1,012 research outputs found

    HOST turbine heat transfer subproject overview

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    The experimental part of the turbine heat transfer subproject consists of six large experiments, which are highlighted in this overview, and three of somewhat more modest scope. One of the initial efforts was the stator airfoil heat transfer program. The non-film cooled and the showerhead film cooled data have already been reported. The gill region film cooling effort is currently underway. The investigation of secondary flows in a 90 deg curved duct, was completed. The first phase examined flows with a relatively thin inlet boundary layer and low free stream turbulence. The second phase studied a thicker inlet boundary layer and higher free stream turbulence. A comparison of analytical and experimental cross flow velocity vectors is shown for the 60 deg plane. Two experiments were also conducted in the high pressure facility. One examined full coverage film cooled vanes, and the other, advanced instrumentation. The other three large experimental efforts were conducted in a rotation reference frame. An experiment to obtain gas path airfoil heat transfer coefficients in the large, low speed turbine was completed. Single-stage data with both high and low-inlet turbulence were taken. The second phase examined a one and one-half stage turbine and focused on the second vane row. Under phase 3 aerodynamic quantities such as interrow time-averaged and rms values of velocity, flow angle, inlet turbulence, and surface pressure distribution were measured

    Similarity tests of turbine vanes, effects of ceramic thermal barrier coatings

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    The role of material thermal conductivity was analyzed for its effect on the thermal performance of air-cooled gas turbine components coated with a ceramic thermal barrier material when tested at reduced temperatures and pressures. It is shown that the thermal performance can be evaluated reliably at reduced gas and coolant conditions; however, thermal conductivity corrections are required for the data at reduced conditions. Corrections for a ceramic thermal barrier coated vane are significantly different than for an uncoated vane. Comparison of uncorrected test data, therefore, would show erroneously that the thermal barrier coating was ineffective. When thermal conductivity corrections are applied to the test data these data are then shown to be representative of engine data and also show that the thermal barrier coating increases the vane cooling effectiveness by 12.5 percent

    Extension of similarity test procedures to cooled engine components with insulating ceramic coatings

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    Material thermal conductivity was analyzed for its effect on the thermal performance of air cooled gas turbine components, both with and without a ceramic thermal-barrier material, tested at reduced temperatures and pressures. The analysis shows that neglecting the material thermal conductivity can contribute significant errors when metal-wall-temperature test data taken on a turbine vane are extrapolated to engine conditions. This error in metal temperature for an uncoated vane is of opposite sign from that for a ceramic-coated vane. A correction technique is developed for both ceramic-coated and uncoated components

    Review and assessment of the HOST turbine heat transfer program

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    The objectives of the HOST Turbine Heat Transfer subproject were to obtain a better understanding of the physics of the aerothermodynamic phenomena occurring in high-performance gas turbine engines and to assess and improve the analytical methods used to predict the fluid dynamics and heat transfer phenomena. At the time the HOST project was initiated, an across-the-board improvement in turbine design technology was needed. Therefore, a building-block approach was utilized, with research ranging from the study of fundamental phenomena and analytical modeling to experiments in simulated real-engine environments. Experimental research accounted for 75 percent of the project, and analytical efforts accounted for approximately 25 percent. Extensive experimental datasets were created depicting the three-dimensional flow field, high free-stream turbulence, boundary-layer transition, blade tip region heat transfer, film cooling effects in a simulated engine environment, rough-wall cooling enhancement in a rotating passage, and rotor-stator interaction effects. In addition, analytical modeling of these phenomena was initiated using boundary-layer assumptions as well as Navier-Stokes solutions

    Metal temperatures and coolant flow in a wire cloth transpiration cooled turbine vane

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    An experimental heat transfer investigation was conducted on an air-cooled turbine vane made from wire-wound cloth material and supported by a central strut. Vane temperature data obtained are compared with temperature data from two full-coverage film-cooled vanes made of different laminated construction. Measured porous-airfoil temperatures are compared with predicted temperatures

    An adverse effect of film cooling on the suction surface of a turbine vane

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    Film-cooling-air ejection from the suction surface of a turbine vane was investigated. This investigation was conducted in a four-vane cascade on a J75 size turbine vane which had a row of holes near the leading edge. The experimental data are presented. It was found that a small amount of film-cooling air has a detrimental effect on the downstream vane wall cooling effectiveness. It was also shown that the presence of the film-cooling holes, without blowing, also cause an increase in vane wall temperatures. These results came from an increase in the gas-side heat transfer coefficient that was apparently caused by a laminar or transitional boundary layer becoming transitional or turbulent

    Review and assessment of the database and numerical modeling for turbine heat transfer

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    The objectives of the NASA Hot Section Technology (HOST) Turbine Heat Transfer subproject were to obtain a better understanding of the physics of the aerothermodynamic phenomena and to assess and improve the analytical methods used to predict the flow and heat transfer in high-temperature gas turbines. At the time the HOST project was initiated, an across-the-board improvement in turbine design technology was needed. A building-block approach was utilized and the research ranged from the study of fundamental phenomena and modeling to experiments in simulated real engine environments. Experimental research accounted for approximately 75 percent of the funding while the analytical efforts were approximately 25 percent. A healthy government/industry/university partnership, with industry providing almost half of the research, was created to advance the turbine heat transfer design technology base

    Film cooling on the pressure surface of a turbine vane

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    Film-cooling-air ejection from the pressure surface of a turbine vane was investigated, and experimental data are presented. This investigation was conducted in a four-vane cascade on a J75-size turbine vane that had a double row of staggered holes in line with the primary flow and located downstream of the leading edge region. The results showed that: (1) the average effectiveness of film-convection cooling was higher than that of either film cooling or convection cooling separately; (2) the addition of small quantities of film-cooling air always increased the cooling effectiveness relative to the zero-injection case; however, (3) the injected film must exceed a certain threshold value to obtain a beneficial effect of film cooling relative to convection cooling alone

    Experimental verification of film-cooling concepts on a turbine vane

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    Film cooling concepts applied to gas turbine vanes were investigated. The filming cooling air was ejected from a single row of holes on the convex surface and a double row of holes of the concave surface. Tests were conducted at a gas temperature of 1260 K, a gas pressure of 3 atmospheres, and a coolant temperature of 280 K. Mass velocity ratios were varied between 0 and 2.0. Data were taken without film cooling holes, with film cooling holes but without blowing, and with blowing. A small amount of blowing into a nonturbulent boundary layer caused an increase in vane temperatures. Film cooling when combined with convection cooling was verified to be more effective than either film or convection cooling alone

    Experience with advanced instrumentation in a hot section cascade

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    The Lewis Research Center gas turbine Hot Section Test Facility was developed to provide a real engine environment with known boundary conditions for the aerothermal performance evaluation and verification of computer design codes. This verification process requires experimental measurements in a hostile environment. The research instruments used in this facility are presented, and their characteristics and how they perform in this environment are discussed. The research instrumentation consisted of conventional pressure and temperature sensors, as well as thin-film thermocouples and heat flux gages. The hot gas temperature was measured by an aspirated temperature probe and by a dual-element, fast-response temperature probe. The data acquisition mode was both steady state and time dependent. These experiments were conducted over a wide range of gas Reynolds numbers, exit gas Mach numbers, and heat flux levels. This facility was capable of testing at temperatures up to 1600 K, and at pressures up to 18 atm. These corresponded to an airfoil exit Reynolds number range of 0.5 x 10(6) to 2.5 x 10(6) based on the airfoil chord of 5.55 cm. The results characterize the performance capability and the durability of the instrumentation. The challenge of making measurements in hostile environments is also discussed. The instruments exhibited more than adequate durability to achieve the measurement profile. About 70 percent of the thin-film thermocouples and the dual-element temperature probe survived several hundred thermal cycles and more than 35 hr at gas temperatures up to 1600 K. Within the experimental uncertainty, the steady-state and transient heat flux measurements were comparable and consistent over the range of Reynolds numbers tested