1,013 research outputs found

    Hastelloy X properties, data, and metallurgical characteristics

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    Literature survey and testing program were initiated to obtain pertinent information for Hastelloy X, a nickel-base alloy, through the temperature range of minus 423 degrees to 1800 degrees F. A report has been prepared which includes the tensile properties, mechanical properties, and the manufacturing and fabrication processes

    Fertility regulation: from laboratory bench to service delivery

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    Paper 1. Glasier AF. Contraception: past and future. Nature Medicine. 2002;8(S1): S3-S6. || Paper 2. McNeilly AS, Glasier A, Howie PW. Endocrine control of lactational infertility I. In: Maternal Nutrition and Lactational Infertility. Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series Vol 9, 1985 pp 1-19. Raven Press. New York.. || Paper 3. Glasier AF, Baird DT, Hillier SG. FSH and the control of follicular growth. J. Steroid Biochemistry 1989; 32: 167-170. || Paper 4. Glasier A, Wickings EJ, Rodger MW, Hillier SG, Baird DT. Both LH and FSH are required for the development of the normal follicle. J. Endocrinology 1988; 119: Suppl. 2. Abstract No 159. || Paper 5. McNeilly AS, Howie PW, Glasier A. Lactation and the return of ovulation: Natural Human Fertility. In Diggory P, Potts M, Thapa S (eds) Social and Biological Determinants. Proc XXIIIrd Annual Symp. Eugenics Society, London 1986. Macmillan Press: ppl02-l 17. || Paper 6. Tay CCK, Glasier A, McNeilly AS. The 24h pattern of pulsatile luteinising hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and prolactin release during the first eight weeks of lactational amenorrhoea in breastfeeding women. Human Reproduction 1992; 7: 951-958. || Paper 7. McNeilly AS, Tay CCK, Glasier A. Physiological Mechanisms Underlying Lactational Amenorrhoea. In Campbell KL, Wood JW (eds) Human Reproductive Ecology: Interactions of environment, fertility and behaviour. Annals New York Academy of Sciences 1994; 709: 145-155. || Paper 8. Tay CCK, Glasier AF, McNeilly AS. Effect of antagonists of dopamine and opiates on the basal and GnRH induced secretion of luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and prolactin during lactational amenorrhoea in breastfeeding women. Human Reproduction 1993; 8: 532-539. || Paper 9. Glasier A, McNeilly AS. The Physiology of Lactation. In Franks S. (ed) Endocrinology of Pregnancy. Bailliere Tindall Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 1990; 4: 379 - 395. || Paper 10. Tay CCK, Glasier AF, McNeilly AS. Twenty-four hour patterns of prolactin secretion during lactation and the relationship to suckling and the resumption of fertility in breast-feeding women. Human Reproduction 1996; 11: 950-955. || Paper 11. Tay CCK, Glasier AF, Illingworth PJ, Baird DT. Abnormal twenty-four hour pattern of pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion and the response to naloxone in women with hyperprolactinaemic amenorrhoea. Clinical Endocrinology 1993; 39: 599-606. || Paper 12. Glasier A, McNeilly AS, Baird DT. Induction of ovarian activity after pulsatile therapy in women with lactational amenorrhoea. Clinical Endocrinology 1986;24:243-252. || Paper 13. Glasier A, Baird, DT, McNeilly AS. Evidence for gonadal desensitization by pulsatile infusion of LHRH in women with amenorrhoea? Clinical Endocrinology 1987; 26: 441-451. || Paper 14. World Health Organization Task Force on Methods for the Natural Regulation of Fertility. The World Health Organization Multinational Study of Breastfeeding and Lactational Amenorrhoea. 1. Description of infant feeding patterns and the return of menses. Fertility & Sterility 1998; 70: 448-460. || Paper 15. World Health Organization Task Force on Methods for the Natural Regulation of Fertility. The World Health Organization Multinational Study of Breastfeeding and Lactational Amenorrhoea. II. Factors associated with the length of amenorrhoea. Fertility & Sterility 1998; 70: 461-471. || Paper 16. World Health Organization Task Force on Methods for the Natural Regulation ofFertility. The World Health Organization Multinational Study of Breast-feeding and Lactational Amenorrhoea. III. Pregnancy during breastfeeding. Fertility & Sterility 1999;72: 431- 440 || Paper 17. Caird LE, Reid-Thomas V, Hannan WJ, Gow S, Glasier AF. Oral progestogen-only contraception may protect against loss of bone mass in breast-feeding women. Clinical Endocrinology 1994; 41: 739-745. || Paper 18. Glasier AF, Logan J, McGlew TJ. Who gives advice about post partum contraception? Contraception 1996; 53: 217-220. || Paper 19. Smith, KB, van der Spuy Z, Cheng L, Elton R, Glasier AF. Is postpartum contraceptive advice given antenatally of value? Contraception 2002; 65: 237-243. || Paper 20. Glasier A. Contraception. In Edmonds DK (ed) Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for Postgraduates. Sixth Edition 1999. pp 373-386. Blackwell Science. Oxford England. || Paper 21. Baird DT, Glasier AF. Hormonal Contraception. New EnglandJournal of Medicine 1993; 328: 1543-1549 || Paper 22. Glasier A. Hormonal Contraception. In Wass S, Shalet S (eds) Oxford Textbook ofEndocrinology and Diabetes. 2002 Chapter 8.1.2 pp. 1068-1079. Oxford University Press. || Paper 23. Glasier A. New developments in contraceptive drugs for use by women. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs 2002; 11(9): 1239-51 || Paper 24. Glasier A. Implantable contraceptives for women: effectiveness, discontinuation rates, return of fertility and outcome of pregnancies. Contraception 2002; 65: 29-37. || Paper 25. Davie J, Hiremath K, Glasier A. The introduction of a new contraceptive; two years experience with Norplant. Health Bulletin 1996; 54(4): 314-317. || Paper 26. Glasier Anna. The levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system. IPPF Medical Bulletin 1997; 31(5): 2-3. || Paper 27. Glasier A, Gebbie A. Contraception for the older woman. In Glasier A (Ed) Contraception. Balliere's Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1996; 10 :121- 138. || Paper 28. Gebbie AE, Glasier A, Sweeting V. Incidence of Ovulation in Perimenopausal Women Before and during Hormone Replacement Therapy. Contraception 1995; 52: 221-222. || Paper 29. Glasier A. Sterilization. In Glasier A, Gebbie AE (eds). The Handbook of Family Planning and Reproductive Healthcare. Harcourt Brace. 2000 pp. 177-200 || Paper 30. Penney GC, Souter V, Glasier A, Templeton AA. Laparoscopic sterilisation: opinion and practice among gynaecologists in Scotland. . British J. Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1997; 104: 71-77. || Paper 31. Fleming D, Davie J, Glasier A. Continuation rates of long-acting methods of contraception. A comparative study ofNorplant implants and intrauterine devices. Contraception 1998; 57:19-21. || Paper 32. Baird DT, Glasier AF. Menstrual bleeding patterns and Contraception. IPPF. Medical Bulletin 1991; 25 no.4. || Paper 33. Critchley HOD, Wang H, Kelly RW, Gebbie AE, Glasier AF. Progestin receptor isoforms and prostaglandin dehydrogenase in the endometrium of women using a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system. Human Reproduction 1998; 13: 1210-1217. || Paper 34. Critchley HOD, Wang H, Jones RL, Kelly RW, Drudy TA, Gebbie AE, Buckley CH, McNeilly AS, Glasier AF. Morphological and functional features of endometrial decidualization following long-term intrauterine levonorgestrel delivery. Human Reproduction 1998; 13: 1218-1224. || Paper 35. Skinner JL, Riley SC, Gebbie AE, Glasier AF, Critchley HOD. Regulation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in endometrium during the menstrual cycle and following administration of intrauterine levonorgestrel. Human Reproduction 1999; 14: 793-799. || Paper 36. Glasier AF, Wang H, Davie JE, Kelly RW, Critchley HOD. Administration anti-progesterone upregulates estrogen receptors in the endometrium of women using Norplant®: a pilot study. Fertility & Sterility 2002; 77 ; 366-72. || Paper 37. Cheng L, Zhu H, Wang A, Ren F, Chen J, Glasier A. Once a month administration of mifepristone improves bleeding patterns in women using subdermal contraceptive implants releasing levonorgestrel. Human Reproduction 2000; 15 : 1969-72. || Paper 38. Baird DT, Glasier A. Science, medicine and the future; Contraception. British Medical Journal 1999; 319: 969-972. || Paper 39. Hapangama DK, Brown A, Glasier AF, Baird DT. Feasibility of administering mifepristone as a once a month contraceptive pill. Human Reproduction 2001 ; 16: 1145-1150. || Paper 40. Glasier A, Thong KJ, Dewar M, Mackie M, Baird DT. Comparison of mifepristone and high dose oestrogen-progestogen for emergency post coital contraception. New England Journal of Medicine 1992; 327: 1041-44. || Paper 41. Rimmer C, Horga M, Cerar V, Alder E.M, Baird DT. Glasier A. Do women want a once a month pill? Human Reproduction 1992; 7: 608-611. || Paper 42. Glasier AF, Smith KB, Cheng L, Ho PC, van der Spuy Z, Baird DT. An international study on the acceptability of a once-a-month pill. Human Reproduction 1999; 14 : 3018-22. || Paper 43. Glasier AF, Smith K,Van der Spuy Z, Ho PC, Cheng L, Dada K, Wellings K, Baird DT. Amenorrhoea associated with contraception - an international study on acceptability. Contraception 2003; 67: 1-8. || Paper 44. Martin CW, Anderson RA, Cheng L, Ho PC, van der Spuy Z, Smith KB, Glasier AF, Everington D, Baird DT. Potential impact of hormonal male contraception: cross-cultural implications for development of novel preparations. Human Reproduction 2000; 15; 637-645. 325. Paper 45. Glasier AF, Anakwe R, Everington D, Martin CW, Van der Spuy Z, Cheng L, Ho PC, Anderson RA. Would women trust their partners to use a male pill? Human Reproduction 2000; 15: 646-649. || Paper 46. Hapangama, DK, Glasier, AF, Baird, DT. Noncompliance among a group of women using a novel method of contraception. Fertility and Sterility 2001; 76: 1196-1201. || Paper 47. Glasier A. Therapeutic termination of pregnancy. In Kubba A, Sanfilippo J, Hampton N. (eds). Contraception and Office Gynecology: Choices in Reproductive Healthcare. 1999 pp 319-331. W.B.Saunders London UK. || Paper 48. Glasier A. The organisation ofAbortion Services. Current Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1993; 3 : 23-27 || Paper 49. Glasier A., Thong KJ. The establishment of a centralised abortion referral service leads to earlier abortion. Health Bulletin 1991; 49/5: 254-259. || Paper 50. Penney GC, Glasier A, Templeton A. Multicentre criterion based audit of the management of induced abortion in Scotland. British Medical Journal 1994; 309: 15-18. || Paper 51. Penney GC, Glasier A, Templeton A. Agreeing criteria for audit of the management of induced abortion: an approach by national concensus survey. Quality in Health Care 1993; 2: 167-169. || Paper 52. Cameron ST, Glasier AF, Logan J, Benton L, Baird DT. Impact of new medical methods on therapeutic abortions at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. British J. Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1996; 103: 1222-1229. || Paper 53. Penney GC, Templeton AA, Glasier A. Patients' views on abortion care in Scottish Hospitals. Health Bulletin 1994; 6: 431-437. || Paper 54. Glasier A. Counselling for abortion. In Baird DT, Grimes DA, Van Look PFA (eds) Modern Methods of Inducing Abortion. 1995. pp 112-124. Blackwell Science. || Paper 55. Glasier A. The acceptability of medical abortion and other uses of mifepristone. Reproductive Health Matters 1995; 6: 147 - 151. || Paper 56. Glasier A. Emergency post-coital contraception. New England Journal of Medicine 1997; 337; 1058-1064 || Paper 57. Glasier Anna. Emergency Contraception. In Human Reproduction: Pharmaceutical and Technical advances. In Millar RP, Baird DT (eds). British Medical Bulletin 2000; 56 : 729-738 || Paper 58. Glasier A, Ketting E, Palan VT et al. Case studies in emergency contraception from six countries. International Family Planning Perspectives 1996; 22:57-61. || Paper 59. Hapangama D, Glasier AF, Baird DT. The effects of peri-ovulatory administration of Levonorgestrel on the menstrual cycle. Contraception 2001; 63 : 123-129. || Paper 60. Stirling A, Glasier A. Estimating the efficacy of emergency contraception; how reliable are the data ? . Contraception 2002; 66: 19-22. || Paper 61. Glasier A. Safety of Emergency Contraception. Journal of the American Medical Women's Association 1998; 53 Suppl 2; 219-221. || Paper 62. Glasier A. Emergency Contraception - Time for de-regulation? British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1993; 100: 611-612. || Paper 63. Graham A, Green L, Glasier A. Teenagers' knowledge of emergency contraception: questionnaire survey in south east Scotland. British Medical Journal 1996;312:1567-1569. || Paper 64. Kettle H, Cay S, Brown A, Glasier A. Screening for chlamydia trachomatis is indicated in women under 30 using emergency contraception. Contraception 2002; 66: 251-3 || Paper 65. Glasier A, Baird DT. The effects of Self-Administering Emergency Contraception. New England Journal of Medicine 1998; 339: 1-4. || Paper 66. Glasier A, Fairhurst K, Wyke S, Ziebland S, Seaman P, Walker J, Lakha F. Advanced provision of emergency contraception has not reduced abortion rates in Lothian. Contraception (in press, Contraception 2004) || Paper 67. Fairhurst K, Ziebland S, Wyke S, Seaman P, Glasier A. Emergency Contraception (EC): why can't you give it away? Qualitative findings from an evaluation of advance provision of EC. (submitted to BMJ)

    Editorial Announcement

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    Weld procedure produces quality welds for thick sections of Hastelloy-X

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    Welding program produces premium quality, multipass welds in heavy tube sections of Hastelloy-X. It develops semiautomatic tungsten/inert gas procedures, weld wire procurement specifications material weld properties, welder-operator training, and nondestructive testing inspection techniques and procedures

    A Comparison of M&T Bank and Citizens Bank Net Income Changes During the Coronavirus Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic had a tremendous impact on every aspect of life, particularly within the world of banking & finance. All banks saw sharp drops in their stock prices and net income, but my hypothesis is that larger, more established banks maintained more stability during 2020 than smaller banks. This paper analyzes the income statements and balance sheets of M&T Bank (an older, more well-established bank) and Citizens Bank (a less-established bank) during this difficult time. The first part of my thesis describes similarities and differences between M&T Bank and Citizens Bank. I explain how these similarities and differences may have had an impact on how each bank responded to the pandemic and what resources were available to them during that time. I conclude that M&T Bank has a more solid reputation and more resources available to them, primarily due to their long-standing reputation in comparison to Citizens Bank. The second part of my thesis begins by analyzing the significant difference in the percentage change in net incomes between the two banks in 2021, with Citizens Bank\u27s net income increasing by 119% from 2020 compared to M&T Bank\u27s 37% increase. I ran a regression model and concluded several variables contributed to this difference. With a time dummy variable in the econometric model, I conclude that M&T Bank was indeed more stable than Citizens Bank with regards to maintaining a stable net income quarter-to-quarter. In other respects, I conclude that the impact of the pandemic on M&T Bank and Citizens Bank were fairly similar, although accounting differences and a lack of insider information may have manipulated the final results

    William Morris and the early days of the socialist movement

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    Host Range of Myrmecophiles

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    Notes of the Wisconsin Bar Association

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