11 research outputs found

    Ekološke posledice upotrebe biljaka za dobijanje energije

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    Global food and fossil energy consumption are on trajectories to double by 2050. Fossil fuel use has pushed atmospheric carbon dioxide higher than at any time during the past half-million years. While fossil fuels still account for more than 95 percent of the global transportation fuel market, biofuel production is growing roughly 15 percent per year, a rate over ten times that of oil. Under mounting pressure to improve domestic energy security and combat global climate change, countries are now turning to ethanol and biodiesel to meet rising transportation fuel demands. In 2005, the U.S. pledged to nearly double ethanol production by 2012, and the European Community recently announced that biofuels will meet 10 percent of their transportation fuel needs by 2020. Biofuels, if used properly, can help us balance our need for food, energy and a habitable and sustainable environment. To help this happen, though, we need a national biofuels policy that favors our best options. We must determine the carbon impacts of each method of making these fuels, then mandate fuel blending that achieves a prescribed greenhouse gas reduction. We have to have the knowledge and technology to start solving these problems.Globalna potrošnja hrane i energije je na putu da se udvostruči do 2050. godine. Korišćenje fosilnih goriva povećava količinu ugljen-dioksida u atmosferi sada, više nego tokom poslednjih pola miliona godina. Iako fosilna goriva čine 95% globalnog tržišta u sektoru transporta, proizvodnja biogoriva rapidno raste po stopi od 15% godišnje, što je stopa porasta deset puta veća od stope porasta proizvodnje nafte. Pod velikim pritiskom da poboljšaju energetsku sigurnost i borbu protiv klimatskih promena, mnoge zemlje prelaze na etanol i biodizel, kako bi izašle u susret sve većim zahtevima tržišta. U 2005, SAD objavljuju da će duplirati proizvodnju etanola do 2012, a Evropska komisija je skoro objavila da će biogoriva zadovoljiti 10% potrošnje goriva u sektoru transporta do 2020. Biogoriva, ako se koriste kako treba, mogu pomoći u uspostavljanju ravnoteže između naših potreba za hranom, energijom i očuvanja i zaštite životne sredine. Da bi pomogli da se to desi, potrebno je imati nacionalnu politiku za biogoriva, koja će favorizovati najbolje rešenje. Trebalo bi da se odredi uticaj proizvodnje svake vrste goriva na koncentraciju atmosferskog ugljenika, pa odrediti koja mešavina goriva daje propisano smanjenje emisije gasova staklene bašte. Da bi se to postiglo, moramo imati znanje i tehnologije, koje će rešiti ove probleme

    Ispitivanje korelacije faze razvoja pšenice sorte Pobeda i udaljenosti od industrijske zone na dinamiku usvajanja teških metala u pojedinim delovima biljke

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    In selected parts of the wheat plant variety Pobeda in various stages of growth examined the content of heavy metals. Samples were taken from the fields and regions are at different distances from the oil refinery in Pančevo. Determination of heavy metals was carried out by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the flame acetylene/air, Research on the effects of varieties, stage of wheat development and distance from the industrial zone on the dynamics of the adoption of heavy metals in some parts of the wheat plant (root and stem) was carried out on experimental fields of the Institute ”Tamiš” in the fields of Old Tamiš and Vojlovica. The results showed significant differences between the distance from the refinery to the content of heay metals in different parts of the wheat plant.Na odabranim delovima biljke pšenice sorte Pobeda u različitim fenofazama ispitivan je sadržaj teških metala. Uzorci su uzimani sa polja i regiona koji su na različitoj udaljenosti od Rafinerije nafte u Pančevu. Ispitivanje teških metala je obavljeno primenom atomske apsorpcione spektrofotometrije. Istraživanja korelacije faze razvoja pšenice i udaljenosti od industrijske zone na dinamiku usvajanja teških metala u pojedinim delovima biljke (koren i stablo) obavljeno je na uzorku pšenice sorte Pobeda sa Oglednog polja Instituta „Tamiš”, polja Starog Tamiša i Vojlovice. Dobijeni rezultati prikazali su značajnost razlike između udaljenosti od Rafinerije u odnosu na sadržaj teških metala u različitim delovima biljke pšenice

    Produktivnost golozrnog ječma u organskom i konvencionalnom sistemu gajenja

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    There is rising interest for hulless barley use in human nutrition and industrial processing. Hulless barley is a relatively new cereal crop; the hulls of it can be separated from grain during threshing. This cereal has been recognized as being more valuable and economic in food industry than covered barley. Several studies show the positive influence of hulless barley food products on human health; it can be utilized in many different food products. Aim of this paper is to investigate possibilities of organic growing of hulless barley, comparing with conventional one, in agroecological conditions of Valjevo hilly region during 2008/2009. Trial was set up in Kotešica village on soil which was not used for agriculture for 7 years. In organic cropping system three combinations of microbiological fertilizer baktofil with zeolite and hydrogel were used prior to sowing. Half of each plot was treated with foliar microbiological fertilizer (Slavol) during crop growing period. In conventional cropping system three variants with mineral fertilizers were included: NPK, NPK+zeolite, NPK+hydrogel. Results of the yield obtaind in the experiment showed no significant differences between control and treatments. Yield average in organic cropping system (4,54 t/ha) was slightly higher than in conventional one (4,48 t/ha), but both of them were lower than in control with no fertilizer (4,65 t/ha). According to yield obtained in separate plots, the highest value gave the treatment NPK+zeolit+slavol. Different microbiological fertilizers combined with NPK fertilizer and zeolite give the maximum results in hulles barly production.Poslednjih desetak godina u svetu raste interes za upotrebom golozrnog ječma u direktnoj ljudskoj ishrani i industrijskoj preradi. Razlog za to je pre svega što golozrni ječam predstavlja bogat izvor rastvorljivih biljnih vlakana, koji povoljno utiču na ljudsko zdravlje. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita mogućnost organskog gajenja ove biljne vrste, u odnosu na konvencionalni u konkretnim agroekološkim uslovima Valjevskog pobrđa 2008/2009 godine. Ogled je postavljen u selu Kotešica, na zemljištu koje nije korišćeno u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji 7 godina. U organskom sistemu poljoprivredne proizvodnje, korišćene su kombinacije mikrobiološkog đubriva baktofila sa dva poboljšivača zemljišta zeolita i hidrogela, kojima je tretirano zemljište neposredno pred setvu, a u toku vegetacionog perioda neke varijante ogleda su folijarno tretirane mikrobiološkim đubrivom (slavol). U konvencionalnom sistemu poljoprivredne proizvodnje uključene su tri varijante sa kompleksnim mineralnim NPK đubrivom i kombinacija sa zeolitom i hidrogelom, kojima je tretirano zemljište neposredno pred setvu. Dobijeni rezultati prosečnih prinosa golozrnog jećma pokazuju da na parceli, koja nije korišćena dugi niz godina, nisu dobijene značajne razlike između kontrole, bez đubrenja i tretmana sa mikrobiološkim ili mineralnim đubrivima. Prosečni prinos u organskom sistemu gajenja (4,54 t/ha) je bio nešto viši od konvencionalnog (4,48 t/ha), a oba su bila nešto niža od kontrole bez đubrenja (4,65 t/ha). Posmatrajući prinose po pojedinačnim varijantama najveći prinos je postignut u tretmanu NPK+zeolit+slavol. U ovoj varijanti ogleda mikrobiološka đubriva su u kombinaciji sa NPK i poboljšivačem zemljišta dala maksimalne rezultate u gajenju golozrnog ječma

    Potencijali brdsko-planinskog regiona Srbije za organsku poljoprivrednu proizvodnju

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    Serbia as a country has variety of geografic, climate, natural and cultural heritage. According to IUCN, mountains of Serbia are part of one of 6 biodiversity centers of temperate climate. Extremely in danger, these vulnerable areas require special treatment that would provide whole network of life protection, instead conventional protection of nature. Optimal model of community development for these territories is in the framework of integral rural development strategy and organic agricultural production which is part of this concept. Natural conditions and natural resources in Serbia are on satisfactory level, thus organic agriculture can be in progress on wholle territory, specialy in hilly-mountainous regions. Absolutely essential condition for starting of organic production is obay the low and other legal acts, which provide in details selection of plots and other conditions. Organic agriculture is very suitable for natural resources and protected areas management: in national parks, nature reserves, water supply zones and other endangered and sensitive parts of the country.Srbija je zemlja koju karakteriše vrlo raznovrsno geografsko, klimatsko, prirodno i kulturno nasleđe. Prema IUCN, planine Srbije su deo jednog od 6 centara biodiverziteta umerene klime. Budući da su izuzetno ugrožena, ova osetljiva područja zahtevaju specijalan tretman koji bi obezbedio čitavu mrežu zaštite života, umesto klasične zaštite prirode. Jedna od mogućnosti za sprečavanje daljeg pustošenja zemljišta i degradacije prirodne sredine leži u uspostavljanju integralne strategije ruralnog razvoja i organske poljoprivredne proizvodnje, koja je njegov sastavni deo. Prirodni uslovi i stanje prirodnih resursa u Srbiji su na zadovoljavajućem nivou i organska proizvodnja se može odvijati na celoj teritoriji Republike Srbije, a naročito u brdskoplaninskom regionu. Neophodan uslov za započinjanje organske proizvodnje je poštovanje zakona i podzakonskih akata, koji detaljno propisuju odabir parcele i uslove pod kojima se ova proizvodnja može odvijati. Organska poljoprivreda bi bila jako pogodna kao način gazdovanja prirodnim resursima u zaštićenim područjima: nacionalnim parkovima, rezarvatima prirode, zonama vodosnabdevanja i ostalim osetljivim i ugroženim delovima naše zemlje

    Uticaj navodnjavanja na prinos i sadržaj glavnih elemenata ishrane u zemljištu pod kukurzom

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    Extensive organic production under irrigation conditions requires greater amounts of NPK fertilisers. Furthermore, the mobility of fertilisers, especially of nitrogen, is greater under the increased soil moisture content, hence the incorporation of unnecessary amounts leads to nitrogen leaching into deeper layers causing pollution of the agro ecosystem. The objective of the present study was to determine maize yields and the content of NPK in soil under irrigation conditions after three years of the application of the same fertiliser amounts. There were four variants of water regime in the trail and the following amounts of fertilisers were incorporated: 136 kg N ha–1, 68 kg P2O5 ha–1 and 68 kg K2O ha–1. The obtained results show that the greatest differences in the content of the available soil nitrogen were established in relation to the rainfed regime. Moreover, under rainfed conditions, the highest nitrogen content (9.84 mg kg–1) and the lowest yield (10.2 t ha–1) were recorded at the end of the performed experiment. The lowest nitrogen content in the soil (7.84 mg kg–1) was established in the variant in which soil moisture had been maintained at the level 70–75% of filed water capacity (FWC). At the same time the average yield in this variant amounted to 13.55 t ha–1. The higher moisture was (80–85% FWC) the higher maize yield was (15.08 t ha–1), but also the nitrogen mobility over a profile depth was, and a greater holding capacity of nitrite in the humus horizon was. In comparison with rainfed conditions, irrigation variants had lower contents of P2O5 and K2O in the soil, which is, among other things, a consequence of higher yields obtained under irrigation conditions.Cilj rada bio je da se u irigacionom vodnom režimu utvrde prinosi kukuruza i sadržaj NPK hraniva u zemljištu nakon tri godine primene iste količine đubriva. Rezultati pokazuju da su najveće razlike u sadržaju pristupačnog azota u zemljištu utvrđene u odnosu na prirodni vodni režim, koji je na kraju izvođenja ogleda bio sa najvećim sadržajem azota (9,84 mg•kg–1) i sa najmanjim prosečnim prinosom (10,2 t•ha–1). Najmanji sadržaj azota u zemljištu bio je u varijanti održavanja zemljišne vlage na nivou 70–75% PVK (7,84 mg•kg–1) na kojoj je dobijen prosek prinosa 13,55 t•ha–1. U uslovima prisustva veće količine vode (80–85% PVK) bila je najveća rodnost kukuruza (15,08 t•ha–1), ali i veća pokretljivost azota po dubini profila, kao i zadržavanje nitrata u humusnom horizontu. U poređenju sa prirodnim vodnim režimom, varijante sa navodnjavanjem su imale manji sadržaj P2O5 i K2O u zemljištu što je, između ostalog, zbog ostvarenih većih prinosa u navodnjavanju

    Privredni značaj gajenja miskantusa

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    In this paper we discuss the different possibilities of using Miscanthus×giganteus Greef et Deu., a perennial grass, very high annual production of above-ground biomass. Miscanthus biomass is primarily a very good quality for burning. Due to the efficient production of biomass, this grass may play an important role in sustainable agriculture of biomass fuel production in the near future. Secondary, production of miscanthus is significant for: providing quality raw materials for paper industry, production of bio-degradable product, its use as an ecological building materials, development of urban areas and reclamation of land.У раду смо дискутовали различите могућности коришћења мискантуса (Miscanthus×giganteus Greef et Deu.), нове вишегодишње траве, веома велике годишње продукције надземне биомасе. Биомаса мискантуса је, првенствено, веома доброг квалитета за сагоревање. Секундарно, гајење мискантуса је значајно и за: обезбеђивање квалитетне сировине за индустрију папира; затим производњу био-разградивих производа; употребу као еколошког грађевинског материјала; уређење урбаних простора; и мелиорације земљишних површина

    Perspektive upotrebe biljaka kao bioenergetskih useva

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    Bioenergy crops are cultivated specifically in order to utilize their plant mass or grains for production of liquid or solid fuels, as alternative to the existing energy sources. The paper is concerned with the possibilities of utilization of common field corps, as energy crops, in Serbian agroecologic conditions. As bioenergy sources, both new, promising crops (Panicum virgatum L., Miscanthus × giganteus Greef et Deu., Arundo donax L., Phalaris arundinacea L.) and traditional sources are presented. Perspective of development and spreading of certain bioenergy crops species will depend primarily on market conditions (mostly on: fuel and crop prices, participation of governmental subventions) and specific agrotechnical requirements of the cultivation of these crops.Биоенергетски усеви се специфично узгајају да би се њихова биљна маса или семе искористили за производњу течних или чврстих енергената, као алтернатива постојећим енергетским изворима. У раду су продискутоване могућности употребе уобичајених ратарских усева, као енергетских усева, у нашим (српским) агроеколошким условима. Приказани су и перспективни нови усеви, као и традиционални биоенергетски извори. Перспектива развоја и ширења појединих врста биоенергетских усева зависиће првенствено од кретања цена на тржишту (углавном: цена енергената, цена житарица и нивоа државних субвенција) и специфичних агротехничких захтева гајења ових усева

    Žetva i skladištenje Miscanthus×giganteus Greef et Deu.

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    Miscanthus (Miscanthus×giganteus Greef et Deu.) represents a new perennial crop for biomass production, grown and used specifically as energy source (i.e. „bioenergy crop“) for combustion in boiler systems. At the end of September, miscanthus crops form maximal biomass of aboveground parts. With the transition to winter dormancy (since the end of October till the beginning of April) water content in the crop is gradually decreased by stem dessication. With the shifting of harvest time to the interval: end of December – end of March, overall miscanthus biomass is decreased, due to defiliation and falling-off of stem tops, but, because of decreased water content (≤30%) and the content of nitrogen compounds (<0,7%) the obtained biomass is more convenient for combustion. For harvesting and baling of aboveground parts, only few days without precipitation and snow cover are sufficient, which is necessary for the operation of machines. For long-term storage, very loose piling of bales is necessary.Мискантус (Miscanthus×giganteus Greef et Deu.) представља нов вишегодишњи усев за производњу биомасе, који се специфично узгаја и користи као енергетска сировина за сагоревање у котловским постројењима. Крајем септембра усев мискантуса образује максималну биомасу надземног дела. Преласком у фазу зимског мировања (од краја октобра до почетка априла) садржај влаге у усеву се постепено смањује сушењем стабала и листова. Померањем времена жетве на период: крај децембра до крај марта, укупна биомаса мискантуса се смањује, због опадања листова и врхова стабала, али услед мањег садржаја воде (≤30%) и мање количине азотних материја (<0,7%) добијена биомаса је квалитетнија за сагоревање. За извођење жетве кошењем надземних делова усева и његовим балирањем, неопходно само неколико дана без падавина и снежног покривача, због кретања жетвене механизације по површини терена. За дуготрајно складиштење потребно је веома растресито слагање бала


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    Examined the content of the methanol extract routines MeOH dried buckwheat leaves were collected from several sites in the full flowering of plants. Extracts were prepared by healing with return cooler with the addition of methanol p.a. After extraction was performed filtration of extracts, prepared in such extracts was determined by the content of routine HPLC analysis method kvantotativne using external standards (rutin) over the calibration curve. Fagopyri herba drug is described in European Pharmacopceia VI as well as routine alanytical procedure content (Ph.Eur.6.0). Routine biennial examination content in leaves of buckwheat and collection of samples included four sites - Valjevo, Pancevo, Kucevo (Velika Plana) and Surduk. For the purposes of this study was selected local variety of buckwheat dove was grown in the system optimal mineral nutrition of plants with the addition of NPK nutrients hydrogel and zeolite to bind water in the surface layers of soil and prevent its evaporation loss. The content is varied routines and locations. At least it was routine in the locality listovima buckwheat. Surduk 2.78% and most of the experiments in Kucevo in Petrovac 3.71%. Isolated extraction procedure, routine use in the pharmaceutical and food industries

    Agronomical and nutritional evaluation of quinoa seeds (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) as an ingredient in bread formulations

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    Quinoa is an Andean seed crop of many potential uses. In 2009 a field trial was carried out to explore the potential for quinoa growing in climatic conditions of South Eastern Europe. Even under rainfed conditions, without fertilization, a seed yield as high as 1.721 t ha(-1) was obtained. Seed quality was remarkably good, with protein content ranging from 15.16 to 17.41 % on a dry weight basis, depending on whether seeds were processed. Amino acid and mineral composition revealed the potential of quinoa seeds as a valuable ingredient in the preparation of highly nutritious foods. Quinoa seeds had higher contents of most essential amino acids, especially lysine, than wheat flour. Dehulled quinoa seeds, devoid of saponins, were included into wheat bread formulations, with up to 20%, which resulted in a positive effect on the rheological characteristics of dough. Furthermore, protein content in bread was increased by around 2%. Sensory characteristics of breads were excellent also at the 20% supplementation level. The study of bread supplemented with quinoa seeds could enable the development of a range of new baking products with enhanced nutritional value. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved