144 research outputs found

    Scale size estimation and flow pattern recognition around a magnetosheath jet

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    Transient enhancements in the dynamic pressure, so-called magnetosheath jets or simply jets, are abundantly found in the magnetosheath. They travel from the bow shock through the magnetosheath towards the magnetopause. On their way through the magnetosheath, jets disturb the ambient plasma. Multiple studies already investigated their scale size perpendicular to their propagation direction, and almost exclusively in a statistical manner. In this paper, we use multi-point measurements from the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS) mission to study the passage of a single jet. The method described here allows us to estimate the spatial distribution of the dynamic pressure within the jet. Furthermore, the size perpendicular to the propagation direction can be estimated for different cross sections. In the jet event investigated here, both the dynamic pressure and the perpendicular size increase along the propagation axis from the front part towards the center of the jet and decrease again towards the rear part, but neither monotonically nor symmetrically. We obtain a maximum diameter in the perpendicular direction of about 1 RE and a dynamic pressure of about 6 nPa at the jet center.</p

    Electromagnetic Polarizabilities of Nucleons bound in 40^{40}Ca, 16^{16}O and 4^4He

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    Differential cross sections for elastic scattering of photons have been measured for 40^{40}Ca at energies of 58 and 74 MeV and for 16^{16}O and 4^4He at 61 MeV, in the angular range from 45o^o to 150o^o. Evidence is obtained that there are no significant in-medium modifications of the electromagnetic polarizabilities except for those originating from meson exchange currents.Comment: 20 pages including 5 Figure

    Compton Scattering from the Deuteron and Extracted Neutron Polarizabilities

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    Differential cross sections for Compton scattering from the deuteron were measured at MAX-lab for incident photon energies of 55 MeV and 66 MeV at nominal laboratory angles of 45∘45^\circ, 125∘125^\circ, and 135∘135^\circ. Tagged photons were scattered from liquid deuterium and detected in three NaI spectrometers. By comparing the data with theoretical calculations in the framework of a one-boson-exchange potential model, the sum and difference of the isospin-averaged nucleon polarizabilities, αN+βN=17.4±3.7\alpha_N + \beta_N = 17.4 \pm 3.7 and αN−βN=6.4±2.4\alpha_N - \beta_N = 6.4 \pm 2.4 (in units of 10−410^{-4} fm3^3), have been determined. By combining the latter with the global-averaged value for αp−βp\alpha_p - \beta_p and using the predictions of the Baldin sum rule for the sum of the nucleon polarizabilities, we have obtained values for the neutron electric and magnetic polarizabilities of αn=8.8±2.4\alpha_n= 8.8 \pm 2.4(total) ±3.0\pm 3.0(model) and βn=6.5∓2.4\beta_n = 6.5 \mp 2.4(total) ∓3.0\mp 3.0(model), respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revtex. The text is substantially revised. The cross sections are slightly different due to improvements in the analysi

    The LHCb Silicon Inner Tracker

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    The inner part of the LHCb main tracking system will be realized in a silicon microstrip technology. The experimental requirements suggest approximately 20 cm-long ladders and a readout pitch of around 200 m. The LHCb Inner Tracker system will consist of three tracking stations having a total of 12 detection layers summing to an overall silicon surface area of approximately 4.2 m2. A report about the status of the current R&D of the silicon ladders and tracking stations of the LHCb Inner Tracker is given

    Inclusive V0V^0 Production Cross Sections from 920 GeV Fixed Target Proton-Nucleus Collisions

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    Inclusive differential cross sections dσpA/dxFd\sigma_{pA}/dx_F and dσpA/dpt2d\sigma_{pA}/dp_t^2 for the production of \kzeros, \lambdazero, and \antilambda particles are measured at HERA in proton-induced reactions on C, Al, Ti, and W targets. The incident beam energy is 920 GeV, corresponding to s=41.6\sqrt {s} = 41.6 GeV in the proton-nucleon system. The ratios of differential cross sections \rklpa and \rllpa are measured to be 6.2±0.56.2\pm 0.5 and 0.66±0.070.66\pm 0.07, respectively, for \xf ≈−0.06\approx-0.06. No significant dependence upon the target material is observed. Within errors, the slopes of the transverse momentum distributions dσpA/dpt2d\sigma_{pA}/dp_t^2 also show no significant dependence upon the target material. The dependence of the extrapolated total cross sections σpA\sigma_{pA} on the atomic mass AA of the target material is discussed, and the deduced cross sections per nucleon σpN\sigma_{pN} are compared with results obtained at other energies.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    Heterologous Replacement of the Supposed Host Determining Region of Avihepadnaviruses: High In Vivo Infectivity Despite Low Infectivity for Hepatocytes

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    Hepadnaviruses, including hepatitis B virus (HBV), a highly relevant human pathogen, are small enveloped DNA viruses that replicate via reverse transcription. All hepadnaviruses display a narrow tissue and host tropism. For HBV, this restricts efficient experimental in vivo infection to chimpanzees. While the cellular factors mediating infection are largely unknown, the large viral envelope protein (L) plays a pivotal role for infectivity. Furthermore, certain segments of the PreS domain of L from duck HBV (DHBV) enhanced infectivity for cultured duck hepatocytes of pseudotyped heron HBV (HHBV), a virus unable to infect ducks in vivo. This implied a crucial role for the PreS sequence from amino acid 22 to 90 in the duck tropism of DHBV. Reasoning that reciprocal replacements would reduce infectivity for ducks, we generated spreading-competent chimeric DHBVs with L proteins in which segments 22–90 (Du-He4) or its subsegments 22–37 and 37–90 (Du-He2, Du-He3) are derived from HHBV. Infectivity for duck hepatocytes of Du-He4 and Du-He3, though not Du-He2, was indeed clearly reduced compared to wild-type DHBV. Surprisingly, however, in ducks even Du-He4 caused high-titered, persistent, horizontally and vertically transmissable infections, with kinetics of viral spread similar to those of DHBV when inoculated at doses of 108 viral genome equivalents (vge) per animal. Low-dose infections down to 300 vge per duck did not reveal a significant reduction in specific infectivity of the chimera. Hence, sequence alterations in PreS that limited infectivity in vitro did not do so in vivo. These data reveal a much more complex correlation between PreS sequence and host specificity than might have been anticipated; more generally, they question the value of cultured hepatocytes for reliably predicting in vivo infectivity of avian and, by inference, mammalian hepadnaviruses, with potential implications for the risk assessment of vaccine and drug resistant HBV variants

    Hepatitis B Virus Lacks Immune Activating Capacity, but Actively Inhibits Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Function

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    Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is caused by inadequate anti-viral immunity. Activation of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) leading to IFNα production is important for effective anti-viral immunity. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection lacks IFNα induction in animal models and patients and chronic HBV patients display impaired IFNα production by pDC. Therefore, HBV and HBV-derived proteins were examined for their effect on human pDC in vitro. In addition, the in vitro findings were compared to the function of pDC derived from chronic HBV patients ex vivo. In contrast to other viruses, HBV did not activate pDC. Moreover, HBV and HBsAg abrogated CpG-A/TLR9-induced, but not Loxoribine/TLR7-induced, mTOR-mediated S6 phosphorylation, subsequent IRF7 phosphorylation and IFNα gene transcription. HBV/HBsAg also diminished upregulation of co-stimulatory molecules, production of TNFα, IP-10 and IL-6 and pDC-induced NK cell function, whereas TLR7-induced pDC function was hardly affected. In line, HBsAg preferentially bound to TLR9-triggered pDC demonstrating that once pDC are able to bind HBV/HBsAg, the virus exerts its immune regulatory effect. HBV not only directly interfered with pDC function, but also indirectly by interfering with monocyte-pDC interaction. Also HBeAg diminished pDC function to a certain extent, but via another unknown mechanism. Interestingly, patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B displayed impaired CpG-induced IFNα production by pDC without significant alterations in Loxoribine-induced pDC function compared to HBeAg-negative patients and healthy controls. The lack of activation and the active inhibition of pDC by HBV may both contribute to HBV persistence. The finding that the interaction between pDC and HBV may change upon activation may aid in the identification of a scavenging receptor supporting immunosuppressive effects of HBV and also in the design of novel treatment strategies for chronic HBV

    Persistence and risk factors of occult hepatitis B virus infections among antiretroviral therapy-naïve people living with HIV in Botswana

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    AimThis study aimed to determine the kinetics of occult hepatitis B virus infections (OBI) among people with HIV (PWH).MethodsThe study used archived plasma samples from longitudinal HIV natural history studies. We identified new OBI cases and assessed risk factors for OBI using Cox proportional hazards regression analysis.ResultsAt baseline, 8 of 382 [(2.1%) (95% CI: 1.06–4.1)] samples tested positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg+). Of the 374 HBsAg-negative samples, 76 had sufficient sample volume for HBV DNA screening. OBI positivity (OBI+) at baseline was reported in 11 of 76 [14.7 95% CI (8.3–24.1)] HBsAg-negative (HBsAg−) participants. Baseline HBsAg-negative samples with sufficient follow-up samples (n = 90) were used for analysis of newly identified OBI cases. Participants contributed 129.74 person-years to the study and were followed for a median of 1.02 years (IQR: 1.00–2.00). Cumulatively, there were 34 newly identified OBI cases from the 90 participants, at the rate of 26.2/100 person-years (95% CI: 18.7–36.7). Newly identified OBI cases were more common among men than women (61.1% vs. 31.9%) and among participants with CD4+ T-cell counts ≤450 cells/mL (p-value = 0.02). Most of the newly identified OBI cases [55.9% (19/34)] were possible reactivations as they were previously HBV core antibody positive.ConclusionThere was a high rate of newly identified OBI among young PWH in Botswana, especially in men and in participants with lower CD4+ T-cell counts. OBI screening in PWH should be considered because of the risk of transmission, possible reactivation, and risk factors for the development of chronic liver disease, including hepatocellular carcinoma

    A SELEX-Screened Aptamer of Human Hepatitis B Virus RNA Encapsidation Signal Suppresses Viral Replication

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    Background: The specific interaction between hepatitis B virus (HBV) polymerase (P protein) and the e RNA stem-loop on pregenomic (pg) RNA is crucial for viral replication. It triggers both pgRNA packaging and reverse transcription and thus represents an attractive antiviral target. RNA decoys mimicking e in P protein binding but not supporting replication might represent novel HBV inhibitors. However, because generation of recombinant enzymatically active HBV polymerase is notoriously difficult, such decoys have as yet not been identified. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we used a SELEX approach, based on a new in vitro reconstitution system exploiting a recombinant truncated HBV P protein (miniP), to identify potential e decoys in two large e RNA pools with randomized upper stem. Selection of strongly P protein binding RNAs correlated with an unexpected strong enrichment of A residues. Two aptamers, S6 and S9, displayed particularly high affinity and specificity for miniP in vitro, yet did not support viral replication when part of a complete HBV genome. Introducing S9 RNA into transiently HBV producing HepG2 cells strongly suppressed pgRNA packaging and DNA synthesis, indicating the S9 RNA can indeed act as an e decoy that competitively inhibits P protein binding to the authentic e signal on pgRNA. Conclusions/Significance: This study demonstrates the first successful identification of human HBV e aptamers by an in vitro SELEX approach. Effective suppression of HBV replication by the S9 aptamer provides proof-of-principle for the abilit
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