gy=4.17 (90% CI: 0.18, 13.24). From 1998 until the end of the follow-up period, as well as for the entire follow-up period (from 1986 to 2014), no statistically significant estimates of excess relative risk were found. For mortality, no statistically significant estimates of excess relative risk and relative risk were found for any of the observation periods. The obtained estimates of the radiation risk of morbidity indicate that a statistically significant excess leukemia incidence of liquidators, which may be associated with external gamma irradiation, is manifested in the first decade after exposure.Исследована заболеваемость лейкозами в когорте российских ликвидаторов-мужчин численностью 78 110 человек за период наблюдения 1986–2014 гг. Средний возраст ликвидаторов на момент въезда в зону работ по ликвидации аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС составил 34 года. Радиационный риск заболеваемости лейкозами (за исключением хронического лимфолейкоза) анализировали для ликвидаторов, имевших официальные данные об индивидуальной дозе внешнего гамма-облучения всего тела, накопленной за период работы. За период наблюдения были выявлены 157 случаев заболеваний лейкозами (за исключением хронического лимфолейкоза). Сбор и верификацию данных о случаях гемобластозов среди лиц, подвергшихся радиационному воздействию, проводили согласно специально разработанному алгоритму. Средняя доза ликвидаторов составила 108 мГр. В период 1986–1997 гг. установлена статистически значимая (p<0,05) линейная дозовая зависимость заболеваемости лейкозами с избыточным относительным риском ERR/Гр=4,17 (90% ДИ: 0,18; 13,24). С 1998 г. до конца периода наблюдения, а также за весь период наблюдения (с 1986 по 2014 гг.), статистически значимых оценок избыточного относительного риска обнаружено не было. Для смертности статистически значимых оценок избыточного относительного риска и относительного риска не было обнаружено ни для одного из периодов наблюдения. Полученные оценки радиационного риска заболеваемости свидетельствуют о том, что статистически значимая избыточная заболеваемость лейкозами ликвидаторов, которая может быть связана с внешним гамма-облучением, проявляется в первое десятилетие после облучения

    Tissue-engineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs exhibit de novo formation of a near natural neurovascular link 10 weeks after transplantation

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    PURPOSE: Human autologous tissue-engineered skin grafts are a promising way to cover skin defects. Clearly, it is mandatory to study essential biological dynamics after transplantation, including reinnervation. Previously, we have already shown that human tissue-engineered skin analogs are reinnervated by host nerve fibers as early as 8 weeks after transplantation. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that there is a de novo formation of a "classical" neurovascular link in tissue-engineered and then transplanted skin substitutes. METHODS: Keratinocytes, melanocytes, and fibroblasts were isolated from human skin biopsies. After expansion in culture, keratinocytes and melanocytes were seeded on dermal fibroblast-containing collagen type I hydrogels. These human tissue-engineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs were transplanted onto full-thickness skin wounds on the back of immuno-incompetent rats. Grafts were analyzed after 3 and 10 weeks. Histological sections were examined with regard to the ingrowth pattern of myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers into the skin analogs using markers such as PGP9.5, NF-200, and NF-160. Blood vessels were identified with CD31, lymphatic vessels with Lyve1. In particular, we focused on alignment patterns between nerve fibers and either blood and/or lymphatic vessels with regard to neurovascular link formation. RESULTS: 3 weeks after transplantation, blood vessels, but no nerve fibers or lymphatic vessels could be observed. 10 weeks after transplantation, we could detect an ingrowth of myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers into the skin analogs. Nerve fibers were found in close proximity to CD31-positive blood vessels, but not alongside Lyve1-positive lymphatic vessels. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that host-derived innervation of tissue-engineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs is initiated by and guided alongside blood vessels present early post-transplantation. This observation is consistent with the concept of a cross talk between neurovascular structures, known as the neurovascular link