236 research outputs found

    Recent Developments in Ionic Liquid Field Emission Electric Propulsion

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    The study herein reported was aimed at the characterization of the plume of a ionic liquid fed, linear slit FEEP thruster, in terms of composition and velocity of the constituents. Ionic liquid propellants are actively investigated as promising alternatives to alkali metals in field emission thrusters, in order to reduce system cost and ground operation complexity. To this end, a large number of tests was carried out using the EMI-BF4 ionic liquid as a propellant. The thruster was fired in either positive polarity or negative polarities to check the capability to extract anions and cations alone. Then, most of the testing was carried out in alternate polarity mode, in order to avoid electrochemical poisoning of the propellant, due to the unbalanced extraction of charged particles[1]. Such operating mode is believed to be the most promising candidate for flight operation, as it would allow to get rid of an external neutralizer to maintain electrical neutrality of the spacecraft. Ion beam composition was investigated by means of a time-of-flight mass spectrometry technique. The measurements show that the emitted beam is mostly composed of monomers (BF4)-, dimers (C6H11BF4N2) (BF4)- and polymers (C6H11BF4N2)n (BF4)- (with n a function of applied extraction voltage). Under the assumption of a certain beam composition, propellant consumption was indirectly evaluated by means of time integration of the emitted current and independently verified by means of direct observation of the depletion of the propellant reservoir. The estimated resulting specific impulse is around 1400 s. The thruster behaviour resulted quite variable, especially when operated at high voltage levels in continuous polarity mode. Better performance was registered in alternate polarity operation with an alternation period of several tens of a seconds at extracted current of just a few µA

    Slit FEEP Thruster Performance with Ionic Liquid Propellant

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    By replacing the liquid metal propellant with a ionic liquid, it is possible to develop a new, simplified FEEP system that combines most of the heritage and the advantages of the linear slit geometry with the easy of handling and operation of a more benign propellant. In view of the development of such Ionic Liquid FEEP thruster (IL-FEEP), an internal development activity is underway at Alta, aimed at the design and testing of an innovative linear slit thruster derived from the cesium experience. This paper presents the results of recent experimental campaigns aimed at assessing the performance of linear slit FEEP emitters fed with a ionic liquid propellant. For the first time, beam composition was evaluated using a time-of-flight mass spectrometry technique, allowing for a reliable estimate of the thruster’s specific impulse

    Small area estimation based on M-quantile models in presence of outliers in auxiliary variables

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    When using small area estimation models, the presence of outlying observations in the response and/or in the auxiliary variables can severely affect the estimates of the model parameters, which can in turn affect the small area estimates produced using these models. In this paper we propose an M-quantile estimator of the small area mean that is robust to the presence of outliers in the response variable and in the continuous auxiliary variables. To estimate the variability of this estimator we propose a non-parametric bootstrap estimator. The performance of the proposed estimator is evaluated by means of model- and design-based simulations and by an application to real data. In these comparisons we also include the extension of the Robust EBLUP able to down-weight the outliers in the auxiliary variables. The results show that in the presence of outliers in the auxiliary variables the proposed estimator outperforms its traditional version that takes into account the presence of outliers only in the response variable

    Beyond the GCS: an integrative review of new tools for neurological assessment in the intensive care unit for adult patients

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    The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is a widely used clinical tool for assessing impaired consciousness, but concerns arise when applied to intubated patients or those receiving analgesics, sedatives, and paralytics because verbal scores are not evaluable. Furthermore, the GCS does not differentiate the neurological status of the patient once intubated, resulting in poor reliability in neurological assessment, and clinical indicators that may reflect the severity of the coma are not included in the GCS. This study explores alternative tools for neurological assessment in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) when GCS is impractical. Conducting an integrative review of studies from 2018 to 2022, we identified seven relevant papers. Results indicate the FOUR score as a promising GCS alternative, particularly in cases where the GCS is unavailable. Automated pupillometry also demonstrated the potential for monitoring neurologically impaired ICU patients. These tools, independent of verbal responses and applicable to sedated patients, offer improved accuracy in assessing consciousness. The study emphasizes the importance of adopting such alternatives, and addressing GCS limitations, and highlights the need for further research and implementation to enhance patient care in ICU settings

    Taking care of minor migrants' health. The professionals' perception and training needs

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    Introduction: In Italy, minor migrants represent 21.8% of the non-EU citizens. The care of minor migrants might be challenging as this population is characterized by higher vulnerability and special needs. The study aim was to describe the perceptions on the provision of care, the bio-psycho-social needs of migrant children and the professional training needs. Methods: The study is qualitative descriptive. In May 2019 three focus group, involving health and social professionals, cultural mediators and NGOs operators, were organized. Results: The study explored different areas of the provision of care to minor migrants including bio-psycho-social needs, care provision, barriers to care and professionals' training needs. Discussion and conclusions: The provision of care should consider the specific migration journey and narrative. In some cases healthcare is fragmented, generating obstacles to access especially in minors with lower levels of health literacy. Training plays a key role in the development of cultural competence

    Catecholamine-induced Takotsubo syndrome: a case series

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    Background: Catecholamine-induced Takotsubo Syndrome (cat-TS) is a type of secondary Takotsubo syndrome, characterized by rapid onset of symptoms, high rate of complications during the acute phase, good short-term prognosis, and frequent apical sparing at echocardiogram. We present two clinical cases of cat-TS treated in our department. Case summary: Case one: 78-year-old man, admitted to Ear Nose and Throat Unit for surgical removal of oral squamous cellular carcinoma. During surgery, the occurrence of hypotensive episode was treated with catecholamines. After surgery, the occurrence of atrial fibrillation was followed by evidence of phasic increase of troponin levels and akinesia of midventricular segments. Angiography showed the absence of significant coronary stenoses, and during hospital stay, we observed rapid recovery of wall motion abnormalities. Case two: 64-year-old woman, admitted for hysteropexy surgery, during which cardiac arrest occurred, treated with epinephrine i.v.1 mg and DC shock. Two hours after resuscitation, the patient developed pulmonary oedema, troponin levels increased progressively, and the echocardiogram demonstrated hypokinesia in all midventricular segments with apical sparing. Afterwards, an urgent angiography highlighted normal coronary anatomy. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed oedema corresponding to hypokinetic areas. On the seventh day, echocardiogram showed a complete remission of wall motion abnormalities. Discussion: These cases warn the physicians about the importance of routinely screening myocardial impairment through clinical assessment, electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring, and serial cardiac troponin testing after catecholamine i.v. bolus administration. In case of alterations of these exams, performing a prompt echocardiogram allows early detection of cat-TS, to provide immediate suitable medical support and avoid complications

    Small area model-based estimators using big data sources

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    The timely, accurate monitoring of social indicators, such as poverty or inequality, on a fine- grained spatial and temporal scale is a crucial tool for understanding social phenomena and policymaking, but poses a great challenge to official statistics. This article argues that an interdisciplinary approach, combining the body of statistical research in small area estimation with the body of research in social data mining based on Big Data, can provide novel means to tackle this problem successfully. Big Data derived from the digital crumbs that humans leave behind in their daily activities are in fact providing ever more accurate proxies of social life. Social data mining from these data, coupled with advanced model-based techniques for fine-grained estimates, have the potential to provide a novel microscope through which to view and understand social complexity. This article suggests three ways to use Big Data together with small area estimation techniques, and shows how Big Data has the potential to mirror aspects of well-being and other socioeconomic phenomena

    Surgical approach to adrenal ganglioneuroma: Case report and literature review

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    Objective: Ganglioneuroma (GN) is a benign tumor with a slow growth that can originate from any paravertebral sympathetic plexus. It is usually asymptomatic or with nonspecific symptoms. TC and RM scan are helpful to study GN. It is usually represented by an ovalshaped retroperitoneal mass or, in case of adrenal impairment, by low radiologic contrast media attenuation. Surgical treatment is mandatory. Literature shows how the laparoscopic approach is the most used, especially in lesions that are 6 cm or smaller. Our purpose is to describe our experience on an incidental adrenal GN of about 5 cm treated by the laparoscopic transperitoneal approach. Materials and methods: A 33-year-old male had ultrasound occasional finding of an about 4 cm adrenal mass. TC and RM scan identified a retroperitoneal mass (max diameter 48 mm). The lesion was removed with a transperitoneal laparoscopic approach. Results: No intraoperative or postoperative complications occurred. The patient was discharged 3 days after surgery. Conclusions: Up to the present laparoscopic surgery is the best approach for GN treatment

    skin flap squamous cell carcinoma developed after urethroplasty

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    Objectives: To describe our experience in diagnosis and treatment of urethral carcinoma following urethroplasty with a Orandi penile skin flap. Material and methods: Our patient underwent to Orandi penile skin flap urethroplasty then developed a urethral epidermoid carcinoma on the flap approximately 15 years later. We treated this case with a partial penectomy surgery and perineostomy. Surgery was followed by chemotherapy with cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil. The progression of the disease led to a salvage surgery of total penectomy and asportation of testicles and scrotum.Results: Despite the success of the surgery, the disease progressed and three months after the last surgical operation the patient died. Conclusions: Urethral carcinoma on skin flap is a rare complication of the urethroplasty surgery but with severe consequences, so we recommend to undertake a long-term urological follow up in patients undergone such kind of surgery
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