46 research outputs found

    Extracting Dense and Connected Subgraphs in Dual Networks by Network Alignment

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    The use of network based approaches to model and analyse large datasets is currently a growing research field. For instance in biology and medicine, networks are used to model interactions among biological molecules as well as relations among patients. Similarly, data coming from social networks can be trivially modelled by using graphs. More recently, the use of dual networks gained the attention of researchers. A dual network model uses a pair of graphs to model a scenario in which one of the two graphs is usually unweighted (a network representing physical associations among nodes) while the other one is edge-weighted (a network representing conceptual associations among nodes). In this paper we focus on the problem of finding the Densest Connected sub-graph (DCS) having the largest density in the conceptual network which is also connected in the physical network. The problem is relevant but also computationally hard, therefore the need for introducing of novel algorithms arises. We formalise the problem and then we map DCS into a graph alignment problem. Then we propose a possible solution. A set of experiments is also presented to support our approach

    vocal signal analysis in patients affected by multiple sclerosis

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    Abstract Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common neurodegenerative disorder that presents specific manifestations among which the impaired speech (known also as dysarthria). The evaluation of the speech plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and follow-up since the identification of anomalous patterns in vocal signal may represent a valid support to physician in diagnosis and monitoring of these neurological diseases. In this contribution, we present a method to perform voice analysis of neurologically impaired patients affected by MS aiming to early detection, differential diagnosis, and monitoring of disease progression. This method integrates two well-known methodologies to support the health structure in MS diagnosis in clinical practice. Acoustic analysis and vowel metric methodologies have been considered to implement this procedure to better define the pathological voices compared to healthy voices. Specifically, the method acquires and analyzes vocal signals performing features extraction and identifying possible important patterns useful to associate impaired speech with this neurological disease. The contribution consists in furnishing to physician a guide method to support MS trend. As result, this method furnishes patterns that could be valid indicators for physician in monitoring of patients affected by MS. Moreover, the procedure is appropriate to be used in early diagnosis that is critical in order to improve the patient's quality of life

    On the analysis of biomedical signals for disease classification

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    The analysis of biomedical signals and images is relevant for early diagnosis, detection and treatment of diseases. It represents the first step in the proper management of pathological conditions. Therefore, it is essential to support clinical practice during the diagnosis process by extracting relevant information and by classifying different diseases. This contribution outlines the methodologies of the most frequently used analysis techniques in biomedicine and their applications. The aim is to report about typical biosignals and bioimages and their analysis to enhance the importance of signal processing in the study and classification of specific diseases

    A Novel Algorithm for Local Network Alignment Based on Network Embedding

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    Networks are widely used in bioinformatics and biomedicine to represent associations across a large class of biological entities. Network alignment refers to the set of approaches that aim to reveal similarities among networks. Local Network Alignment (LNA) algorithms find (relatively small) local regions of similarity between two or more networks. Such algorithms are in general based on a set of seed nodes that are used to build the alignment incrementally. A large fraction of LNA algorithms uses a set of vertices based on context information as seed nodes, even if this may cause a bias or a data-circularity problem. Moreover, using topology information to choose seed nodes improves overall alignment. Finally, similarities among nodes can be identified by network embedding methods (or representation learning). Given there are two networks, we propose to use network embedding to capture structural similarity among nodes, which can also be used to improve LNA effectiveness. We present an algorithm and experimental tests on real and syntactic graph data to find LNAs

    Spatio-Temporal Resource Mapping for Intensive Care Units at Regional Level for COVID-19 Emergency in Italy

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    COVID-19 is a worldwide emergency since it has rapidly spread from China to almost all the countries worldwide. Italy has been one of the most affected countries after China. North Italian regions, such as Lombardia and Veneto, had an abnormally large number of cases. COVID-19 patients management requires availability of sufficiently large number of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) beds. Resources shortening is a critical issue when the number of COVID-19 severe cases are higher than the available resources. This is also the case at a regional scale. We analysed Italian data at regional level with the aim to: (i) support health and government decision-makers in gathering rapid and efficient decisions on increasing health structures capacities (in terms of ICU slots) and (ii) define a geographic model to plan emergency and future COVID-19 patients management using reallocating them among health structures. Finally, we retain that the here proposed model can be also used in other countries

    A Novel Algorithm for Local Network Alignment Based on Network Embedding

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    Networks are widely used in bioinformatics and biomedicine to represent associations across a large class of biological entities. Network alignment refers to the set of approaches that aim to reveal similarities among networks. Local Network Alignment (LNA) algorithms find (relatively small) local regions of similarity between two or more networks. Such algorithms are in general based on a set of seed nodes that are used to build the alignment incrementally. A large fraction of LNA algorithms uses a set of vertices based on context information as seed nodes, even if this may cause a bias or a data-circularity problem. Moreover, using topology information to choose seed nodes improves overall alignment. Finally, similarities among nodes can be identified by network embedding methods (or representation learning). Given there are two networks, we propose to use network embedding to capture structural similarity among nodes, which can also be used to improve LNA effectiveness. We present an algorithm and experimental tests on real and syntactic graph data to find LNAs

    Using miRNA-Analyzer for the Analysis of miRNA Data

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small biological molecules that play an important role during the mechanisms of protein formation. Recent findings have demonstrated that they act as both positive and negative regulators of protein formation. Thus, the investigation of miRNAs, i.e., the determination of their level of expression, has developed a huge interest in the scientific community. One of the leading technologies for extracting miRNA data from biological samples is the miRNA Affymetrix platform. It provides the quantification of the level of expression of the miRNA in a sample, thus enabling the accumulation of data and allowing the determination of relationships among miRNA, genes, and diseases. Unfortunately, there is a lack of a comprehensive platform able to provide all the functions needed for the extraction of information from miRNA data. We here present miRNA-Analyzer, a complete software tool providing primary functionalities for miRNA data analysis. The current version of miRNA-Analyzer wraps the Affymetrix QCTool for the preprocessing of binary data files, and then provides feature selection (the filtering by species and by the associated p-value of preprocessed files). Finally, preprocessed and filtered data are analyzed by the Multiple Experiment Viewer (T-MEV) and Short Time Series Expression Miner (STEM) tools, which are also wrapped into miRNA-Analyzer, thus providing a unique environment for miRNA data analysis. The tool offers a plug-in interface so it is easily extensible by adding other algorithms as plug-ins. Users may download the tool freely for academic use at https://sites.google.com/site/mirnaanalyserproject/d

    On the choice of centralized vs decentralized systems for EPR in hospitals

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    We consider the problem of information management standardization in health structures and the problem of implementing and using automatic systems for information management. Although national and European directives have been defined, the Health Care system is still mostly focused on the deployment of core services (e.g. medicine, surgery, diagnostics) so other application such as ICT are lacking in many areas of Health Care. The goal of the ongoing study is the analysis of real cases regarding the introduction of ICT solutions for health-care, discussing centralized protocols (i.e. the use of a single information system for all the departments) versus decentralized solutions based on the development of single information systems for each department which is going to be successively integrated through ad-hoc infrastructure

    Social health recommender system: application for healthcare and pandemia information diffusion

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    The amount of information and services available on the web represents an important opportunity for people to enrich and share knowledges. The easy access and the continuous growth of data in the web are responsible of an overload of information that leads the user to navigate in a saturated and often uninteresting and non-comprehensive environment. In the medical-clinical context, a lot of information on the web is often incomplete, inaccurate or completely wrong due to an incorrect sharing and a lack of control of the sources. In this context, recommendation systems become essential to filter truthful information and to target users with respect to their needs. The status of recent covid-19 pandemic highlighted the necessity of having health reliable sources. Health recommender systems support user in medical environment to find right information. In this contribution, we report about a project of health recommender system aiming to: (i) aggregate similar users and (ii) guarantee the truthful and quality of the extracted information through a check of the sources and a validation by the medical scientific community