495 research outputs found

    Tracking Performance: When Less Is More

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    With or without a balanced scorecard, it is easy for managers to become inundated with metrics and measures. In this article, we first highlight the differences between lagging and leading measures. Second, we illustrate the importance of differentiating the strategic leading indicators-the key leading measures-from those that may improve operational efficiency without significant improvements in profitability. Third, we use a business simulation to demonstrate that focusing on and improving the key leading measures has the greatest impact on profitability, but getting lost in the secondary measures dilutes the effect. Combined, the results illustrate that less may be more when it comes to measuring performance

    Do Different Cost Systems Make a Difference?

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    Presents a survey of several U.S. manufacturing companies to determine whether managers within companies that use different cost systems believe the information provided by those systems differs. Reason for the decision of companies to continue to use other types of cost systems; Emphasis on activity-based costing; Association of variable costing with the theory of constraints literature

    Promoting Investments in Intangible Organizational Assets through Aligned Incentive Compensation Plans

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    In order for large companies to continue to compete and expand in the global business world, it is important that the performance and compensation of strategic business unit managers are aligned with the organization’s overall long-term goals and strategies

    Autonomiens mangfold. En kvalitativ studie om hvordan sykepleiere erfarer ivaretagelsen av autonomi hos pasienter med amyotrofisk lateral sklerose

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    How Groups Produce Higher-Quality Balanced Scorecards than Individuals

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    Many articles explain how to develop a balanced score card using groups, but the literature provides little insight about why groups are important. We gathered data from 12 groups involved in developing balanced score cards to determine how they use information suggested by their members. We found that the groups filter individual members\u27 poor ideas and carry through their worthy ideas to the group score card--although not all poor ideas are filtered and not all good ideas are carried forward. We also found some evidence that groups create innovative ideas but to a lesser extent than filtering and carrying through ideas. Our findings suggest that the outcome of the group process depends on the quality of the potential score cardobjectives and metrics that group members bring to the discussion. As such, entities that plan to develop a balanced scorecard in a group environment should ensure that the group contains a diverse set of individuals--each with different training, skills, and perspectives--to ensure that the group considers a large pool of good ideas

    The Relationship between Pre-Employment Expectations, Experiences, and the Length of Stay in Public Accounting

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    This study examines the relationship between work-family conflict, employment expectations, and length of stay in public accounting. Length of stay is modeled as a function of demographic factors and job characteristics associated with work-family balance, measured in terms of the extent to which the employees\u27 expectations matched their actual employment experiences. Results indicated that gender, the presence of children in the household, flexible schedules, and the presence of mentors were related to length of stay in public accounting

    Definition of animal breeding goals for sustainable production systems

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    What we do is determined by the way we "view" a complex issue and what sample of issues or events we choose to deal with. In this paper, a model based on a communal, cultural, or people-centered worldview, informed by a subjective epistemology and a holistic ontology, is considered. Definitions and interpretations of sustainable agriculture are reviewed. Common elements in published definitions of sustainable agriculture and animal production among those who seek long-term and equitable solutions for food production are resource efficiency, profitability, productivity, environmental soundness, biodiversity, social viability, and ethical aspects. Possible characteristics of future sustainable production systems and further development are presented. The impact of these characteristics on animal breeding goals is reviewed. The need for long-term biologically, ecologically, and sociologically sound breeding goals is emphasized, because animal breeding determined only by short-term market forces leads to unwanted side effects. Hence, a procedure for defining animal breeding goals with ethical priorities and weighing of market and non-market values is suggested. Implementation of non-market as well as market economic trait values in the aggregate genotype, as suggested, may allow for breeding programs that contribute to sustainable production systems. Examples of breeding goals in salmon, cattle, and pigs are given, and the resulting genetic responses are evaluated with respect to economic profit (or costs) and other criteria of sustainability. Important prerequisites for breeding programs for sustainable production are appropriate governmental policies, awareness of our way of thinking, and a more communal worldview informed by a subjective epistemology and a holistic ontology

    Asymmetric Conditional Volatility in International Stock Markets

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    Recent studies show that a negative shock in stock prices will generate more volatility than a positive shock of similar magnitude. The aim of this paper is to appraise the hypothesis under which the conditional mean and the conditional variance of stock returns are asymmetric functions of past information. We compare the results for the Portuguese Stock Market Index PSI 20 with six other Stock Market Indices, namely the S&P 500, FTSE100, DAX 30, CAC 40, ASE 20, and IBEX 35. In order to assess asymmetric volatility we use autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity specifications known as TARCH and EGARCH. We also test for asymmetry after controlling for the effect of macroeconomic factors on stock market returns using TAR and M-TAR specifications within a VAR framework. Our results show that the conditional variance is an asymmetric function of past innovations raising proportionately more during market declines, a phenomenon known as the leverage effect. However, when we control for the effect of changes in macroeconomic variables, we find no significant evidence of asymmetric behaviour of the stock market returns. There are some signs that the Portuguese Stock Market tends to show somewhat less market efficiency than other markets since the effect of the shocks appear to take a longer time to dissipate.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure
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