9,161 research outputs found

    L'alienazione delle entrate nello stato di Milano durante il regno di Carlo V

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    Posterior moments and quantiles for the normal location model with Laplace prior

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    We derive explicit expressions for arbitrary moments and quantiles of the posterior distribution of the location parameter eta in the normal location model with Laplace prior, and use the results to approximate the posterior distribution of sums of independent copies of eta

    The Paradigmatic Case of the Metropolitan City of Florence

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    AbstractIn 2015 was held in Barcelona (13th March, 2015) the first conference On territorial competitiveness and social cohesion in European Metropoles, organized by European Metropolitan Authorities. The Conference went around four Keywords Competitiveness, Governance, Social cohesion, Cooperation and ended with a ten-point final Declaration and a Document of conclusions. The points touched by the document may be considered the “problematic background” for European metropolitan areas. This background should develop a new kind of governance, both vertically and horizontally, to give political recognition and perception of belonging to metropolitan areas. starting with the difference between metropolitan cities and metropolitan areas, which have many differences between them. Although the seminar attended by only fifteen metropolitan institution issues arising and the omens indicated can be generalized to the entire European area. The paper will use the final document as compared to discuss the knot of governance in the case of the metropolitan city of Florence. The case is the “light” of superficiality with which implemented the choice of metropolitan areas in Italy. It is a fine example of the distance between the territory of the real economy and the institutional territory one

    Parametric and semiparametric estimation of ordered response models with sample selection and individual-specific thresholds

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    This paper provides a set of new Stata commands for parametric and semiparametric estimation of an extended version of ordered response models that accounts for both sample selection problems and heterogeneity in the thresholds for the latent variable. The standard estimator of ordered response models is therefore generalized along three directions. First, we account for the presence of endogenous selectivity effects that may lead to inconsistent estimates of the model parameters. Second, we control for both observed and unobserved heterogeneity in response scales by allowing the thresholds to depend on a set of covariates and a random individual effect. Finally, we consider two alternative specifications of the model, one parametric and one semiparametric. In the former, the error terms are assumed to follow a multivariate Gaussian distribution and the model parameters are estimated via maximum likelihood. In the latter, the distribution function of the error terms is instead approximated by following Gallant and Nychka (1997), and the model parameters are estimated via pseudo–maximum likelihood. After discussing identification and estimation issues, we present an empirical application using the second wave of the Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Specifically, we estimate an ordered response model for self-reported health on different domains by accounting for both sample selection bias due to survey nonresponse and reporting bias in the self-assessments of health.

    Digital politics and voting geography. Potential connections between online storytelling and electoral results in the Campania regional elections

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    Digital political communication has undergone a revolution due to the emergence of new digital media platforms, significantly impacting electoral campaigns. However, there remains limited understanding of the implications of digital communication in local elections and its correlation with territorial vote concentration. The objective of this study is to investigate these relationships during the 2020 regional elections in Campania. Specifically, the focus is on four candidate profiles from the outgoing president’s political list. The employed methodology follows a quantita- tive approach, entailing a secondary analysis of an extensive dataset encompassing the candi- dates’ digital profiles and electoral outcomes within the Naples district. The digital content from their public Facebook pages is extracted using Api strategies, encompassing textual aspects, language style, political communication sentiment, and follower engagement. Through spatial analysis of the candidates’ obtained votes, potential relationships between the geographical distribution of votes and candidates’ digital activity are identified and summarized using the Digital activity index. The findings suggest promising avenues for future research concerning the evolution of political communication in the digital era and its interplay with electoral outcomes

    Nab-paclitaxel in pretreated metastatic breast cancer: evaluation of activity, safety, and quality of life

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    Objective: Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is an incurable disease; the treatment of this disease prolongs survival, improving the quality of life (QoL) with a balance between efficacy and toxicity of the treatment. In recent years, treatment with nab-paclitaxel has improved the already known antitumor activity of conventional paclitaxel, in terms of increased efficacy and better tolerability. The aim of this study was to evaluate nab-paclitaxel in Italian patients with MBC. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of 90 patients with histologically confirmed diagnosis of MBC. To evaluate the efficacy of nab-paclitaxel, overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), and overall response rate were the primary endpoints, whereas carbohydrate antigen 15.3 (Ca15.3) reduction, QoL, and tolerability were secondary endpoints. Results: The median OS was 10.4 months, the median PFS was 6.8 months. A considerable difference Ca15.3 before and after treatment was observed. Descriptive and regression analyses were done to examine the associations between Ca15.3 response and OS, demonstrating good correlation, revealing that Ca15.3 reduction is an important predictor of OS. Conclusion: Nab-paclitaxel is an effective and well-tolerated treatment of patients affected by MBC. The drug showed an improved tolerability profile. With all the limitations of the observational nature of our results, nab-paclitaxel has proven to be an effective and safe therapeutic option in patients with MBC

    Cooperative sensing of spectrum opportunities

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    Reliability and availability of sensing information gathered from local spectrum sensing (LSS) by a single Cognitive Radio is strongly affected by the propagation conditions, period of sensing, and geographical position of the device. For this reason, cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) was largely proposed in order to improve LSS performance by using cooperation between Secondary Users (SUs). The goal of this chapter is to provide a general analysis on CSS for cognitive radio networks (CRNs). Firstly, the theoretical system model for centralized CSS is introduced, together with a preliminary discussion on several fusion rules and operative modes. Moreover, three main aspects of CSS that substantially differentiate the theoretical model from realistic application scenarios are analyzed: (i) the presence of spatiotemporal correlation between decisions by different SUs; (ii) the possible mobility of SUs; and (iii) the nonideality of the control channel between the SUs and the Fusion Center (FC). For each aspect, a possible practical solution for network organization is presented, showing that, in particular for the first two aspects, cluster-based CSS, in which sensing SUs are properly chosen, could mitigate the impact of such realistic assumptions

    Weighted-average least squares (WALS): A survey

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    Model averaging has become a popular method of estimation, following increasing evidence that model selection and estimation should be treated as one joint procedure. Weighted-average least squares (WALS) is a recent model-average approach, which takes an intermediate position between frequentist and Bayesian methods, allows a credible treatment of ignorance, and is extremely fast to compute. We review the theory of WALS and discuss extensions and applications
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