100 research outputs found

    Contrary to common belief, market correlations between assets are constant

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    Models routinely used in practice are probably misleading, creating artificial results, write Zeno Adams, Thorsten Glück and Roland Füs

    Isolated Suborders and their Application to Counting Closure Operators

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    In this paper we investigate the interplay between isolated suborders and closures. Isolated suborders are a special kind of suborders and can be used to diminish the number of elements of an ordered set by means of a quotient construction. The decisive point is that there are simple formulae establishing relationships between the number of closures in the original ordered set and the quotient thereof induced by isolated suborders. We show how these connections can be used to derive a recursive algorithm for counting closures, provided the ordered set under consideration contains suitable isolated suborders

    Isolated Sublattices and Their Application to Counting Closure Operators

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    This paper investigates the interplay between isolated sublattices and closure operators. Isolated sublattices are a special kind of sublattices which can serve to diminish the number of elements of a lattice by means of a quotient. At the same time, there are simple formulae for the relationship between the number of closure operators in the original lattice and the quotient lattice induced by isolated sublattices. This connection can be used to derive an algorithm for counting closure operators, provided the lattice contains suitable isolated sublattices

    On the Computation of Isolated Sublattices

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    In this short notice we give some ideas how to compute isolated sublattices which can be used to derive a recursive algorithm for the computation of the number of closure operators on a finite lattice. We give an asymptoticaly optimal algorithm for deciding the existence and - in the case of existence - the computation of useful nontrivial isolated summit sublattices. The general case (i.e., an optimal algorithm for the computation of general nontrivial useful isolated sublattices) remains unsolved, however, we try to give some ideas and hints for future research

    Automated Control and Simulation of Dynamic Robot Teams in the Domain of CFK Production

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    We introduce a work flow for deriving a simulation of a lay-up process starting from a CAD file. From the CAD file, relevant informations about the plies are extracted. Together with informations about a production cell, containg the mould and robots equippes with specific grippers, an input for a PDDL solver is generated. The result of the PDDL planner is used to simulate the process in Blender

    Components and acyclicity of graphs. An exercise in combining precision with concision

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    Central to algorithmic graph theory are the concepts of acyclicity and strongly connected components of a graph, and the related search algorithms. This article is about combining mathematical precision and concision in the presentation of these concepts. Concise formulations are given for, for example, the reflexive-transitive reduction of an acyclic graph, reachability properties of acyclic graphs and their relation to the fundamental concept of “definiteness”, and the decomposition of paths in a graph via the identification of its strongly connected components and a pathwise homomorphic acyclic subgraph. The relevant properties are established by precise algebraic calculation. The combination of concision and precision is achieved by the use of point-free relation algebra capturing the algebraic properties of paths in graphs, as opposed to the use of pointwise reasoning about paths between nodes in graphs

    Requirements for Automotive LiDAR Systems

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    Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) are fundamental sensors that help driving tasks for autonomous driving at various levels. Commercially available systems come in different specialized design schemes and involve plenty of specifications. In the literature, there are insufficient representations of the technical requirements for LiDAR systems in the automotive context, such as range, detection quality, resolving power, field of view, and eye safety. For this reason, the requirements above require to be derived based on ADAS functions. The requirements for various key LiDAR metrics, including detection range, field of view, angular resolution, and laser safety, are analyzed in this paper. LiDAR systems are available with various radiation patterns that significantly impact on detection range. Therefore, the detection range under various radiation patterns is firstly investigated in this paper. Based on ADAS functions, the required detection range and field of view for LiDAR systems are examined, taking into account various travel speeds to avoid collision and the coverage of the entire lane width. Furthermore, the angular resolution limits are obtained utilizing the KITTI dataset and exemplary 3D detection algorithms. Finally, the maximum detection ranges for the different radiation patterns are compared under the consideration of derived requirements and laser safety

    Distraction Potential of Vehicle-Based On-Road Projection

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    With regard to autonomous driving, on-road projections cannot only be used for communication with the driver but also with other road users. Our study aims to investigate the distraction potential for other road users when on-road projections (e.g., for driver assistance) are used to communicate with the driver of the projecting vehicle. We perform this investigation in a blind study with 38 test persons who are overtaken six times on a constant motorway section by the projection vehicle. The distraction potential is examined with an eye-tracking system, which detects the direction of the subjects’ gaze. In addition, the subjects’ physiological perception of the headlight projection is recorded with a questionnaire afterward. Several test subjects looked at the projection for less than one second, which is well below the critical threshold for the distraction of 1.6 s. In the interviews, on the other hand, only one of the 38 test persons stated that a projection on the road was recognized. For the examined scenario, it is therefore deduced that on-road projections with the selected symbol shape and brightness do not lead to critical distraction

    Physiologische Untersuchung von fahrzeugbasierten Fahrbahnprojektionen

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    Bei Nachtfahrten haben fahrzeugbasierte Fahrbahnprojektionen das Potential die Sicherheit und den Komfort im Straßenverkehr zu steigern. Um den Einfluss von fahrzeugbasierten Fahrbahnprojektionen auf die sicherheitsrelevante Wahrnehmung des Fahrers zu untersuchen, wird mit einem Projektionssystem eine Probandenstudie durchgeführt. Ziel der Untersuchung ist der Vergleich des Ablenkungspotentials bei Wegbeschreibungen über Head-Up Display, Smartphone in Halterung und Fahrbahnprojektion. Dazu werden drei Ziele, welche ein ähnliches Streckenprofil aufweisen, jeweils mit einem der drei Navigationssysteme angefahren und das Blickverhalten aufgezeichnet. In einem Vergleich mit den Eye-Tracking Daten der anderen beiden Navigationssysteme ist festzustellen, dass sich der Blick des Fahrers bei der Symbolprojektion mehr im Bereich des Straßengeschehens befindet

    Simulationsumgebung zur Ermittlung der lichttechnischen Einflüsse auf kamerabasierte Objekterkennung

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    Zur Ermittlung der lichttechnischen Einflüsse auf kamerabasierte Objekterkennung im Straßenverkehr wird in diesem Beitrag eine Simulationsumgebung ausgewählt und vorgestellt, in der eine reale Versuchsumgebung abgebildet wird. Dabei sollen mithilfe von Ray-Tracing in der Simulationsumgebung fotorealistische Abbildungen, welche zur Auswertung durch Objekterkennungsalgorithmen verwendet werden können, erzeugt werden. Der Fokus liegt auf der Übertragung von gemessenen Lichtverteilungen in die Simulationsumgebung sowie die Validierung der simulierten photometrischen Größen. Dabei wird eine algorithmische Vorgehensweise zur automatisierten Bestimmung der simulierten Beleuchtungsstärke vorgestellt sowie die Abweichungen der Simulation von den Messwerten erörtert. Durch eine Versuchsreihe wird die simulative Abbildung der Lichtverteilungen validiert