13,251 research outputs found

    Modelling prevention strategies in Public Health

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    Various schemes of prevention measures in public health are developed and analyzed on the basis of a general mathematical model. Features related to cost issues, including primary and secondary prevention interventions, differential survival experiences and communicable diseases are in turn used to show the potentialities of the theoretical framework. Statistical estimation procedures are briefly discussed and a numerical application is presented with reference to Italian cancer data

    Tomographic map within the framework of star-product quantization

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    Tomograms introduced for the description of quantum states in terms of probability distributions are shown to be related to a standard star-product quantization with appropriate kernels. Examples of symplectic tomograms and spin tomograms are presented.Comment: LATEX plus sprocl.sty, to appear in the Proceedings of the conference ``Quantum Theory and Symmetries'' (Krakow, July 2001), World Scietifi

    A Semantic Web Annotation Tool for a Web-Based Audio Sequencer

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    Music and sound have a rich semantic structure which is so clear to the composer and the listener, but that remains mostly hidden to computing machinery. Nevertheless, in recent years, the introduction of software tools for music production have enabled new opportunities for migrating this knowledge from humans to machines. A new generation of these tools may exploit sound samples and semantic information coupling for the creation not only of a musical, but also of a "semantic" composition. In this paper we describe an ontology driven content annotation framework for a web-based audio editing tool. In a supervised approach, during the editing process, the graphical web interface allows the user to annotate any part of the composition with concepts from publicly available ontologies. As a test case, we developed a collaborative web-based audio sequencer that provides users with the functionality to remix the audio samples from the Freesound website and subsequently annotate them. The annotation tool can load any ontology and thus gives users the opportunity to augment the work with annotations on the structure of the composition, the musical materials, and the creator's reasoning and intentions. We believe this approach will provide several novel ways to make not only the final audio product, but also the creative process, first class citizens of the Semantic We

    No Place to Hide that Bytes won't Reveal: Sniffing Location-Based Encrypted Traffic to Track a User's Position

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    News reports of the last few years indicated that several intelligence agencies are able to monitor large networks or entire portions of the Internet backbone. Such a powerful adversary has only recently been considered by the academic literature. In this paper, we propose a new adversary model for Location Based Services (LBSs). The model takes into account an unauthorized third party, different from the LBS provider itself, that wants to infer the location and monitor the movements of a LBS user. We show that such an adversary can extrapolate the position of a target user by just analyzing the size and the timing of the encrypted traffic exchanged between that user and the LBS provider. We performed a thorough analysis of a widely deployed location based app that comes pre-installed with many Android devices: GoogleNow. The results are encouraging and highlight the importance of devising more effective countermeasures against powerful adversaries to preserve the privacy of LBS users.Comment: 14 pages, 9th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS 2015

    Decay-less kink oscillations in coronal loops

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    Context: Kink oscillations of coronal loops in an off-limb active region are detected with the Imaging Assembly Array (AIA) instruments of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) at 171 Å. Aims: We aim to measure periods and amplitudes of kink oscillations of different loops and to determinate the evolution of the oscillation phase along the oscillating loop. Methods: Oscillating coronal loops were visually identified in the field of view of SDO/AIA and STEREO/EUVI-A: the loop length was derived by three-dimensional analysis. Several slits were taken along the loops to assemble time-distance maps. We identified oscillatory patterns and retrieved periods and amplitudes of the oscillations. We applied the cross-correlation technique to estimate the phase shift between oscillations at different segments of oscillating loops. Results: We found that all analysed loops show low-amplitude undamped transverse oscillations. Oscillation periods of loops in the same active region range from 2.5 to 11 min, and are different for different loops. The displacement amplitude is lower than 1 Mm. The oscillation phase is constant along each analysed loop. The spatial structure of the phase of the oscillations corresponds to the fundamental standing kink mode. We conclude that the observed behaviour is consistent with the empirical model in terms of a damped harmonic resonator affected by a non-resonant continuously operating external force

    A conformal field theory description of the paired and parafermionic states in the quantum Hall effect

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    We extend the construction of the effective conformal field theory for the Jain hierarchical fillings proposed in cond-mat/9912287 to the description of a quantum Hall fluid at non standard fillings nu=m/(pm+2). The chiral primary fields are found by using a procedure which induces twisted boundary conditions on the m scalar fields; they appear as composite operators of a charged and neutral component. The neutral modes describe parafermions and contribute to the ground state wave function with a generalized Pfaffian term. Correlators of Ne electrons in the presence of quasi-hole excitations are explicitly given for m=2.Comment: 11 pages, plain Late

    Phase Transitions in ZnZ_{n} Gauge Models: Towards Quantum Simulations of the Schwinger-Weyl QED

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    We study the ground-state properties of a class of Zn\mathbb{Z}_n lattice gauge theories in 1 + 1 dimensions, in which the gauge fields are coupled to spinless fermionic matter. These models, stemming from discrete representations of the Weyl commutator for the U(1)\mathrm{U}(1) group, preserve the unitary character of the minimal coupling, and have therefore the property of formally approximating lattice quantum electrodynamics in one spatial dimension in the large-nn limit. The numerical study of such approximated theories is important to determine their effectiveness in reproducing the main features and phenomenology of the target theory, in view of implementations of cold-atom quantum simulators of QED. In this paper we study the cases n=2÷8n = 2 \div 8 by means of a DMRG code that exactly implements Gauss' law. We perform a careful scaling analysis, and show that, in absence of a background field, all Zn\mathbb{Z}_n models exhibit a phase transition which falls in the Ising universality class, with spontaneous symmetry breaking of the CPCP symmetry. We then perform the large-nn limit and find that the asymptotic values of the critical parameters approach the ones obtained for the known phase transition the zero-charge sector of the massive Schwinger model, which occurs at negative mass.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figure

    Asymmetric Architecture for Heralded Single Photon Sources

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    Single photon source represent a fundamental building block for optical implementations of quantum information tasks ranging from basic tests of quantum physics to quantum communication and high-resolution quantum measurement. In this paper we investigate the performance of a multiplexed system based on asymmetric configuration of multiple heralded single photon sources. {To compare the effectiveness of different designs we introduce a single-photon source performance index that is based on the value of single photon probability required to achieve a guaranteed signal to noise ratio.} The performance and scalability comparison with both currently existing multiple-source architectures and faint laser configurations reveals an advantage the proposed scheme offers in realistic scenarios. This analysis also provides insights on the potential of using such architectures for integrated implementation.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure