7 research outputs found

    GaBoDS: The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey -- I. Anatomy of galaxy clusters in the background of NGC 300

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    The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey (GaBoDS) is a virtual 12 square degree cosmic shear and cluster lensing survey, conducted with the [email protected] MPG/ESO telescope at La Silla. It consists of shallow, medium and deep random fields taken in R-band in subarcsecond seeing conditions at high galactic latitude. A substantial amount of the data was taken from the ESO archive, by means of a dedicated ASTROVIRTEL program. In the present work we describe the main characteristics and scientific goals of GaBoDS. Our strategy for mining the ESO data archive is introduced, and we comment on the Wide Field Imager data reduction as well. In the second half of the paper we report on clusters of galaxies found in the background of NGC 300, a random archival field. We use weak gravitational lensing and the red cluster sequence method for the selection of these objects. Two of the clusters found were previously known and already confirmed by spectroscopy. Based on the available data we show that there is significant evidence for substructure in one of the clusters, and an increasing fraction of blue galaxies towards larger cluster radii. Two other mass peaks detected by our weak lensing technique coincide with red clumps of galaxies. We estimate their redshifts and masses.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, gzipped. An online postscript version with higher quality figures (3.3 MBytes) can be downloaded from http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~mischa/ngc300/ngc300.ps.gz . Submitted to A&


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