341 research outputs found


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    This paper deals with the problems of the south-east section of the Adriatic islands which consits of two larger islands (the islands of Lastovo and Mljet) and of an archipelago (the archipelago of Elafiti). These are the islands of the Dubrovnik region, remote from the continental coast and with the similar demographic and socio-economic characteristics

    Promjene u demografskim strukturama Grada Knina u međupopisnom razdoblju 1991.-2001. godine

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    The Town of Knin, as many other war-affected areas in Croatia, has experienced significant demographic, socio-economic and political changes. The most prominent changes include notable reduction in the number of inhabitants and altered population structures. Ethnic composition has changed significantly in comparison to prewar period, partly due to immigration of Croats from Bosnia and Herzegovina.Grad Knin je, kao i ostala područja u Hrvatskoj koja su bila izravno pogođena ratnim djelovanjima, doživio mnoge političke, druÅ”tveno-gospodarske i demografske promjene. Osim znatnog smanjenja broja stanovnika, promijenila se i njihova struktura. Narodnosni sastav bitno je izmijenjen u odnosu na prijeratno razdoblje, Å”to je i posljedica doseljavanja hrvatskog stanovniÅ”tva iz susjedne Bosne i Hercegovine

    A Comparison of Traditional and Locally Novel Fishing Gear for the Exploitation of the Invasive Atlantic Blue Crab in the Eastern Adriatic Sea

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    The Atlantic Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus has been recognized as invasive in the Mediterranean Sea, where it now provides a significant contribution to artisanal fisheries. In this study, we compared the efficiency, selectivity, and productivity of American wire crab traps and traditional fyke nets for the capture of Blue Crabs in a study conducted from June to December 2019 in the Parila Lagoon (River Neretva Estuary, Croatia). A total of 7707 specimens were caught in 15 wire traps, comprising 6959 males and 749 females. The total catch using 50 traditional fyke traps was 1451 crabs, of which 1211 were males and 240 were females. In general, wire crab traps showed a higher capture selectivity and economic performance compared to fyke nets. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) was 102.76 kg for the American wire crab trap and 5.96 kg for the traditional fyke net. The CPUE of gravid female Blue Crabs was lower for the wire traps than the fyke nets. Herein, the utility of crab traps as selective fishing gear for the capture of Blue Crabs, and management tools for control of the reproductive and recruitment phases of the crab, are discussed, with the perspective of future exploitation of the species as a commercially valuable shellfish product in the Mediterranea


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    Levels of leadership development and top management\u27s effectiveness: Is there a clear-cut relationship?

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    This paper is focused on the influence of leadership development on top management\u27s effectiveness, both from theoretical and empirical aspect. The creation of an original theoretical model of leadership development process and top management\u27s effectiveness has the purpose of determining impact, direction and intensity of the relationship between leadership development and top management\u27s effectiveness and offers a new methodological approach to leadership classification using the criteria of developed/undeveloped leadership process and measurement of top management\u27s effectiveness based on contemporary conditions. A new composite variable for measuring leadership development was created and the research implied it strongly correlates with the indicators of top management\u27s effectiveness, both in internal and external perspectives. Empirical verification of the model was conducted on the sample of 106 companies and this deepened the insight into the modern leadership paradigm, its development and affirmation in the area of management effectiveness and it confirmed the research hypotheses. The nature of relationship between management effectiveness and the main dimensions of leadership process ā€“ setting direction (by creating vision, explaining the whole and setting the strategy), including people (by communicating vision, building teams and seeking commitment) and motivating (inspiring, empowering and meeting the needs of subordinates) ā€“ was determined and it was proved that leadership development has a positive effect on the effectiveness of top management

    Changes in Biological and Economic Strukture of the Population in South Croatia (Dalmatia) from 1948 to 1991

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    U ovom radu iznijeti su rezultati analize promjena u bioloÅ”koj i ekonomskoj strukturi stanovniÅ”tva Južne Hrvatske (Dalmacije) u razdoblju od 1948.-1991. godine. Posebno je razmotren razvoj sekundarnog i tercijarnog sektora djelatnosti i utjecaj općeg gospodarskog napretka na stanovniÅ”tvo.This paper offers the results of the analysis of changes in biological and economic structure of the population in South Croatia (Dalmatia) from 1948 to 1991. Special attention has been paid to the development of the secondary and tertiary activity sectors and the influence of general economic progress on the population


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    This paper presents highlights of the geography, history, and management of the Neretva River estuary. Current threats to the estuary\u27s valuable natural resources, including changes in its hydrologic regime, loss of native habitat, changes in biodiversity, and pollution are reviewed. Different proposals for the area\u27s development, and possible conflicts associated with their implementation, are mentioned. Aquaculture, properly practiced, can make a significant contribution to the Neretva estuary\u27s near- and longterm development


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    The paper confirms the presence of endemic dentex trout, Salmo dentex population in the Neretva River, Bosniaā€“Herzegovina. All catches were limited to main flow of the Neretva River close to town of Čapljina and colder areas of Hutovo Blato wetlands. All caught specimens of dentex trout fed on smaller fish. But, without preference to particular fish species.U radu se potvrđuje postojanje populacije endemičnog zubatka, Salmo dentex, u rijeci Neretvi u Bosni i Hercegovini. Svi primjerci zubatka ulovljeni su u glavnom toku Neretve ispod grada Čapljine i u hladnijim vodama močvare Hutovo blato. Opisane su neke bioloÅ”ke značajke ulovljenih primjeraka. Svi su se ulovljeni primjerci hranili primjercima manjih riba, ali bez preferencije prema nekom posebnom plijenu
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