509 research outputs found

    A stinging wasp in the stomach: accidental endoscopic diagnosis of a systemic anaphylactic reaction.

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    There are only four reported cases of bees or wasps being found as foreign bodies in the esophagus or stomach. We report the first case, to our knowledge, of a wasp puncture in the stomach causing local (acute heartburn) and systemic symptoms (anaphylaxis)

    The wild taxa utilized as vegetables in Sicily (Italy): A traditional component of the Mediterranean diet

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    Background: Wild vegetables in the Mediterranean Basin are still often consumed as a part of the diet and, in particular, there is a great tradition regarding their use in Sicily. In this study, an ethnobotanical field investigation was carried out to (a) identify the wild native taxa traditionally gathered and consumed as vegetables in Sicily, comparing the collected ethnobotanical data with those of other countries that have nominated the Mediterranean diet for inclusion in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and (b) highlight new culinary uses of these plants. Methods: Interviews were carried out in 187 towns and villages in Sicily between 2005 and 2015. A total of 980 people over the age of 50 were interviewed (mainly farmers, shepherds, and experts on local traditions). Plants recorded were usually collected in collaboration with the informants to confirm the correct identification of the plants. The frequencies of citation were calculated. Results: Two hundred fifty-three taxa (specific and intraspecific) belonging to 39 families, and 128 genera were recorded (26 were cited for the first time). The most represented families were Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Apiaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Malvaceae, and Polygonaceae. Only 14 taxa were cited by 75% of the people interviewed. The aerial parts of wild plants, including leaves, tender shoots, and basal rosettes, are the main portions collected, while the subterranean parts are used to a lesser extent. For some vegetables, more parts are utilized. Most of the reported vegetables are consumed cooked. In addition to the widely known vegetables (Borago officinalis, Beta spp., Cichorium spp., Brassica spp., Carduus spp., etc.), the so-called ancient vegetables are included (Onopordum illyricum, Centaurea calcitrapa, Nasturtium officinale, Scolymus spp., Smyrnium rotundifolium), and some unique uses were described. Comparing the Sicilian findings to those from other countries, a very high number of vegetable taxa were detected, 72 of which are eaten only in Sicily, while 12 are consumed in all the Mediterranean countries examined. Conclusions: The research shows a high level of Sicilian knowledge about using wild plants as a traditional food source. Wild vegetables are healthy and authentic ingredients for local and ancient recipes, which are fundamental to the revitalization of quality food strictly connected to traditional agroecosystems

    Endoscopic palliative management of esophageal and tracheal rupture

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    The increasing number of patients requiring intensive care and airway support has led to a growing recognition that significant short- and long-term morbidity may be associated with the use of artificial airways; this is despite significant improvements in the materials used in laryngeal tubes, which aim to decrease the trauma associated with long-term intubation. We present the first case, to our knowledge,of huge, nontraumatic, esophageal perforation, widely communicating with the trachea, and which was treated successfully with double endoscopic stent placement

    WIN-induced vesiculation cooperates to the inhibition of osteosarcoma cell migration

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    Introduction. Animal cells release vesicles that mediate the secretion of a variety of factors in the surrounding environment affecting neighboring cells. There is increasing evidence that secreted vesicles play an important role as vehicle of intercellular communication in different biological systems and are able to influence both physiological and pathological processes. Recently, we have reported that the synthetic cannabinoid WIN55,512 is able to induce osteosarcoma MG63 cell death and negatively affect cell migration. Here, we study the effects of WIN on the induction of vesicle secretion and their possible role in WIN-dependent reduction of osteosarcoma cell migratory ability. Methods. Vesicles from MG63 cells were obtained by ultracentrifuging at 140,000g media derived from cell cultures untreated and treated for 24 h with 5 uM WIN. Purified vesicles were quantified by cytofluorimetry and by detecting acetilcholinesterase activity according to established criteria. Scratch wound healing assay was employed to monitor cell migration toward the center of a gap created in a cell monolayer. Zymographic analysis was used to evaluate metalloproteinase activities in the vesicles. Results. WIN treatment induced a significant increase (about 4-fold) in the number of vesicles released by osteosarcoma cells. Wound healing assay showed that in the presence of vesicles from WIN-treated cultures, cells only partially filled the gap with respect to those conditioned with vesicles isolated from control cells which closed the gap within about 24 h. Furthermore, zymography assay showed a reduced activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the vesicles obtained from WIN-treated cells. Conclusion. Data indicate that the increase in the number of vesicles released after WIN treatment and/or their probable different composition can be responsible for the relevant inhibition of MG63 cell migration induced by the cannabinoid

    Stump appendicitis. A case report

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    AbstractIntroductionToday, the diagnosis of SA is usually not considered as the etiology for right lower quadrant pain in patient with history of appendectomy, resulting in delaying making the correct diagnosis and treatment. Obviously, other more common causes should be excluded first.DiscussionStump appendicitis (SA) was first described by Rose in 1945. The commonest presenting symptom are abdominal pain (right lower quadrant pain 59%, non specific abdominal pain 16%, and central abdominal pain radiating to the right lower quadrant 14%).Presentation of caseA 54-year-old appendectomized woman presented with recent history of abdominal pain with periumbilical pain radiating to the right side and in the right iliac fossa, in the absence of fever, vomiting or other symptoms.Elective colonoscopy revealed appendicular orifice clogged by big fecalith, with hyperemic surrounding mucosa and CT confirmed “stump appendicitis”. After 30 days of therapy with metronidazole 500mg/day and mesalazine 1000mg×2/day, the patient was submitted to surgery and appendectomy was performed, with a specimen of 24mm stump appendicitis.ConclusionSA may well be considered as one of the differential diagnoses of acute right lower abdominal pain even in patients with history of appendicectomy

    A rare presentation of gastric phytobezoar: Simultaneous bleeding and perforation. combined laparoscopic and endoscopic approach. Report of a case

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    Introduction: Bezoars are intraluminal conglomerates of indigestible foreign materials that accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract. We describe our experience with a patient with gastric perforation and concomitant gastric haemorrhage with severe anaemia, in whom we successfully extracted a giant gastric phytobezoar by cooperative laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery. Case presentation: A 68-year-old man was admitted with melena and septic shock. CT scan revealed a gastric perforation. We performed a combined laparoscopic and endoscopic approach with gastrotomy, removal of the phytobezoar and laparoscopic gastric suture. The suture was examined for leakage with the endoscopic hydropneumatic test to obtain direct vision of the suture and no evidence of leakage by insufflation of the area. Discussion: Gastric bezoars can be managed conservatively, endoscopically or surgically. Endoscopic removal, if effective, would be an attractive alternative for bezoar treatment. Usually endoscopic attempts are unsuccessful because of the large size of the bezoar and the difficulty in fragmentation. The laparoscopic approach for bezoar seems to have better postoperative outcomes. The main criticisms of the technique are abdominal spillage with risk of contamination as well as longer operative times. Conclusion: In our case we simultaneously performed laparoscopic surgery and endoscopic operative procedure in accordance with the principles of laparoscopic and endoscopic cooperative surgery to treat the gastric bezoar in order to overcome the limits of a single technique

    Surgical treatment of solitary sternal metastasis from breast cancer Case report

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    Bone metastasis is a frequent and early complication of breast cancer. This case report describes a technique for a partial exeresis of the sternum and the reconstruction of the pleura with autologous dermis from the lower abdomen and the loss of substance with a myocutaneous flap

    Retrospective analysis of management of ingested foreign bodies and food impactions in emergency endoscopic setting in adults

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    Background: Ingestion of foreign bodies and food impaction represent the second most common endoscopic emergency after bleeding. The aim of this paper is to report the management and the outcomes in 67 patients admitted for suspected ingestion of foreign body between December 2012 and December 2014. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted at Palermo University Hospitals, Italy, over a 2-year period. We reviewed patients’ database (age, sex, type of foreign body and its anatomical location, treatments, and outcomes as complications, success rates, and mortalities). Results: Foreign bodies were found in all of our 67 patients. Almost all were found in the stomach and lower esophagus (77 %). The types of foreign body were very different, but they were chiefly meat boluses, fishbones or cartilages, button battery and dental prostheses. In all patients it was possible to endoscopically remove the foreign body. Complications related to the endoscopic procedure were unfrequent (about 7 %) and have been treated conservatively. 5.9 % of patients had previous esophageal or laryngeal surgery, and 8.9 % had an underlying esophageal disease, such as a narrowing, dismotility or achalasia. Conclusion: Our experience with foreign bodies and food impaction emphasizes the importance of endoscopic approach and removal, simple and secure when performed by experienced hands and under conscious sedation in most cases. High success rates, lower incidence of minor complications, reduction of the need of surgery and reduced hospitalization time are the strengths of the endoscopic approach

    A case of splenic rupture: a rare event after laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Background Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is generally safe and well-accepted. In rare cases, it is associated with complications (intra- e postoperative bleeding, visceral injury and surgical site infection). Splenic lesion has been reported only after direct trauma. We report an unusual case of splenic rupture presenting after “uncomplicated” LC. Case presentation A 77-year-old woman presented with distended abdomen, tenderness in the left upper quadrant and severe anemia 12 hours after LC. Clinical examination revealed hypovolemic shock. Abdominal computed tomography confirmed the diagnosis of splenic rupture, and the patient required an urgent splenectomy through midline incision. The post-operative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged on 7th postoperative day. Splenic injury rarely complicates LC. We postulate that congenital or post-traumatic adhesions of the parietal peritoneum to the spleen may have been stretched from the splenic capsule during pneumoperitoneum establishment, resulting in subcapsular hematoma and subsequent delayed rupture. Conclusions Splenic rupture is an unusual but life-threatening complication of LC. Direct visualization of the spleen at the end of LC might be a useful procedure to aid early recognition and management in such cases

    A new method for discovering disease-specific miRNA-target regulatory networks

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    Genes and their expression regulation are among the key factors in the comprehension of the genesis and development of complex diseases. In this context, microRNAs (miRNAs) are post-transcriptional regulators that play an important role in gene expression since they are frequently deregulated in pathologies like cardiovascular disease and cancer. In vitro validation of miRNA - targets regulation is often too expensive and time consuming to be carried out for every possible alternative. As a result, a tool able to provide some criteria to prioritize trials is becoming a pressing need. Moreover, before planning in vitro experiments, the scientist needs to evaluate the miRNA-target genes interaction network. In this paper we describe the miRable method whose purpose is to identify new potentially relevant genes and their interaction networks associate to a specific pathology. To achieve this goal miRable follows a system biology approach integrating together general-purpose medical knowledge (literature, Protein-Protein Interaction networks, prediction tools) and pathology specific data (gene expression data). A case study on Prostate Cancer has shown that miRable is able to: 1) find new potential miRNA-targets pairs, 2) highlight novel genes potentially involved in a disease but never or little studied before, 3) reconstruct all possible regulatory subnetworks starting from the literature to expand the knowledge on the regulation of miRNA regulatory mechanisms
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