586 research outputs found

    Deep Learning For Smile Recognition

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    Inspired by recent successes of deep learning in computer vision, we propose a novel application of deep convolutional neural networks to facial expression recognition, in particular smile recognition. A smile recognition test accuracy of 99.45% is achieved for the Denver Intensity of Spontaneous Facial Action (DISFA) database, significantly outperforming existing approaches based on hand-crafted features with accuracies ranging from 65.55% to 79.67%. The novelty of this approach includes a comprehensive model selection of the architecture parameters, allowing to find an appropriate architecture for each expression such as smile. This is feasible because all experiments were run on a Tesla K40c GPU, allowing a speedup of factor 10 over traditional computations on a CPU.Comment: Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making (FLINS 2016

    A Simple and Correct Even-Odd Algorithm for the Point-in-Polygon Problem for Complex Polygons

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    Determining if a point is in a polygon or not is used by a lot of applications in computer graphics, computer games and geoinformatics. Implementing this check is error-prone since there are many special cases to be considered. This holds true in particular for complex polygons whose edges intersect each other creating holes. In this paper we present a simple even-odd algorithm to solve this problem for complex polygons in linear time and prove its correctness for all possible points and polygons. We furthermore provide examples and implementation notes for this algorithm.Comment: Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), Volume 1: GRAP

    Impact of Biases in Big Data

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    The underlying paradigm of big data-driven machine learning reflects the desire of deriving better conclusions from simply analyzing more data, without the necessity of looking at theory and models. Is having simply more data always helpful? In 1936, The Literary Digest collected 2.3M filled in questionnaires to predict the outcome of that year's US presidential election. The outcome of this big data prediction proved to be entirely wrong, whereas George Gallup only needed 3K handpicked people to make an accurate prediction. Generally, biases occur in machine learning whenever the distributions of training set and test set are different. In this work, we provide a review of different sorts of biases in (big) data sets in machine learning. We provide definitions and discussions of the most commonly appearing biases in machine learning: class imbalance and covariate shift. We also show how these biases can be quantified and corrected. This work is an introductory text for both researchers and practitioners to become more aware of this topic and thus to derive more reliable models for their learning problems

    On the Reduction of Biases in Big Data Sets for the Detection of Irregular Power Usage

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    In machine learning, a bias occurs whenever training sets are not representative for the test data, which results in unreliable models. The most common biases in data are arguably class imbalance and covariate shift. In this work, we aim to shed light on this topic in order to increase the overall attention to this issue in the field of machine learning. We propose a scalable novel framework for reducing multiple biases in high-dimensional data sets in order to train more reliable predictors. We apply our methodology to the detection of irregular power usage from real, noisy industrial data. In emerging markets, irregular power usage, and electricity theft in particular, may range up to 40% of the total electricity distributed. Biased data sets are of particular issue in this domain. We show that reducing these biases increases the accuracy of the trained predictors. Our models have the potential to generate significant economic value in a real world application, as they are being deployed in a commercial software for the detection of irregular power usage
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