1,946 research outputs found

    Schwarzschild Atmospheric Processes: A Classical Path to the Quantum

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    We develop some classical descriptions for processes in the Schwarzschild string atmosphere. These processes suggest relationships between macroscopic and microscopic scales. The classical descriptions developed in this essay highlight the fundamental quantum nature of the Schwarzschild atmospheric processes.Comment: to appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Synchronization in a neuronal feedback loop through asymmetric temporal delays

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    We consider the effect of asymmetric temporal delays in a system of two coupled Hopfield neurons. For couplings of opposite signs, a limit cycle emerges via a supercritical Hopf bifurcation when the sum of the delays reaches a critical value. We show that the angular frequency of the limit cycle is independent of an asymmetry in the delays. However, the delay asymmetry determines the phase difference between the periodic activities of the two components. Specifically, when the connection with negative coupling has a delay much larger than the delay for the positive coupling, the system approaches in-phase synchrony between the two components. Employing variational perturbation theory (VPT), we achieve an approximate analytical evaluation of the phase shift, in good agreement with numerical results.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Computation of microdosimetric distributions for small sites

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    Object of this study is the computation of microdosimetric functions for sites which are too small to permit experimental determination of the distributions by Rossi-counters. The calculations are performed on simulated tracks generated by Monte-Carlo techniques. The first part of the article deals with the computational procedure. The second part presents numerical results for protons of energies 0.5, 5, 20 MeV and for site diameters of 5, 10, 100 nm

    Dimension in a Radiative Stellar Atmosphere

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    Dimensional scales are examined in an extended 3+1 Vaidya atmosphere surrounding a Schwarzschild source. At one scale, the Vaidya null fluid vanishes and the spacetime contains only a single spherical 2-surface. Both of these behaviors can be addressed by including higher dimensions in the spacetime metric.Comment: to appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Scenarios about the long-time damage of silicon as material and detectors operating beyond LHC collider conditions

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    For the new hadron collider LHC and some of its updates in luminosity and energy, as SLHC and VLHC, the silicon detectors could represent an important option, especially for the tracking system and calorimetry. The main goal of this paper is to analyse the expected long-time degradation in the bulk of the silicon as material and for silicon detectors, in continuous radiation field, in these hostile conditions. The behaviour of silicon in relation to various scenarios for upgrade in energy and luminosity is discussed in the frame a phenomenological model developed previously by the authors. Different silicon material parameters resulting from different technologies are considered to evaluate what materials are harder to radiation and consequently could minimise the degradation of device parameters in conditions of continuous long time operation.Comment: submitted to Physica Scripta Work in the frame of CERN RD-50 Collaboratio

    Converting genetic network oscillations into somite spatial pattern

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    In most vertebrate species, the body axis is generated by the formation of repeated transient structures called somites. This spatial periodicity in somitogenesis has been related to the temporally sustained oscillations in certain mRNAs and their associated gene products in the cells forming the presomatic mesoderm. The mechanism underlying these oscillations have been identified as due to the delays involved in the synthesis of mRNA and translation into protein molecules [J. Lewis, Current Biol. {\bf 13}, 1398 (2003)]. In addition, in the zebrafish embryo intercellular Notch signalling couples these oscillators and a longitudinal positional information signal in the form of an Fgf8 gradient exists that could be used to transform these coupled temporal oscillations into the observed spatial periodicity of somites. Here we consider a simple model based on this known biology and study its consequences for somitogenesis. Comparison is made with the known properties of somite formation in the zebrafish embryo . We also study the effects of localized Fgf8 perturbations on somite patterning.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Recurrence Plot Based Measures of Complexity and its Application to Heart Rate Variability Data

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    The knowledge of transitions between regular, laminar or chaotic behavior is essential to understand the underlying mechanisms behind complex systems. While several linear approaches are often insufficient to describe such processes, there are several nonlinear methods which however require rather long time observations. To overcome these difficulties, we propose measures of complexity based on vertical structures in recurrence plots and apply them to the logistic map as well as to heart rate variability data. For the logistic map these measures enable us not only to detect transitions between chaotic and periodic states, but also to identify laminar states, i.e. chaos-chaos transitions. The traditional recurrence quantification analysis fails to detect the latter transitions. Applying our new measures to the heart rate variability data, we are able to detect and quantify the laminar phases before a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia occurs thereby facilitating a prediction of such an event. Our findings could be of importance for the therapy of malignant cardiac arrhythmias

    What are the hot R Coronae Borealis stars?

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    We investigate the evolutionary status of four stars: V348 Sgr, DY Cen, and MV Sgr in the Galaxy and HV 2671 in the LMC. These stars have in common random deep declines in visual brightness, which are characteristic of R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars. RCB stars are typically cool hydrogen-deficient supergiants. The four stars studied in this paper are hotter (Teff = 15–20 kK) than the majority of RCB stars (Teff = 5000–7000 K). Although these are commonly grouped together as the hot RCB stars they do not necessarily share a common evolutionary history. We present new observational data and an extensive collection of archival and previously published data that is reassessed to ensure internal consistency. We find temporal variations of various properties on different timescales that will eventually help us to uncover the evolutionary history of these objects. DY Cen and MV Sgr have typical RCB helium abundances, which exclude any currently known post–asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) evolutionary models. Moreover, their carbon and nitrogen abundances present us with further problems for their interpretation. V348 Sgr and HV 2671 are in general agreement with a born-again post-AGB evolution, and their abundances are similar to Wolf-Rayet central stars of planetary nebulae (PNs). The three Galactic stars in the sample have circumstellar nebulae, which produce forbidden line radiation (for HV 2671 we have no information). V348 Sgr and DY Cen have low-density, low-expansion velocity nebulae (resolved in the case of V348 Sgr), while MV Sgr has a higher density, higher expansion velocity nebula. All three stars, on the other hand, have split emission lines, which indicate the presence of an equatorial bulge but not of a Keplerian disk. In addition, the historical light curves for the three Galactic hot RCB stars show evidence for a significant fading in their maximum-light brightnesses of ~1 mag over the last 70 yr. From this we deduce that their effective temperatures increased by a few thousand degrees. If V348 Sgr is a born-again star, as we presume, this means that the star is returning from the born-again AGB phase to the phase of a central star of PN. Spectroscopically, no dramatic change is observed over the last 50 years for V348 Sgr and MV Sgr. However, there is some evidence that the winds of V348 Sgr and DY Cen have increased in strength in the last decade. HV 2671, located in the LMC, has not been analyzed in detail but at 5 Å… resolution is almost identical to V348 Sgr. Through the bolometric correction derived for V348 Sgr and the known distance, we can estimate the absolute ν magnitude of HV 2671 (Mν = -3.0 mag) and its bolometric luminosity (~6000 L⊙)

    Ionic high-pressure form of elemental boron

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    Boron is an element of fascinating chemical complexity. Controversies have shrouded this element since its discovery was announced in 1808: the new 'element' turned out to be a compound containing less than 60-70 percent of boron, and it was not until 1909 that 99-percent pure boron was obtained. And although we now know of at least 16 polymorphs, the stable phase of boron is not yet experimentally established even at ambient conditions. Boron's complexities arise from frustration: situated between metals and insulators in the periodic table, boron has only three valence electrons, which would favour metallicity, but they are sufficiently localized that insulating states emerge. However, this subtle balance between metallic and insulating states is easily shifted by pressure, temperature and impurities. Here we report the results of high-pressure experiments and ab initio evolutionary crystal structure predictions that explore the structural stability of boron under pressure and, strikingly, reveal a partially ionic high-pressure boron phase. This new phase is stable between 19 and 89 GPa, can be quenched to ambient conditions, and has a hitherto unknown structure (space group Pnnm, 28 atoms in the unit cell) consisting of icosahedral B12 clusters and B2 pairs in a NaCl-type arrangement. We find that the ionicity of the phase affects its electronic bandgap, infrared adsorption and dielectric constants, and that it arises from the different electronic properties of the B2 pairs and B12 clusters and the resultant charge transfer between them.Comment: Published in Nature 453, 863-867 (2009

    Infrared Spectroscopy of Symbiotic Stars. IV. V2116 Ophiuchi/GX 1+4, The Neutron Star Symbiotic

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    We have computed, based on 17 infrared radial velocities, the first set of orbital elements for the M giant in the symbiotic binary V2116 Ophiuchi. The giant's companion is a neutron star, the bright X-ray source GX 1+4. We find an orbital period of 1161 days by far the longest of any known X-ray binary. The orbit has a modest eccentricity of 0.10 with an orbital circularization time of less than 10^6 years. The large mass function of the orbit significantly restricts the mass of the M giant. Adopting a neutron-star mass of 1.35M(Sun), the maximum mass of the M giant is 1.22M(Sun), making it the less massive star. Derived abundances indicate a slightly subsolar metallicity. Carbon and nitrogen are in the expected ratio resulting from the red-giant first dredge-up phase. The lack of O-17 suggests that the M-giant has a mass less than 1.3M(Sun), consistent with our maximum mass. The red giant radius is 103R(Sun), much smaller than the estimated Roche lobe radius. Thus, the mass loss of the red giant is via a stellar wind. Although the M giant companion to the neutron star has a mass similar to the late-type star in low-mass X-ray binaries, its near-solar abundances and apparent runaway velocity are not fully consistent with the properties of this class of stars.Comment: In press to The Astrophysical Journal (10 April 2006 issue). 23 page